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Mather announced as CEO

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... And that 'building bridges' is why people seem to be damming him ... But building a bridge takes the need to close a gap and requires two sides to have foundations for the bridge -,a bridge can't be built by one party - and while I see that as providing leadership ( without nessacasrrily capitulating) some folk are so hell bent on revenge and taking a corner that they want no dialogue at all even if that dialogue is in our best interest . Some folk on here have even expressed a desire for Scottish football to be totally fucked just as long as we get revenge but for me I would rather we came top of the pile in a strong game than top if a week pile - and if hat involves dialogue and leadership and if that is the direction Mather and Walter go then 109% backing from me!

spot on, give the guy a chance, actually liked what he had to say in his interview about the plan for the club going forward and the best revenge rangers could ever possibly get would to be back at the top winning league title's and cups again. Could not give a shit about revenge on other clubs, they don't matter

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... And as a CEO I am telling you that if you fked it up and it was useless I would be the one getting it in the neck ( followed by you!!) - now as a decent CEO I allow people to get on with their jobs but I know the buck stops with me ! your company woll have processes that verify you are not fking things up by oversight or trust and I always commend employees that do a good job - but the problem hits my desk when they do a bad one !

who would you be getting it in the neck from?

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As expected the guy speaks well enough and there's no doubt he deserves time in the job before we can accuse him of being unsuitable (or the best thing since sliced bread). However, his lack of background isn't convincing and I'm not sure the selection process was robust enough.

No matter, he's the CEO now so hopefully he steps up to the plate and delivers his promises. As fans, we can only do our best to try and hold him (and his colleagues on the board) to account.

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Like it or not, Mather is now our CEO. We cannot remove him and, at this stage, and we should not seek to undermine him. We must now get behind the man and monotor his performance. Yes, he has been relatively nondescript thus far, but I wonder if that was because of his 'interim' status? I just don't know.

I am extremely disappointed that the club did not openly advertise the vacancy, attract strong, highly experienced candidates and select by means of a robust, competitive process. That is what the fans wanted but, as ever, it is not what we have got.

I will watch, with interest, Craig Mather develop his strategy, tactics and approach to our serial detractors...........or not, as the case may be.

For the moment then, I give him a cautious, guarded and qualified welcome. Let's hope that he has a much higher profile than James Traynor.

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As expected the guy speaks well enough and there's no doubt he deserves time in the job before we can accuse him of being unsuitable (or the best thing since sliced bread). However, his lack of background isn't convincing and I'm not sure the selection process was robust enough.

No matter, he's the CEO now so hopefully he steps up to the plate and delivers his promises. As fans, we can only do our best to try and hold him (and his colleagues on the board) to account.

Lack of background?

He has a nigh on £20 mill company.

I am not impressed by the lack of process nor really him. However, to suggest he has no business background is quite clearly wrong.

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Lack of background?

He has a nigh on £20 mill company.

I am not impressed by the lack of process nor really him. However, to suggest he has no business background is quite clearly wrong.

I'm talking about his overall profile before and while at Rangers.

Clearly, he's done a decent job in his previous projects so that's a positive for us to take forward.

Like I say, it's up to us to hold him and others to account.

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He speaks well but until such times that things are implemented then it remains rhetoric we have heard before! I am enthused he does seem to have a handle on what needs addressed long term like improving the scouting, youth development and advertising! Our use of multimedia communications has certainly improved recently!

I think there is alot more going on behind the scenes than we give the club credit for...and I think he deserves some patience from us to see how effective a CEO he can be!

I think the bridge building quip is being taken out of context and made into something it's not....we do need to build bridges doesn't mean we need to be the ones to cross it...let the SFA, SPL etc do that!

The other issue many of you are raising is why the job wasn't advertised....firstly we don't know whether or not they did sound out potential candidates or in fact Mather has done that good a job they decided they didn't need to. Regardless in every business (private and public) 9 times out of 10 the internal candidate gets the post because they already have good relationships established etc.....no real surprise. We could appoint an experienced CEO with a great background who can't work with the board or the manager....sometimes it's best to work with what you have!

Best of luck to him and hopefully he will prove a successful appointment!

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Mind you fury is having a tempy tant on twitter so maybe mather can't be that bad after all :crab1:

Yeah saying it was a disappointing appointment and that I don't think he's qualified is definitely a temper tantrum.

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Yeah saying it was a disappointing appointment and that I don't think he's qualified is definitely a temper tantrum.

When I point out the same for smith you seem to regard it as the gibberings of a lunatic, least I'm a bit kinder in my outlook to you

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I am more than aware. I am interested in the size of company you run that you would have shareholders and also getting it in the neck for a website.

I am more than aware. I am interested in the size of company you run that you would have shareholders and also getting it in the neck for a website.

I have been CEO/MD of 5 different companies (and for completeness - Chairman of a number as well - often in difficult situations - as that is my job)

Imagine the Tesco wed site goes down for 2 days - or a wee virus pops up when anyone checks out so everyone flocks to Sainsbury's online - who gets the public grief? who gets the sharholder angst ? Who carries the can?

Conversly - company introduces a web site that helps them add 10% to their turnover and doubles the bottom line profit - does the web designer get the plaudits - or does the CEO?

In both cases the web designer(s) get a lot of plaudits/blame - but so does the CEO.

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I have been CEO/MD of 5 different companies (and for completeness - Chairman of a number as well - often in difficult situations - as that is my job)

Imagine the Tesco wed site goes down for 2 days - or a wee virus pops up when anyone checks out so everyone flocks to Sainsbury's online - who gets the public grief? who gets the sharholder angst ? Who carries the can?

Conversly - company introduces a web site that helps them add 10% to their turnover and doubles the bottom line profit - does the web designer get the plaudits - or does the CEO?

In both cases the web designer(s) get a lot of plaudits/blame - but so does the CEO.

I can imagine all type f things apart from the t/o of your current "gig".

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