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You gotta laugh-septic fans take on rangers winning league in 2003 and 2005

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a septic take on the mighty glasgow rangers winning the 2003 seville calculators and 2005 helicopter sunday league titles aaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwww it must have been so disappointing for the septic cunts

"Nothing compares to the two league titles that were lost on the last day of the season in 2003 and 2005. I can recollect every moment of these games, every emotion during the 90 mins and the hours and days in the aftermath of them, more so than any title win.

In 2003 we travelled back from Seville on the Friday and headed down to Rugby Park on the Sunday more in hope than expectation as most of us had in the backs of our minds the realisation that Rangers would be able to do what was required, even if we scored 9 goals that day. My disappointment was compounded that the team that had given me one of the best of seasons of my life had finished with no trophies to show for it. It was a hard double blow to take in the space of five days and weren’t we reminded of this fact by gloating rangers fans.

move forward to 2005 and we are standing at Fir Park watching the most gut wrenching end to the season and you want someone to vaporize you on the spot, you’re numb from shock and disbelief. You can’t even begin to analyise where it went wrong, although some are already doing so as you leave the stadium. I just want to be alone with my thoughts but it’s a long crowded walk back to the car and you can’t escape the collective feeling of disappointment and downright heartbreak.

Again we had this loss rubbed in our faces, it was dubbed Helicopter Sunday and the celebrations and eulogizing lasted for weeks, the feeling of disappointment still remains. Alex McLeish was quoted recently that nothing has given him as much satisfaction as snatching the league title from Martin O'Neill's Celtic in the final three minutes of the 2004/05 campaign."

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Best of it was that O'neil spent a lot more than us so this idea that our titles are not valid is opportunistic and smacks of sour grapes. McLeish was actually operating with one hand tied behind his back against the 'holy' one and still won more. Murray was already selling what he could and hardly investing in his team. The Rangers shops were sold for about 17m, Boumsong 9m, Cuellor 8m, Champions league last 16 14m, virtually none of which was rinvested in the team. Le Guen spent peanuts too. Talk of being stripped of titles is a joke as Septic were outspending us at the time. They can get to fuck as these titles were actually won against the odds. Great wins. Always makes me laugh that we can always be trusted to turn up and be counted when it comes to the crunch whilst our rivals mostly bottle it. That's what Rangers have always been about. That shirt has made men of many boys and inspired them to over achieve. That's why we were still successful when on our knees. Even reaching a Eufa final. How many clubs have achieved that? All this is never mentioned. Sour grapes. Had to laugh when the bottlers turned up expecting to party at Ibrox like we did at Parkhead, as if :lol:

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