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Unlikely Fans Hated Players

Rangers Lady

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I wish i had they memories that you do would have been wonderful to have lived through all that period of our history

Sometimes the memories are very painful, such as October 1957 at Hampden in the League Cup final against the filth, but we won't go there.

To be honest I wouldn't have missed it for the world and although our club (and stadium) is vastly different these days from when we used to get 70,000+ into Ibrox, I still get that shiver down my spine every time I walk into that arena and remember the players that gave everything for that blue shirt.

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It may well work take the old Real Madrid strategy you score one we will score five

i can believe it my pappy had an old ball he kept from when he was a kid and it was a heavy old thing think i was about three before i could lift it even

Try heading the fucking thing., no wonder I never grew any higher than 5 ft 4 "

It may well work take the old Real Madrid strategy you score one we will score five

i can believe it my pappy had an old ball he kept from when he was a kid and it was a heavy old thing think i was about three before i could lift it even

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Sometimes the memories are very painful, such as October 1957 at Hampden in the League Cup final against the filth, but we won't go there.

To be honest I wouldn't have missed it for the world and although our club (and stadium) is vastly different these days from when we used to get 70,000+ into Ibrox, I still get that shiver down my spine every time I walk into that arena and remember the players that gave everything for that blue shirt.

The bad times makes us appreciate the best times though Oz even our current position will be sweeter when we are back where we belong.

The club is different now how i wish it was the club your generation grew up with albeit we are still Rangers and we all still love us just as much.

there is no doubt that feeling of walking into Ibrox is one of the best in the world

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If RyanGers wiz still aboot (maybe he lurks under another username) then he would be slating Kenny Miller as the CUNT hated him and we had some debating on him.

For me a former Gers man i love to hate is Pedro Mendes, although he scored a wonder goal against the tims he took great pleasure scoring against us when he wore the green and grey hoops of Lisbon.....ugly cunt....anyway we fucked ye ya cunt.

most of your message... = eh?!?


bold part, did ye aye, you have fun 'doing' him?

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I also cant stand Ian Black, I dont think there ever been a Rangers player ive disliked more than that wee thug, we should have never signed him, and when you take the fact he bet against us, and is on far too much money, and after a career spend being a bampot thug he now plays the victim card we should just tell him to fuck off.

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I also cant stand Ian Black, I dont think there ever been a Rangers player ive disliked more than that wee thug, we should have never signed him, and when you take the fact he bet against us, and is on far too much money, and after a career spend being a bampot thug he now plays the victim card we should just tell him to fuck off.

Black was the first player to come out and say he would be delighted to play for Rangers regardless of being in Division 3

1 red card is all I can recall, not the predicted dozen by many when he signed.

Ally interview telling us Black was first in last out at training.

Takes a kicking every game. think I saw him retaliate once.

I would find it hard, even given his previous with Jelavic, to hate a player who gives so much

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