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I just have a few things to say.

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As a fan one of your hopes is that at the end of the season there is silverware being hoisted into the air by your on the park heroes to the roar of a jubilant support. In many ways this is how you measure the success of your club and tightly coupled to that is your own happy memories. So for many of us your favourite season may be the year we won 9 in a row, or the year we almost made it to the champions league final having not lost a match in europe that season, or even more recently the road to Manchester and our european final.

However for me this season is quickly becoming one of my favourite seasons in living memory. For sure we have had to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune and at times feeling that the very world itself is against us. But for me, I'm not going to look back on this season and remember the pain of being put into administration, or the embarrassment as sordid revelation after sordid revelation came out about Craig Whyte and the state of our club. I'm not going to remember the pain of a trophyless season and watching septic lift the league trophy...

I'm going to remember this season for the Rangers family coming together as one in the face of adversity. I'm going to remember a packed Ibrox at every game after administration. I'm going to remember Ally McCoist conducting himself with a profound dignity and strength of character. I'm going to remember the players and staff selflessly taking wage cuts to save peoples jobs. And after today I don't think there's a Rangers fan alive today who will EVER forget the day septic football club showed up expecting to have a party and from the first minute to the last were silenced. I had to watch the game from home today but all I can say is I didn't hear anything from the septic fans on tv, and while they did their best to try and make it look like they were still having a good time despite getting spanked by the Gers, you could tell by the look on their faces that it was hollow, and how could it not be when your team gets so comprehensively beaten by a team supposedly "going to die".

So while we might not have won a trophy today we were playing for a higher honour....pride. And the team did not let us down.

The second thing I'd like to talk about is Neil Lemon. Now I wouldn't go so far to say that I hate the guy, in fact rather I'd say I pity him. I pity him because he is the product of his environment and experiences. The world I think has shaped Lemon into the snarling classless beast he is today, death threats and hostility have followed him his entire career and one could ask the chicken and egg scenario, which came first, is he hated because his nature or is his nature because he was hated? We'll never know and frankly I don't care. However one thing is for certain, Neil Lemon is poison, he has this poison running through his veins and is the living embodiment of the problems we have in scottish football. Rather than be a force for good and perhaps even unity he is instead divisive and a mouth peice for all the bams out there (you know the type) who drive a wedge further and further through the heart of our society.

Neil Lemon is EVERYTHING scottish football doesn't need and the sooner he is removed as manager of septic the better for all concerned.

Apart from that WHAT A FUCKING RESULT!! We Are The People! :uk:

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You are right to note the circumstances this season have brought the support & players closer together and made all people associated with Rangers appreciate the greatness of our club.

I've said on another thread that if Celtic want to persist with Lennon as a manager it shows exactly what standards and principles they possess at Parkhead.

The players wage cuts and the coming together has been fantastic. Hopefully we can round off this season in the most positive fashion possible, get our house in order and look forward to next season (tu)

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