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Thats the loon right enough.

Nuttier than squirrel shite, and about as stable as a paper house in a hurricane.

If past history is anything to go by he'll be looking for ways to extract money from hapless tims to access the site. Either that or it'll just vanish overnight like his previous efforts, when he gets pished, doped up and depressed.

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according to post 97, he left his work after 22 years.

More like couldn't get a job based on his work record and decided to start a Hate Rangers forum and is hoping to lots of hits.

I wouldn't even go on to it, more so than my occasional look at the BBC's SPL site.

I've never been on the official SPL shite since they 'mugged' us.

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The best way to show up that silly website is simply to sign up, state that you support Rangers, without any kind of subterfuge or acrimony, and watch that insults fly in. You'll have quite clear proof of what that website is. An anti-Rangers piece of nonsense.

we will just be told to piss off as " your teams not in the SPL" seen it already.
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we will just be told to piss off as " your teams not in the SPL" seen it already.

Exactly my point. Any respected broadcaster or media showing any interest in paying attention to them surely couldn't genuinely give them the time of day if they saw how they are.

Key to it though is making sure you don't go on and antagonise. Go on,sign up, be reasonable and you'll get the results. Their hate is far far more prevelent than any genuine attempt to sort out the ills of the game

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Exactly my point. Any respected broadcaster or media showing any interest in paying attention to them surely couldn't genuinely give them the time of day if they saw how they are.

Key to it though is making sure you don't go on and antagonise. Go on,sign up, be reasonable and you'll get the results. Their hate is far far more prevelent than any genuine attempt to sort out the ills of the game

allready signed up a few days ago, just getting the lie of the land and then we will see. Failing that a DDOS attack is on the cards.
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The laughable thing about this site is they seem to be peddling the idea that the SFA/SPL have somehow helped us and are "bowing down to the demands of one club"....

I would like to hope this does not garner any credibility or any support amongst real supporters of SPL clubs because the extreme, prejudiced and inaccurate views and information on here will only further damage the chances of moving forward and 'building bridges' as everyone keeps banging on about.

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allready signed up a few days ago, just getting the lie of the land and then we will see. Failing that a DDOS attack is on the cards.

I was going to but frankly thought 'whats the point' - as I say, for me, simple discussion without attempting the whole tiresome taigy undercover stuff we get on here is the best policy. They'll show their true colours

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My thread titled 'Contrition'

There simply hasn't been enough of it going about for my liking. Whenever Charles Green mentions we need to move on I hear little in the way of apologies for allowing a fraudulent nincompoop like C. Whyte to buy Rangers in the first place. Has he no shame?

After the FTTT verdict and Lord Nimo (William) Smith's verdict the Rangers fans were ecstatic :? Yes we had found you guilty before both results were declared but Stevie Wonder could see that they pure cheated. I'd like to remind everyone of Neil 'text sending hard man' Lennon and his intelligent squad/crime fighting accomplices Scott brown and Tommy Boyd of his financial doping analogy....how could such a learned man schooled in the arts of tax evasion get it wrong? Answer; he can't, he's a man of impeccable integrity and one wishes he had led the case against Rangers instead of that man bear pig Rod McKenzie of Harper Macleod.

What we need now more than ever is for Phil MacGiollaBhain (his grieving daughter whose age he's unsure of) and his blogging/lawyers friends to construct a carefully hair brained plot to further unite SPL teams as they did via the No to Newco campaign. If this involves more false promises to SPL chairmen that we will turn up en masse should they follow our advice. "advice?" I hear you ask, allow me to explain...

We need to boot Regan and Doncaster out of Scottish football. In my opinion their attempted blackmail was weak and lily livered. We should have forced them to do this by getting Reid and Lawwell into the room and reenacting the Dawn Primarolo affair. No Surrender? Aye just you sign on the dotted line you emotional wrecks would be the cry at an obvious bemused and shell shocked Charles and Ally.

Furthermore, if we want the SPL to remain successful we must of course bow to the wishes of those at Bheast FC.

They've taken us this far...... What can possibly go wrong?

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My rely to to the 'what do we want thread'

I personally wish to see Ian Beale take over the reigns at Hearts. the SPL needs some gutsy decisions implemented and there can't be anything more gutsy than putting a former chip shop owner and shagging sensation in charge of one of our flag ship clubs.

Or if he's too busy has Hartson sent a groveling CV via a column?

If not John Robertson is an ideal candidate, as soon as he progresses from farley's rusks I'm confident he can develop into a proper spaghetti artist.

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Let the battle commence lol I reckon you might get a bite mate or banned but 10/10 for putting it to them!

I'm posting them here as I fully expect to be banned.

I have a shit load of unused email addresses though and unlimited proxys at my feet so don't care either way. :lol:

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My reply on ground sharing.

I'd like to see Fir park demolished and turned into a museum for people under the influence of acid.

They can share with Inverness.

Its a logistical nightmare I agree but at least Motherwell fans will get to see the seaside.

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My reply on ground sharing.

I'd like to see Fir park demolished and turned into a museum for people under the influence of acid.

They can share with Inverness.

Its a logistical nightmare I agree but at least Motherwell fans will get to see the seaside.


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My reply to a clearly demented Kilmarnock fan on the motion of....well fuck knows what he was on about but he mentions without fear or favour.

Killiemad, you realise of course that it was every member of the SPL who tried to shoehorn Rangers into the top tier of the SFL?

Of course not....

Its all a big conspiracy and you mother never opened her legs apart from that time you were conceived.

Good luck in your endeavours. I would say you'll need it but being taken to Aldi's by your carer isn't that hard a challenge.

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