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PODCAST: Should Rangers be stripped of their titles?

Well worth a listen. Trainer and his pals mock the people including lemmon and others(i.e Liarwell & SPL) who want to take titles off of us.

At least some people are trying to stand up the the scum. Would still like to see this put across in print an with some Rangers men speaking out defending us.

Super Ally cant do it all by himself!

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http://www.<No links to this website>/

PODCAST: Should Rangers be stripped of their titles?

Well worth a listen. Trainer and his pals mock the people including lemmon and others(i.e Liarwell & SPL) who want to take titles off of us.

At least some people are trying to stand up the the scum. Would still like to see this put across in print an with some Rangers men speaking out defending us.

Super Ally cant do it all by himself!

I'd give it a listen purely for the novelty factor of "journalists" refraining from putting the boot into us, however I honestly can't bring myself to click on the link as it's on the DR site - last time I had the misfortune to land there via some link or other, I was faced with thousands of barely legible comments from mhutants on all the Rangers stories spouting their usual shite... whilst it's nice to see the penny finally drop with what passes for journalists in this country, I cant't help but think they're toning down their usually outspoken condemnation of all things Rangers in time for the season starting, in case a Bear with a grudge gives them a swift boot in the plums next time they show their face at Ibrox on a matchday. That said, Trainer hasn't been too bad of late... still would like to see him kicked right in the plums though.


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Does not matter what they think, the SPL will still try to strip us of titles.

We should just refuse to accept any future trophies in this country, as they are worthless anyway.

By all means, compete & win every competition we enter, and let the players get their medals............but as for accepting their tin pots, we should just give it to the runners-up in future, to show how much we care! :D

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We should just refuse to accept any future trophies in this country, as they are worthless anyway.

By all means, compete & win every competition we enter, and let the players get their medals............but as for accepting their tin pots, we should just give it to the runners-up in future, to show how much we care! :D

Keep the Scottish cup long enough to do a quick pish in it though.

Fair play and all that :D

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We should just refuse to accept any future trophies in this country, as they are worthless anyway.

By all means, compete & win every competition we enter, and let the players get their medals............but as for accepting their tin pots, we should just give it to the runners-up in future, to show how much we care! :D

When I first read this I thought it was crazy, but the more I think about it its a great idea, what better way to show our contempt for the corrupt SFA than to refuse the tin can they issue as a prize--dont even go up and accept it, or if we are forced to, take the blue and white ribbons off it and abandon it on the centre spot while the players go to the fans

The actual CUP is symbolic of the SFA, and we should in the future and for all time refuse to accept any baubles they deign to give us.

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We should just refuse to accept any future trophies in this country, as they are worthless anyway.

By all means, compete & win every competition we enter, and let the players get their medals............but as for accepting their tin pots, we should just give it to the runners-up in future, to show how much we care!

When I first read this I thought it was crazy, but the more I think about it its a great idea, what better way to show our contempt for the corrupt SFA than to refuse the tin can they issue as a prize--dont even go up and accept it, or if we are forced to, take the blue and white ribbons off it and abandon it on the centre spot while the players go to the fans

The actual CUP is symbolic of the SFA, and we should in the future and for all time refuse to accept any baubles they deign to give us.

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We should just refuse to accept any future trophies in this country, as they are worthless anyway.

By all means, compete & win every competition we enter, and let the players get their medals............but as for accepting their tin pots, we should just give it to the runners-up in future, to show how much we care! :D

Absolutely, 100% agree with this, we should refuse to take part in sponsors events for the Cups, and make it clear at the outset that we will not support these things. The simple fact is, the money we receive from this stuff is minimal, and far more important to the other teams. They don't want or need us apparently, they shouldn't get us.

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We should just refuse to accept any future trophies in this country, as they are worthless anyway.

By all means, compete & win every competition we enter, and let the players get their medals............but as for accepting their tin pots, we should just give it to the runners-up in future, to show how much we care! :D

Deposit them at cash converters & post the SFA the receipt, tell them to offset it against the money that we're being chased for...`


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Sheridan using the poor oppressed catholic victim card for public support. Boot. :anguish:

Since she gave Tango Tommy, Scotlands leading orange man, a false alibi she should have been done for perjury.

Tommy raised a case he shouldn't have and ended up in jail. Let's hope Gail does the same.

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We should just refuse to accept any future trophies in this country, as they are worthless anyway.

By all means, compete & win every competition we enter, and let the players get their medals............but as for accepting their tin pots, we should just give it to the runners-up in future, to show how much we care! :D

+ rep,

If they stoop so low as to rob us of titles and cup wins it's only gonna serve to devalue their meaning and worth, we all know these honours were gained on the pitch through the efforts of our brave team backed by a support that NEVER faulters, nor surrenders! sellic, and the rest of the diddy clubs will never understand this, and sellic especially will never be anything more than a diddy team and in the shadow of the greatest club in the world so long as they continue this attitude of 'always cheated, never defeated'.. So long as they keep up with this mantra, the playing staff and manager can't/won't accept defeat, ever! if you are not able to accept defeat when you are beaten fairly by the better team then how can you ever see your short comings? And if you can't see your short comings, or that you need to improve (cause your just plain shite) then how can you become a better, more successful team? This attitude is ingrained in sellic football club and their fans, it's easy to point the finger of blame to hide the fact your just not good enough. Do this over a long period of time and your destined to degenerate into what we see now, a second rate diddy club who can't win anything fairly on the park cause their too busy pointing the finger of blame at everyone else accept at themselves when they bottle it.. This is the philosophy of losers!

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