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Rangers .t.v. Question

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Hello Fellow Bears

Quick question

I live in Canada and always for 10 years attended my local supporters club.

not living close by any more I was watching games on feeds that are horrible.

and thought id give Rangers tv a try.

I was wondering what the best option on the site was there is

4 options

#1 Rangers Standard

#2 Rangers Plus

#3 Rangers Unlimited

# Rangers payper view

all different price ranges also the Canadian Dollar is weak so I am looking for the best option but also not wanting to fork out 400$ on the Unlimited package for the year.

any help would be great from bears who have it and what it has to offer.

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Hello Fellow Bears

Quick question

I live in Canada and always for 10 years attended my local supporters club.

not living close by any more I was watching games on feeds that are horrible.

and thought id give Rangers tv a try.

I was wondering what the best option on the site was there is

4 options

#1 Rangers Standard

#2 Rangers Plus

#3 Rangers Unlimited

# Rangers payper view

all different price ranges also the Canadian Dollar is weak so I am looking for the best option but also not wanting to fork out 400$ on the Unlimited package for the year.

any help would be great from bears who have it and what it has to offer.

If you want all the games live, then sadly, the unlimited package is the only one that provides that.

As far as I can see, there is no difference whatsoever between the standard and plus packages, whehter you're in UK or abroad. The standard package at £5 a month is NOT currently limited the way it says it is on the webpage. But I don't want to talk about that too much, in case they notice. :P

So what would I do in your position?

Sign up for the £5 a month package, enjoy all that it has to offer (a lot), and rest easy, knowing that you're doing your wee bit to help the club, and then just continue to watch the games on internet streams with a relatively clearer conscience. (tu)

(And for special treats, you can still buy yourself any particular game live for £5.99 )

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Ive got the most expensive package, which is the only way you will get all the games live. The stream itself is great. I just wish you got a little bit more around the games..but that might change as they have been pretty quick with interviews, which are avaible to all.. Lets hope they improve everything around the games....and punt DJ - he is dire.

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Yeah, as GB and Johan said, you need the unlimited to be able to see all the games live. If that's a bit much to fork out, particularly with the CD against the Pound, then do as GB says and get the 5 Pounds a month package. That way, you can then select particular matches you'd like to see live, in better quality, through pay-per-view.

You'll probably be used to DJ by now. There should be a book going on it. I'm going for within the first twenty minutes of the new season he launches a bread pun :lol:

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We had a similar discussion last week here :-

Rangers Tv

Started by Redwhiteandblue, Jun 18 2015 10:30 AM

It costs me $33 Canadian/ month at today's rate and I get an average of 6 games a month over 10 months/season. (preseason through last playoff game) and cancel for two months If you want in the summer.

So for the price of a pint - $5 Canadian, you can have each game LIVE on a good feed and 'she who is to be obeyed' can bring you breakfast @ H/T ................ ( that is half price compared to the pay per game option ) + you get all the videos, pressers, interviews, past games, everything RangersTV has to offer, as many times as you want !

AND ............. I have to get up 2 hours earlier than you ..................

The Bears around the world get a far better deal than a season ticket holder. Our only inconvenience is we have to get up at odd hours of the day or night and no atmosphere :-((

................ It is a very small price to pay to be a bear !!!

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