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Paul Murray on Real Radio tonight


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did he say net debt?

sounds like he was doing a pr excercise regardless.

need to give it a listen.

Doesn't matter which definition of debt he was talking about because the numbers end up similar.

(In any event, he mentioned £18m so he clearly wasn't talking about all debt.)

Debt (howsoever defined) increased during his tenure. He blatantly lied tonight to the fans.

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Why deny the ticket story in the summer but admit it now?

Where has the £24m gone from Ticketus?

Why not produce accounts showing the money in and the money out to clear things up?

Could it be cos there are folk out there who would like to get their hands on it ? It would just get ringfenced.

Could he try to plead poverty in settlement talks with HMRC if he has done what the great unwashed want and showed his hand ?

"Look Hector, we can stretch to £10m, but thats it. Any more and we're busted and you get hee-haw"

"Oh really Mr Whyte, what about that £24m you mentioned in your accounts. Why don't we just settle for that and no more fucking about"

"Ach well, at least I kept the fans happy and told them where the money was, Who needs £14m anyway"

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Paul Murray is a liar (he can sue me if he wants). He twice stated on RR that during his time on the board, the debt was halved. Here is the timeline:

June 2007 - Net debt £16.5m

Sept 2007 - Paul Murray appointed

June 2008 - Net debt £21.5m

June 2009 - Net debt £31.1m

June 2010 - Net debt £27.1m

May 2011 - Paul Murray resigned

June 2011 - Net debt £32.1m*

So the net debt nearly doubled.

Facts, them pesky facts, they usually only exist to catch out lying mhanks.

*Note in May 2011, Whyte paid off the £18m Lloyds loan and for technical reasons, the Whyte/Group loan isn't included in net debt. So the £14.1m net debt actually disclosed in the 2011 accounts has been adjusted so that the above table is comparing like with like.



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A bank full of Bheasts

yeah forgot that. Someone should have phoned real radio tonight and asked Murray why he sat on his arse for all they years then proceeded to bullshit about a 20 mill investment by an anonymous bidder that wouldn't reveal himself until the deal had been signed

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Could it be cos there are folk out there who would like to get their hands on it ? It would just get ringfenced.

Could he try to plead poverty in settlement talks with HMRC if he has done what the great unwashed want and showed his hand ?

"Look Hector, we can stretch to £10m, but thats it. Any more and we're busted and you get hee-haw"

"Oh really Mr Whyte, what about that £24m you mentioned in your accounts. Why don't we just settle for that and no more fucking about"

"Ach well, at least I kept the fans happy and told them where the money was, Who needs £14m anyway"

Aye.....or naw.

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Doesn't matter which definition of debt he was talking about because the numbers end up similar.

(In any event, he mentioned £18m so he clearly wasn't talking about all debt.)

Debt (howsoever defined) increased during his tenure. He blatantly lied tonight to the fans.

but on field sucess doubled so that's something.

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He also asked why Whyte doesn't come out and have any digs at David Murray, but instead praises him.

i hope the reason mr whyte doesnt come out and slag ppl off, is because he knows as owner of rangers you must show dignity and class at all times possible, he doesnt need to have digs at murray we all know he fuckin made the mess,

whyte only comes out and says things in defence of himself and the club when needed. starting mud-slinging matches is behaviour best left to taigs. something the likes of bain/johnstone and p.murray should remember.

i dont know if whyte is a saviour or a dodgy chracter but only time will define this.

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i hope the reason mr whyte doesnt come out and slag ppl off, is because he knows as owner of rangers you must show dignity and class at all times possible, he doesnt need to have digs at murray we all know he fuckin made the mess,

whyte only comes out and says things in defence of himself and the club when needed. starting mud-slinging matches is behaviour best left to taigs. something the likes of bain/johnstone and p.murray should remember.

i dont know if whyte is a saviour or a dodgy chracter but only time will define this.

Whyte has gone after the old regime, primarily Bain, Johnston and Paul Murray, but has praised SDM on more than one occasion, despite the mess that has been left behind.

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Whyte has gone after the old regime, primarily Bain, Johnston and Paul Murray, but has praised SDM on more than one occasion, despite the mess that has been left behind.

hes only went after them after they crossed him.

do you think he should be slagging sdm off? everyone of us know murray left us in a mess a very bad one. it would be pointless

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Anything Whyte says will be noted, analysed, detailed and spun to be used against him.

He's no bloody stupid and knows that fine well.

All this pish "Ach we just want to know" is bollocks. As soon as he answers, it immediately gets turned into more questions. They don't just want to know, they want more ammo.

Paul Murray sat on that board which pled poverty while LBG systematically dismantled the team. Yet he apparently found £25m behind his sofa as soon as it looked like Whyte might buy the club.

The only logical conclusions from that are Murray was intending to let the club go bust and then pick it up for a song himself or with others.

Either he hasn't got the cash he claims or he was holding onto it until we went into administration. I can see no other explanation for his inaction.

He's clearly back having another go now, and undermining the club and Craig Whyte.

It would be a disaster if someone got control using dirty tricks like this. I hope the old board never get near Ibrox again.

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All this pish "Ach we just want to know" is bollocks. As soon as he answers, it immediately gets turned into more questions. They don't just want to know, they want more ammo.

The only logical conclusions from that are Murray was intending to let the club go bust and then pick it up for a song himself or with others.

It would be a disaster if someone got control using dirty tricks like this. I hope the old board never get near Ibrox again.


Paul Murray already knows the answers to the questions he asked tonight. So why did he ask them?

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hes only went after them after they crossed him.

do you think he should be slagging sdm off? everyone of us know murray left us in a mess a very bad one. it would be pointless

It would be better if none of it was needed, but it's certainly interesting.

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