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The Return of the King


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It was not agony, because even agony allows for a moments reprieve. It was worse than that. It was an endless physical and mental torture which allowed for no period of respite whatsoever for its victims. There was no escape for it consumed you to your very core. In the pit of the stomach was sense of sickness, caused by worry, anguish and uncontrollable anger. The mind fared no better however, starved of sleep, a consequence of restless nights; frenzied by a continuous stream of misinformation and speculation, it raced continuously searching, forlornly, for a foothold or an anchor of hope or encouragement. None were to be forthcoming.

It was not an “isolated case” but rather a pandemic to those of us of blue persuasion. Rangers were indeed in crisis, and a crisis very much of our own making. Had it remained a “self inflicted injury” then, ironically, perhaps our subsequent recovery would have taken far longer. But the life lesson for today is that bigotry, hatred and jealously appear to go hand in hand with opportunity. In Scotland, in particular they appear to make very strange bed fellows.

Fundamental principles, which have underpinned our society since time in immemorial, were asked to take a “pit stop” in the clamour to condemn Rangers. We are no longer a society which proudly boasts “Innocent until proven guilty” but shamefully, a society which operates on a mantra of “Guilty until proven innocent”. And boy does it “operate”. If an authority, footballing body or otherwise, usurps the laws of the land, and resort to blackmail and extortion to invoke a ruling which the laws of the land have declared “unlawful” can they really claim any right to exercise “authority” ?


Mr Regan, are you so small minded, so full of your own self importance, so lacking in impartiality, so far removed from a sense of justice that you resort to such such appalling behaviour just to get one over on Rangers ? My goodness what will UEFA think ?

Well hopefully we will know soon – because I have asked them.

But your schemes, your hatred, your Machiavellian exploits have not had the desired effect. The sick have risen from their beds, and they are now aware of the hatred towards our club, whether that be footballing authorities or the press, or those who covet what they can never have - all you have done is exposed the depths of your jealousy hatred and bigotry. You have enlightened the unenlightened, which only serves to make us so much stronger.

Look to the horizons. And look closely, and with fear and trepidation.

The clouds you see are not just an impending thunderstorm, but an army on the march. A King is coming to reclaim his throne, backed by an army whose loyalty and faithfulness are without equal. Anywhere.

The King is dead ?

Long live the King.

Rangers are coming.

And we will not forget those who, prematurely and erroneously, chose to dance on our grave.

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We have heard the hollow words before D, not expecting any defence of us or our club from those within.

And we will not forget those who, prematurely and erroneously, chose to dance on our grave.

Sadly,I gave up long ago relying on any such defence Bawsburst.

Instead I will believe and trust in those who broke records, who sold out matches, caused them to be cancelled, caused reporters to board planes in all corners of our globe - that is the army I allude to.

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Sadly,I gave up long ago relying on any such defence Bawsburst.

Instead I will believe and trust in those who broke records, who sold out matches, caused them to be cancelled, caused reporters to board planes in all corners of our globe - that is the army I allude to.

Great article D'Art. As always. (tu)

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Hopefully you are correct D, however the divisions amongst those that the club mistakenly believe represents our fans maybe a hurdle too far.

Ive read a considerable amount of shite today from some of the various factions which claim to have the clubs interests at heart. And do you know what encourages me ? Our club has survived for 140 years without these egotistical tossers and more importantly, last season when we needed leadership like we have never needed it before, and these factions failed repeatedly to provide it - our support still managed to make the right choices.

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Another fine written piece D'Art, can hear the pipes and drums, know should say flutes, but the sound of a massed piped band still gets the blood boiling for me lol.....

The encouraging thing for me, even if it is only small things is an apparent willingness to communicate/engage with the fans by the club lately.

While many would wish that the Club, would smite our enemies , mentioned before that I don't know with all the Boardroom antics leaving the unwashed with more ammunition in their eyes, in the past year how much defending could the club do. CG may have been keen, forever great full that he stepped up at hour of need, but the internals battles had to stop before the club could look out.

Anyway the positivity from our great club lately is making me dizzy, onwards and upwards.


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Ive read a considerable amount of shite today from some of the various factions which claim to have the clubs interests at heart. And do you know what encourages me ? Our club has survived for 140 years without these egotistical tossers and more importantly, last season when we needed leadership like we have never needed it before, and these factions failed repeatedly to provide it - our support still managed to make the right choices.

Fuckin brilliant post D'Art.

Im with you and behind you or in front of you in this uprising of a people and way of life.I agree with you on every part of what you have written, I often do anyway.

No bear who pays his money by way of an ST or pays at the gate every other Saturday has any right to voice his opinion and make out he speaks for me and the majority of Bears who follow on .

Ive never agreed with any of these supporters smorgesbords of smarminess and oneupmanship that seems to flow from the pores of those who attend these meetings, then develops into a tsunami of false truths and promises, that has no estuary of trust from your average Billy Boy into which it can flow .

Your average Bear does not or has ceased to believe in what orgs such as the RST have been harping on about for years, because nothing has ever come of any of it.

We have lost far more as a support listening to them , than they ever lost face after spouting their pish to their fellow breathren at these exclusive get togethers.

" ah well, we cant sing The Billy Boys anymore, but never mind, weve got plenty of other songs, oh hang on, No famine song either, and The Sash is under scrutiny, but there are plenty of others, oh aye, and that fuckin "minority" who defended themselves against the riot police in Osasuna and Bucharest, they have brought shame on This club and us, so well just take any punishment from UEFA, the good name of Rangers matters more than these "minor" issues.

These are not the words of those i expect to represent me and those , who spent our last tenner in the Rangers shop, bought excessive STs and match tickets, bought every piece of shite merchandise, raffle tickets, Barcelona 72 coins, wrist bands, 6 programmes, but most of all, found a togetherness, a coming together as one, like i have never witnessed in all my 37 years since attending my first game at ibrox.

A Rangers Support united, undaunted, and fully behind our club, our history and tradition, never to be divided again........

... until some fuckin numpty from the Ibrox hierarchy chose to apologise on live TV for "offensive " songs sung at Berwick... then it all came apart again.

This fuckin scary , unrelenting , army that strikes fear into every other clubs supporters , when we invade their town and cities every other weekend , must roar for Rangers and our people, more angrily as one than ever before, strike the fear of death into those who hear us sing our songs belted out with the venom of injustice, with the passion of our pride, that despite it all, and all of those who kicked us when we were down, that we all stood together as one and saved our club.

I want to be part of that supporters group,my people, simple name as well........

The Rangers Supporters.

No add ons required.

No Surrender


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Fuckin brilliant post D'Art.

Im with you and behind you or in front of you in this uprising of a people and way of life.I agree with you on every part of what you have written, I often do anyway.

No bear who pays his money by way of an ST or pays at the gate every other Saturday has any right to voice his opinion and make out he speaks for me and the majority of Bears who follow on .

Ive never agreed with any of these supporters smorgesbords of smarminess and oneupmanship that seems to flow from the pores of those who attend these meetings, then develops into a tsunami of false truths and promises, that has no estuary of trust from your average Billy Boy into which it can flow .

Your average Bear does not or has ceased to believe in what orgs such as the RST have been harping on about for years, because nothing has ever come of any of it.

We have lost far more as a support listening to them , than they ever lost face after spouting their pish to their fellow breathren at these exclusive get togethers.

" ah well, we cant sing The Billy Boys anymore, but never mind, weve got plenty of other songs, oh hang on, No famine song either, and The Sash is under scrutiny, but there are plenty of others, oh aye, and that fuckin "minority" who defended themselves against the riot police in Osasuna and Bucharest, they have brought shame on This club and us, so well just take any punishment from UEFA, the good name of Rangers matters more than these "minor" issues.

These are not the words of those i expect to represent me and those , who spent our last tenner in the Rangers shop, bought excessive STs and match tickets, bought every piece of shite merchandise, raffle tickets, Barcelona 72 coins, wrist bands, 6 programmes, but most of all, found a togetherness, a coming together as one, like i have never witnessed in all my 37 years since attending my first game at ibrox.

A Rangers Support united, undaunted, and fully behind our club, our history and tradition, never to be divided again........

... until some fuckin numpty from the Ibrox hierarchy chose to apologise on live TV for "offensive " songs sung at Berwick... then it all came apart again.

This fuckin scary , unrelenting , army that strikes fear into every other clubs supporters , when we invade their town and cities every other weekend , must roar for Rangers and our people, more angrily as one than ever before, strike the fear of death into those who hear us sing our songs belted out with the venom of injustice, with the passion of our pride, that despite it all, and all of those who kicked us when we were down, that we all stood together as one and saved our club.

I want to be part of that supporters group,my people, simple name as well........

The Rangers Supporters.

No add ons required.

No Surrender


Ladies and gentleman...I think we have post of the year.

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Another well crafted piece D'Art. As long as there are people like you who can articulate the relevant points to the authorities we shall not be beaten. Personally speaking I have always found that those who profess to speak on our behalf talk a load of pish in the hope that they can wangle themselves into some sort of position within the Club. Keep up the good work


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The first home game against East Fife last season showed what the Rangers support can achieve when united. Despite newspaper and radio people claiming only 10- 15000 would turn up...i sat in amazement in the Govan watching the main stand and the club deck go from being less than half full (empty in the club deck). Also the only time i have ever heard people cheer a kick off being delayed!. We ourselves are the greatest asset this great club has. I hope those in charge do not forget it.

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Sadly,I gave up long ago relying on any such defence Bawsburst.

Instead I will believe and trust in those who broke records, who sold out matches, caused them to be cancelled, caused reporters to board planes in all corners of our globe - that is the army I allude to.

We are all Hernan Pacheco.


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The first home game against East Fife last season showed what the Rangers support can achieve when united. Despite newspaper and radio people claiming only 10- 15000 would turn up...i sat in amazement in the Govan watching the main stand and the club deck go from being less than half full (empty in the club deck). Also the only time i have ever heard people cheer a kick off being delayed!. We ourselves are the greatest asset this great club has. I hope those in charge do not forget it.

Trueblue 68

What a post mate.

apart from winning the title at the piggery in 99, that surely has to be my greatest. proudest night as a bear.I was fuckin up havin a dance screaming yes rangers, fuckin yes, with this old guy and his wife in the club deck as the bears all poured in.few tears in my eyes that night,not for the first time flowed the tears of pride, but seldom have i ever roared as loud as i did, ever in my life as the sons of william came out of the tunnel that night.

My eyes were glued to wee Dean Shiels, the proddy who dropped 3 leagues, because playing for the Rangers was everything.At one point when the ball was dead in the middle of the park in the first 3 minutes, he stood in the middle of the park, just inside their half, hands on hips, and looked around at every stand, rammed for East Fife, game delayed half an hour i think, to let everybody in, he l;ooked to the heavens, looked at the Main Stand again, then looked to the floor , smiling, shaking his head.He was playing for the club of HIS people,HIS people queued for ages , caused the game to be held up. just to see him play for HIS people.

Love the wee yin for that reaction that night alone,wish they all were like that in their realisation of exactly who they are playing for and a PEOPLE they represent on that park.

Thanks TB68

No Surrender


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