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The Boo's Received By Ian Black Last Night, Are An Embarrassment To Scotland


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The Boo's Received By Ian Black Last Night, Are An Embarrassment To Scotland

[imgleft]http://rangersmedia.co.uk/images/resized/images/wv20ascotlandvoz_200_200.jpg[/imgleft]As many of you will know, Scotland were victorious last night, in an international friendly, versus Australia at Easter Road.

Depsite the end result for Scotland, being a very positive one for Scotland, all the talk following the game and today, has been about Ian Black.

This is not unusual for Ian Black to take the headlines. He has had a career littered with gestures, horror tackles and red cards. Nor is it unusual for Ian Black to be booed by the majority of supporters within a Scottish football ground.

When he plays for your team, as he does now for Rangers, he is a fan favourite and you love him.

When he plays against your team, you hate him and he quite often gives you good reason to!

What is most unusual for Black, is to be booed by the supporters of the team he is playing for!

The treatment dished out by the Tartan Army last night, towards one of their own players, making his debut, was nothing less than outrageously disgusting. This behaviour is an embarrassment to anyone who supports Scotland in football, or anyone who calls themselves Scottish in general.

Despite being born in the north-west of England, I have always supported Scotland. My parents had not long moved to England prior to my birth, so I was raised up as a Scotland supporter and have never sought to change that.

I have numerous Scotland shirts, tracksuit tops, etc and I have been to a handful of games in the past few years against Holland, the Czech Republic and Brazil, most notably. I dont pro-actively support Anyone But England these days, but I have joined in with that nonsense in the past, as I tried to fit in as a Scotland supporter, despite my English accent and upbringing.

I have seen the Scotland rugby team play more often that I have seen the football team, but as you have read above, I have always declared myself as a Brit, who is Scottish first, English second.

So to hear Black horrifically booed by every section of Easter Road, from the moment he entered the field of play and every touch of the ball thereafter, makes me feel embarrassed to say that I support Scotland.

Now, I see this morning that many of my fellow Rangers fans on the social networks, see this as a justification of Charles Greens bigotry comments or salesmanship as I like to call it and non-Rangers fans, are apportioning blame purely to Hibees themselves, almost as if they believe only Hibees were present last night?

Neither stance is 100% correct, according to many decent journalists who were actually at the game.

Black of course was a Hearts player, who will no doubt be hated forever more by Hibs fans, but Andy Webster plays for Hearts and there were no booing sent in his direction, by every section of the crowd.

Another Hearts man, Ryan McGowan who was also making his debut last night albeit for Australia did receive a few boos but nothing like the treatment towards Ian Black.

It seems that a combination of Blacks history with Hibs fans, coupled with the fact that he is now a Rangers player with relationships between Rangers fans and the Tartan Army being at an all time low led to the outrageously disgusting treatment he received.

No player, no matter what the situation in the present, or past, should ever be booed by the supporters of the team, or country, he is playing for.

If I speak as a Scotland supporter, as opposed to a Rangers supporter, I am not sure I would like to go and watch Scotland be it at Hampden, or further field if that is how other Scotland supporters are going to treat one of their own players, but a debutant!

Most people cannot choose what country they support, but lucky for me, I had a choice. At the age of six, I remember asking my parents which country I supported. I was told then, that I had a choice. I chose Scotland and would proudly wear Scotland strips when I was playing football in local parks, despite the years of banter I had to endure, from all the other England supporting friends and school chums.

Following the events of last night, there is not a chance you will see me wearing any form of Scotland football shirt, or clothing in the near future, especially not in Scotland! Today, I feel too embarrassed to say that I support the Scottish national football team.

I am not saying that I am going to go out and buy my first England top, but I certainly feel disillusioned towards the international football team I have supported from before I can remember.

As a young Scottish player, I can only imagine that Ian Black would have dreamed of playing for his country for years and to receive a call up last weekend would have been a proud moment in his career.

In a statement this morning, Ian Black has stated;

Its probably the biggest and proudest moment of my career. Im absolutely delighted. It is disappointing coming to represent your country and you get a reception like that, but Ive got big enough shoulders to take it and get on with it.

I deal with that every week, but it is still disappointing that youre playing for your country and playing for the fans that are supposed to be here supporting you and they do that. Im big enough to get on with it and I just hope I get another opportunity.

As you can see, Blacks response to his outrageously disgusting treatment is a fine example of professionalism and dignity, much similar to how Lee Wallace dealt with Craig Leveins inconsistent and contradicting selection policy - equally as professionally and dignified.

I sincerely hope that Black does get another opportunity to represent his country and that this time, all Scotland supporters repay him for the outrageously disgusting behaviour from all of those who were at Easter Road last night.

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Indefensible but all the same it wasn't the entire support. I'm gutted for him and raging that it happened but he should never let these scumbags stop him playing for his country. For too long this "tartan army" have been full of their own self importance and think they are the be all and end all of the Scotland support. They crossed the line big style last night and I'd rather we put this army in its place.

I don't buy the papers but are they still giving these tossers an easy ride?

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Would love to see him stick one in the net against Serbia then do the Shhhhh gesture to the tartan mob. I will always support the team on the park for Scotland but never the corrupt bastards who run it nor will I ever again, go to a match and sit alongside those fucking bigoted scumbags who disgraced our nation last night, these "fans" purport to love this nation, well i've got news for them....the heroes from our history would turn in their fucking graves if they could see the way they acted last night. Die in a fire ya bunch of bigoted spunkrags! :uk::scot::uk:

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Sensationalist bollocks :sherlock:

I usually like your articles Darche, but please dont jump on the offended bandwagon. I hope you send this article to our entire home support the next time Broadfoot is having a mare. He gets much worse than a bit of booing, as has Edu and McCulloch and various other players in our team from our own support.

Fans booing their own players is not a new phenonemon, as you will probably find out if you start supporting the country of your birth.

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Sensationalist bollocks :sherlock:

I usually like your articles Darche, but please dont jump on the offended bandwagon. I hope you send this article to our entire home support the next time Broadfoot is having a mare. He gets much worse than a bit of booing, as has Edu and McCulloch and various other players in our team from our own support.

Fans booing their own players is not a new phenonemon, as you will probably find out if you start supporting the country of your birth.

You have missed the point, the outrage stems not from the fact they were booing but the reason for it. He was being booed purely for being a Rangers player, not because he was having a mare. He hadn't even touched the ball and they were booing. Have you ever seen a Rangers fan booing a Rangers player coming on as a sub? I know I haven't and if I did, I would treat them to the same show of outrage.

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Sensationalist bollocks :sherlock:

I usually like your articles Darche, but please dont jump on the offended bandwagon. I hope you send this article to our entire home support the next time Broadfoot is having a mare. He gets much worse than a bit of booing, as has Edu and McCulloch and various other players in our team from our own support.

Fans booing their own players is not a new phenonemon, as you will probably find out if you start supporting the country of your birth.

Well, I can only speak for myself and I was not offended, but embarrassed.

Broadfoot taking pelters for being shite is very different!

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You have missed the point, the outrage stems not from the fact they were booing but the reason for it. He was being booed purely for being a Rangers player, not because he was having a mare. He hadn't even touched the ball and they were booing. Have you ever seen a Rangers fan booing a Rangers player coming on as a sub? I know I haven't and if I did, I would treat them to the same show of outrage.

Aye, super mo, kenny misser, seen them both booed coming on as subs, albeit by a small section of our support. The last match i was at, the guy next to me slagged whittaker from 10 minutes before kick off until 5 minutes after the game finished. Did i get offended? Not really. He payed his money and im not his father, so he can do whatever he wants.

Ill start worrying when they stop booing our players. It comes with playing with the best club in Scotland.

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To throw my tuppence in, I believe he was booed because he was an ex Hearts player, Ryan McGowan got booed as well.

54% capacity though, what a great turn out, I hope nobody paid at the gate, as they don't count in the final figures.

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Well, I can only speak for myself and I was not offended, but embarrassed.

Broadfoot taking pelters for being shite is very different!

You shouldnt really be embarrassed by what tarriers or sheep shaggers do otherwise your life will lived in constant embarrassment.

Of course the reasons are different, but the outcome is the same. I just think some have become a little over sensitive to what a few hundred hiv fans done in a meaningless friendly. They will be loving all this publicity today. Ignore the irrelevant inbreds.

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To throw my tuppence in, I believe he was booed because he was an ex Hearts player, Ryan McGowan got booed as well.

54% capacity though, what a great turn out, I hope nobody paid at the gate, as they don't count in the final figures.

Then why wasn't Webster, a current Hearts player, booed also? and Berra an ex-Hearts player?

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You shouldnt really be embarrassed by what tarriers or sheep shaggers do otherwise your life will lived in constant embarrassment.

Of course the reasons are different, but the outcome is the same. I just think some have become a little over sensitive to what a few hundred hiv fans done in a meaningless friendly. They will be loving all this publicity today. Ignore the irrelevant inbreds.

I never said that either. Enough of the trolling.

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Sensationalist bollocks :sherlock:

I usually like your articles Darche, but please dont jump on the offended bandwagon. I hope you send this article to our entire home support the next time Broadfoot is having a mare. He gets much worse than a bit of booing, as has Edu and McCulloch and various other players in our team from our own support.

Fans booing their own players is not a new phenonemon, as you will probably find out if you start supporting the country of your birth.


Just, wow.

Fuck the tartan army.

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