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If ever there was an inappropriate time for ESPN to apologise

Rangers Lady

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I wonder if we Rangers Fans shouted against the Evil Empire in George Square, without Rangers Colours would we get the Backlash we get ?

I wonder.

Yes, we would get that backlash. That's the scary thing. The Catholic Church seems to stand for some moral fibre in this country which naturally does not exist. Scotland, and everything in it, create optimum conditions for paedophillia and criminals of the organisation to flourish. And anyone who publicly decries it or speaks out against it is intimidated and victimised. It's obscene how the disgraced gentlemen of the Church go about their business and it doesn't help when it is censored and hidden by the media.

If you're wearing holy orders, you seem to be exempt of all scrutiny. It's hysterical and it has made millions of victims lives miserable because it is protected by blind faith

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What's wrong with singing songs that are against the biggest peodifile ring in the world? Perhaps you are unaware that the current pope was instrumental in covering it up?

I am well aware of a lot of things surrounding it all.

Do you believe the fans are singing such things because of a crusade for justice?

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We don't sing anti paedophile songs!

The only reason people go on about it is for purely point scoring purposes. If people actually cared about the victims then they would start charitys to help them. The victims need help, not football fans using it as an excuse to shout abuse about the catholic church.

And you know this to be 100% fact?

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If you want to speak out against the Catholic church, don't do it at a football match, get a big fucking soap box and shout yer heart out in Sauchihall street, If you use the same language that was used at Berwick, you'll get the jail.

You should go and watch the Stephen Fry Video if you want to raise the awareness of what a disaster the Catholic Church is.

I could guarantee if someone stood on a soap-box in Glasgow city centre and spoke "word for word" Stephen Frys anti-catholic speech, they would be arrested within minutes.

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We don't sing anti paedophile songs!

The only reason people go on about it is for purely point scoring purposes. If people actually cared about the victims then they would start charitys to help them. The victims need help, not football fans using it as an excuse to shout abuse about the catholic church.

Of course its about scoring points....... It's about winding up your opponents

"who shagged all the bhoys" soon to be "who shagged all the priests" is about winding up those MOPEs who seem to crawl out of the woodwork at the merest provocation.

Its what football fans do ---- THEY WIND EACH OTHER UP. But suddenly everyone wants or perhaps NEEDS to be offended. We seem to be living in s society waiting to be offended and its not just in Scotland.

I found the recent oscar awards to be pretty tedious. I found Seth whatever to be very forgettable as a host. I did not find him offensive.

Yet the post awards ceremony parties had hardly begun and we had people lining up to tell us how offended they were.

I think as a society we need to tell people pretending to be offended to just fuk off............

nd who shagged all the boys is winding up septic supporters - fuk all to do with the church of rome.

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Where is the place for it then? The streets? Christ, we have not hurt anybody , only those ashamed of previous guilty actions, ray Stubbs couldn't wait to get it out, nor the commentator, as for burley, well he committed the ultimate act of treachery, wonder if the bluenose family he stems from changed their colours to watch him play for the provo11 every week. Just for once I wish I wish our club had said fuck all on Saturday. Giving our support a wee bit of support would have been long overdue, but our club love to distance themselves from us when they are about to burn their arse on the fire. They soon dive on the flames when season ticket time comes round though. Fuckin hell!

No Surrender


Said it many times, I have an issue with singing stuff that negatively impacts the image of the club, it's that simple. Astounded so many others are happy to damage that image.

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Said it many times, I have an issue with singing stuff that negatively impacts the image of the club, it's that simple. Astounded so many others are happy to damage that image.

Not a dig at you Al but I bet you dont sing at all and sit at one of the quietest parts of Ibrox.

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Guys lets be honest with ourselves here. The songs we sing about the Catholic Church/child abuse cover ups etc is not some sort of protest or to raise awareness...they just like the supposed hate songs are banter, a way to wind up the Tims and part and parcel of the old firm. Now the perma offended are claiming its wrong, it's terrible etc like its the equivalent of committing a heinous crime but let not try to take the moral high ground here...none of these songs can be construed as a public awareness campaign.

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Yes, we would get that backlash. That's the scary thing. The Catholic Church seems to stand for some moral fibre in this country which naturally does not exist. Scotland, and everything in it, create optimum conditions for paedophillia and criminals of the organisation to flourish. And anyone who publicly decries it or speaks out against it is intimidated and victimised. It's obscene how the disgraced gentlemen of the Church go about their business and it doesn't help when it is censored and hidden by the media.

If you're wearing holy orders, you seem to be exempt of all scrutiny. It's hysterical and it has made millions of victims lives miserable because it is protected by blind faith

Well said,you cover the subject well,COVER being the optimum word.....

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Forget this sectarian pish

Set aside our BANNED songs

I would rather we didn't sing them only because super and Walter asked us not to

But ..................

What gives anyone the right to suppress anti Catholicism at this time, let alone deride us for it.

If you seek to silence those who oppose the Vatican you are without doubt trying to protect child rapists.....

Take your mock offence and shove it up your arse....

We hate terrorists and bheasts.... end off

If only they listened to us

I fully agree and support your sentiment BT, particularly given this organisations hideous list of misdeeds in every corner of our world.

But my feeling is that the overlooking of the misdeeds of this organisation should be the world's shame - not Rangers.

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Not a dig at you Al but I bet you dont sing at all and sit at one of the quietest parts of Ibrox.

There are plenty of songs to sing Jack.

Just because I don't agree with singing songs which are detrimental to the image of our club does not mean I want silence...that's just silly and an unhelpful assertion TBH, and something I'm seeing directed more and more at those who disagree with the choice of songs.

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There are plenty of songs to sing Jack.

Just because I don't agree with singing songs which are detrimental to the image of our club does not mean I want silence...that's just silly and an unhelpful assertion TBH, and something I'm seeing directed more and more at those who disagree with the choice of songs.

Wasnt a dig Al, but it seems a lot of fans (not saying you) would rather sit in silence then moan about a song with an "offensive" word in it.

I would love the whole stadium singing Blue Sea of Ibrox or Wolverhampton Town etc. on match days but the truth is hardly any of the crowd sing as one nowadays. Not like when TBB was 'allowed'.

Where I sit in CR5 is like a morgue sometimes and if someone starts to sing he gets looked at as if hes stupid. Sad really.

I dont know where we go, as fans, from here as there is definate friction between the old guard and the new guard. The way us older fans are being targetted by fellow fans on here as being knuckle draggers, dinasaurs, idiots or mindless bigots (Ive been described as all 4 in the last week) is out of order IMO.

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Guys lets be honest with ourselves here. The songs we sing about the Catholic Church/child abuse cover ups etc is not some sort of protest or to raise awareness...they just like the supposed hate songs are banter, a way to wind up the Tims and part and parcel of the old firm. Now the perma offended are claiming its wrong, it's terrible etc like its the equivalent of committing a heinous crime but let not try to take the moral high ground here...none of these songs can be construed as a public awareness campaign.

Lets be honest here we know the vatican to be a parcel of rogues and nothing that has came to light regarding their beastiality shows us to be wrong

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Wasnt a dig Al, but it seems a lot of fans (not saying you) would rather sit in silence then moan about a song with an "offensive" word in it.

I would love the whole stadium singing Blue Sea of Ibrox or Wolverhampton Town etc. on match days but the truth is hardly any of the crowd sing as one nowadays. Not like when TBB was 'allowed'.

Where I sit in CR5 is like a morgue sometimes and if someone starts to sing he gets looked at as if hes stupid. Sad really.

I dont know where we go, as fans, from here as there is definate friction between the old guard and the new guard. The way us older fans are being targetted by fellow fans on here as being knuckle draggers, dinasaurs, idiots or mindless bigots (Ive been described as all 4 in the last week) is out of order IMO.

I totally agree about the rest of the stadium sitting in silence, its very strange. But I don't think its anything to do with the songs they are allowed to sing.

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It's about the decision to deride us for singing them, what did the fat slug say.... "I wont allow our great game to be besmirched by these hooligans !!!"

The same fat slug who takes tips from martin mginness on running the country, the same fat slug who defends the top dog catholic AFTER he has been exposed as a hypocrite, liar, abuser, friend of savilles

What about the rhats and their pope flags ? Why does nobody deride them for sticking with such an evil institution ?

If there was such a thing as a decent catholic why would they not disassociate themselves from the cult ?

Imagine radio 1 played a few Gary Glitter tunes ? "Well we thought we would play them because there good tunes !!" there would be an outcry, our licence fee and we have to listen to an abuser !! Jobs would be lost, yet the Cardinal is fondly remembered for his work in the community and will NEVER face prosecution

The fat slug welcomed the pope with open arms on his visit, he ensured that no protesters would SPOIL the occasion

The same pope who previously invented a new holy law that a victim of abuse must be given the seal of confession and face going to hell if he breaks it, forbidden from speaking to anyone about it while the vatican moves the abuser on to a new zone for "Treatment"

Really !! but we are the bad guys, not those who continue to blindly follow his law without question ?

I'll say it again, don't want the songs sung because the club asked us to stop, but an outcry against us is wrong, those who stick with the vatican are the people that deserve derision

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It's about the decision to deride us for singing them, what did the fat slug say.... "I wont allow our great game to be besmirched by these hooligans !!!"

The same fat slug who takes tips from martin mginness on running the country, the same fat slug who defends the top dog catholic AFTER he has been exposed as a hypocrite, liar, abuser, friend of savilles

What about the rhats and their pope flags ? Why does nobody deride them for sticking with such an evil institution ?

If there was such a thing as a decent catholic why would they not disassociate themselves from the cult ?

The fat slug welcomed the pope with open arms on his visit, he ensured that no protesters would SPOIL the occasion

The same pope who previously invented a new holy law that a victim of abuse must be given the seal of confession and face going to hell if he breaks it, forbidden from speaking to anyone about it while the vatican moves the abuser on to a new zone for "Treatment"

Really !! but we are the bad guys, not those who continue to blindly follow his law without question ?

I'll say it again, don't want the songs sung because the club asked us to stop, but an outcry against us is wrong, those who stick with the vatican are the people that deserve derision


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