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CEO Wallace needs to direct Jack's PR and Media efforts outwards


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We are poor (I know, understated) at defending the media attacks on our club and supporters and have been for many years subjected to uncontested media distortion, misrepresentation, fabrication and downright lies besmirching the reputation of Rangers on all levels. That much is obvious, as are many of the publications and personalities involved.

For a few months leading up to the AGM the usual anti-Rangers media outlets have had lazy days feasting on the easy pickings served up by internal squabbles filling their papers, radio shows, TV segments, blogs and social media. The result for people bothered about us, or worse, is anti-Rangers material generously laid on a plate for them to continue smearing us with no retribution or even willingness to reply from a Rangers point of view.

Their work has been done for them having had a daily opportunity to select a story given to them granted by our own failures and often our own professional PR to slate Rangers. Why this has happened lately is also obvious due to the influence of Jack Irvine who we pay handsomely and is sanctioned by our own board heavily influenced by the Easdales to protect their own position and interests. If Jack has a long contract his current remit truly needs a new direction. Lift your bonus and set your sights elsewhere lad or start fighting the Rangers fight as Rangers are paying you,

The game has changed.

Jack Irvine is very good at his job. I can appreciate to some degree where his direction has been given and obeyed faithfully makes sense for him, however misguided, in order to protect his pay and bonus. You don't tell your paymaster he is wrong. However, Jack's professionalism doesn't make friends with the the Rangers support currently. He has been instructed to direct his talents at a failed takeover bid which is now history. Job done Jack, well done. Now time to move on.

But however long the bleating of the defeated Murray group continues it will not outlast the stamina of the people in the media who are rested and are primed to figure a new way to continue their relentless war of attrition against Rangers. I'd like like to see a change in the way we have presented ourselves (or lack of) and to see our CEO take this opportunity to not only see how the money on Jack Irvine has been spent defending personalities and investments but to tell him it's not going to be that way any more. The focus of our own paid professional and highly effective PR has to be changed from personalities inside Ibrox and those who love us to turning those efforts outwards to fight against those who would destroy us.

Make no mistake these people have planned their next series of onslaughts. CEO Mr. Wallace needs to grab Jack Irvine buy the scruff for the remainder of any contract and get him onside for Rangers and do the right job he's lifting the money for now. That should not preclude Brian Stockbridge or the Easdales.

We have many fights on our hands. Tell our PR guru to pick the right ones from now on

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Think we need to give the board time to assess the big picture, financials etc, before this.

With the agm having been their major focus, they' ve hardly had time to take a dump.

Not that im disagreeing with what you want to see, giive them a bit of space and time

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Right now, our biggest potential enemy is Still the rebels and their boycott plans.

We need to kill that shite off completely before we can move on.

Then we can take on the rhags and the lazy journos.

Who knows, maybe we can get them to look into the many REAL stories that they currently ignore.

Corruption within Scottish Football and Glasgow city council etc.

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he doesnt work for the clubs benifit he works for a couple of the investors benifit.. Its only when their position is threatened or to divert attention he will act.If the Easdales cared about things like that they wouldnt get oneof their employees who is a celtic St holder and prominate poster on kerryfail st to drive CG around then use company comps to post bits he over heard on there. Then just call the guy an edjit and leave him to it when they walk in on him posting. especially when its a bigot like he is

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he doesnt work for the clubs benifit he works for a couple of the investors benifit.. Its only when their position is threatened or to divert attention he will act.If the Easdales cared about things like that they wouldnt get oneof their employees who is a celtic St holder and prominate poster on kerryfail st to drive CG around then use company comps to post bits he over heard on there. Then just call the guy an edjit and leave him to it when they walk in on him posting. especially when its a bigot like he is

you can prove all this yes?
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We are poor (I know, understated) at defending the media attacks on our club and supporters and have been for many years subjected to uncontested media distortion, misrepresentation, fabrication and downright lies besmirching the reputation of Rangers on all levels. That much is obvious, as are many of the publications and personalities involved.

For a few months leading up to the AGM the usual anti-Rangers media outlets have had lazy days feasting on the easy pickings served up by internal squabbles filling their papers, radio shows, TV segments, blogs and social media. The result for people bothered about us, or worse, is anti-Rangers material generously laid on a plate for them to continue smearing us with no retribution or even willingness to reply from a Rangers point of view.

Their work has been done for them having had a daily opportunity to select a story given to them granted by our own failures and often our own professional PR to slate Rangers. Why this has happened lately is also obvious due to the influence of Jack Irvine who we pay handsomely and is sanctioned by our own board heavily influenced by the Easdales to protect their own position and interests. If Jack has a long contract his current remit truly needs a new direction. Lift your bonus and set your sights elsewhere lad or start fighting the Rangers fight as Rangers are paying you,

The game has changed.

Jack Irvine is very good at his job. I can appreciate to some degree where his direction has been given and obeyed faithfully makes sense for him, however misguided, in order to protect his pay and bonus. You don't tell your paymaster he is wrong. However, Jack's professionalism doesn't make friends with the the Rangers support currently. He has been instructed to direct his talents at a failed takeover bid which is now history. Job done Jack, well done. Now time to move on.

But however long the bleating of the defeated Murray group continues it will not outlast the stamina of the people in the media who are rested and are primed to figure a new way to continue their relentless war of attrition against Rangers. I'd like like to see a change in the way we have presented ourselves (or lack of) and to see our CEO take this opportunity to not only see how the money on Jack Irvine has been spent defending personalities and investments but to tell him it's not going to be that way any more. The focus of our own paid professional and highly effective PR has to be changed from personalities inside Ibrox and those who love us to turning those efforts outwards to fight against those who would destroy us.

Make no mistake these people have planned their next series of onslaughts. CEO Mr. Wallace needs to grab Jack Irvine buy the scruff for the remainder of any contract and get him onside for Rangers and do the right job he's lifting the money for now. That should not preclude Brian Stockbridge or the Easdales.

We have many fights on our hands. Tell our PR guru to pick the right ones from now on

I agree with you.

You only have to look at the obsession the supporters of the reqs have for him , to see he's done his job well.

Some sections of the media have had an easy target with Rangers . How often do we read ' an Ibrox source ' or ' an Ibrox insider ' or ' it is believed '. Countless of ways to , basically, mislead our support and cause disruption. It's time to fight back and JI could be the man to do it. I understand why people don't like him but this is a dirty war and needs dirty fighters .

The majority want him away . Let's see how he does with our ' external ' enemies and judge him on that .

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he doesnt work for the clubs benifit he works for a couple of the investors benifit.. Its only when their position is threatened or to divert attention he will act.If the Easdales cared about things like that they wouldnt get oneof their employees who is a celtic St holder and prominate poster on kerryfail st to drive CG around then use company comps to post bits he over heard on there. Then just call the guy an edjit and leave him to it when they walk in on him posting. especially when its a bigot like he is

I would hope that not to be the case if he's giving the earls inside info and if you know about it for sure, do what you feel is the right thing. Maybe a doubt as you say about who controls him. Substantiate what you're saying please

I'd keep it on topic here and figure out whether Jack Irvine's contribution can be aimed outwards to our detractors. He's a nippy sweetie for sure that's granted, Using him for Rangers benefit and not for individuals might not hurt anyone except himself when he faces the barriers within our own media who are formidable as we know.

That is why he has picked up the big, easy bucks so far. As soon as our CEO realises this.and figures out why and where this money has gone and puts him to more productive use the better.

We've sat on our arses for years taking shite left, right and centre and now have a guy who's clearly capable of serious damage.

Mr. Wallace is capable of recognising where the money and the message has been spent and IMO it would be worth considering keeping JI on with the right direction unless of course he is a media whore who splits with money.

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I agree with you.

You only have to look at the obsession the supporters of the reqs have for him , to see he's done his job well.

Some sections of the media have had an easy target with Rangers . How often do we read ' an Ibrox source ' or ' an Ibrox insider ' or ' it is believed '. Countless of ways to , basically, mislead our support and cause disruption. It's time to fight back and JI could be the man to do it. I understand why people don't like him but this is a dirty war and needs dirty fighters .

The majority want him away . Let's see how he does with our ' external ' enemies and judge him on that .

It's a far tougher assignment than he is used to but I think he's clever and astute enough given the right direction, if Mr.Wallace decides, to get torn right in about them if he has the testicular fortitude to take them on and make the fight an outside one .

BTW I've enjoyed typing "Wallace" for some reason.

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It's a far tougher assignment than he is used to but I think he's clever and astute enough given the right direction, if Mr.Wallace decides, to get torn right in about them if he has the testicular fortitude to take them on and make the fight an outside one .

BTW I've enjoyed typing "Wallace" for some reason.

I don't know if it is a tougher assignment.

From what I believe JI worked for The Sun and News International so I would think he's in the perfect position to touch the right buttons.

Let's use that to our advantage.

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he doesnt work for the clubs benifit he works for a couple of the investors benifit.. Its only when their position is threatened or to divert attention he will act.If the Easdales cared about things like that they wouldnt get oneof their employees who is a celtic St holder and prominate poster on kerryfail st to drive CG around then use company comps to post bits he over heard on there. Then just call the guy an edjit and leave him to it when they walk in on him posting. especially when its a bigot like he is

You're a fuckin mentalist.

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He's had more than enough chances to fight our enemies, in fact he employs one sittin right up his arse. Get them to fuck !

PS - We need wartime consiglieres to not ones who are made for in house fighting, and we need them bheggar free !

The damage he has done is clear to see I agree. We are now in a different environment where like it or not he is here to stay for the remainder of his contract. The biggest target and impact a talented PR pro like him can make is towards our detractors and spend his time after them rather than duffing up the failed reqs bid. Get torn into the lazy journos who have had an easy time of it lately and target every single media piece that attacks our club.

The attacks are easily identifiable and frequent. Mr. Wallace should learn this quickly and employ his resources appropriately.

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he doesnt work for the clubs benifit he works for a couple of the investors benifit.. Its only when their position is threatened or to divert attention he will act.If the Easdales cared about things like that they wouldnt get oneof their employees who is a celtic St holder and prominate poster on kerryfail st to drive CG around then use company comps to post bits he over heard on there. Then just call the guy an edjit and leave him to it when they walk in on him posting. especially when its a bigot like he is

Is there any proof of this as has been asked?

If there is any hint of this being true then more info needs to be shared...Seriously. I personally would be very surprised but nothing amazes me anymore

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Is there any proof of this as has been asked?

If there is any hint of this being true then more info needs to be shared...Seriously. I personally would be very surprised but nothing amazes me anymore

There's no way there's proof. That's the ramblings of a nut. Pure fantasy. However, in the unlikely event of there being an actual grain of proof,not hearsay or rumour,factual proof then I'll apologise to whoever posted that nonsense.

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he doesnt work for the clubs benifit he works for a couple of the investors benifit.. Its only when their position is threatened or to divert attention he will act.If the Easdales cared about things like that they wouldnt get oneof their employees who is a celtic St holder and prominate poster on kerryfail st to drive CG around then use company comps to post bits he over heard on there. Then just call the guy an edjit and leave him to it when they walk in on him posting. especially when its a bigot like he is

It's more than 24 hours since you posted this.

Quite a few have asked if you can prove ANY of it.

It seems you cant, and it is all pish you have made up to try and damage the club and its directors.

From now on you should be known as Nottruesince1982.

I'm surprised you weren't banned for this blatant lie.

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