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Fans Groups Are Starting To Sing From The Same Hymn Sheet?


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Anyone thinking that over the last few months, with the boardroom finally starting to act like a boardroom should, the fans groups are putting out similar and hopefully more unified statements?

To be honest I'm sick of all the statement we have to make, as a football supporter statements really shouldn't be needed. But wasn't it nice to see all the groups show what a lying biased wanker gollum was this week?

I've even seen more conciliatory views towards the actions of the boardroom recently, hopefully those currently on the board keep it up, if not they'll get my ire too.

I can't wait to get back to Ibrox this season, a feeling not had in a long time, my seat for the burnley and peterhead games have went to erskine but come next Friday I'll be sitting there thinking the last few years were as Mr Struth put it, we've revealed our tolerance and sanity through years of failure.

Cheers to all you bears, slangevar

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I think if things improve on the pitch as it looks like they will then a lot of petty differences will suddenly vanish, there are however a few wounds from last year that will take a while to heal.

Aye I agree with that, I don't want to be discussing the boardroom, just the football like every other supporter.

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Good football on the pitch makes the real difference to people. Most of us are really excited about this season and for the first time in a while its optimism surrounding the club.

The financial problems are still there, with or without Ashley. We have overheads that outweigh our income.

We have 3 options.

  1. Increase income.
  2. reduce costs.
  3. Investment

or all 3 combined. King stated that we needed immediate investment to clear the decks and set us off on the road to sustainability.

Lets leave those 3 options to the suits and lets get back to supporting our team and showing our players, our manager and the rest of Scottish Football just how special a club we are.

Our haters can't even come close to a United Rangers support.

The fans are stepping up to the plate, The players are stepping up to the plate.

The board have been instrumental in bringing the management team to our club.

Now its up to them to make Rangers a successful sustainable club,

They have no resistance, no protests and no boycotts, The fans have bought into them.

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I think if things improve on the pitch as it looks like they will then a lot of petty differences will suddenly vanish, there are however a few wounds from last year that will take a while to heal.


But there is no insurmountable difference between us and those wounds are superficial.

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Things really are coming into place as of late.

There are still issues, investment being one of them. But things are certainly looking up, a lot of that has to come down to Warburton and what a fantastic appointment he has been.

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Got to say, good to see the club making a stand at last and a worthy statement from RST. Hopefully a new beginning, all on the same page. It was a refreshing and pleasent surprise. Would love to see DK speak out, if another indiscriminate major transgression befalls us. That would be quite something, as I have a feeling he would be quite good at it and God help us, he might win even me over.

Maybe they have now experienced it for themselves, in that no matter how much goodwill we extend to our haters, they just see it as a sign of weakness. Hopefully now they will start to think twice, but still never to be trusted.

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I still think a statement shouId be made regarding 'no charges' being brought against the motherwell fans on the pitch last season.

That is a large failure on the authorities which just might come back to bite them.

If that was us, we would be hammered.

I suppose we could always flood the pitch when we win the premiership in 2 years :)

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I still think a statement shouId be made regarding 'no charges' being brought against the motherwell fans on the pitch last season.

That is a large failure on the authorities which just might come back to bite them.

If that was us, we would be hammered.

I suppose we could always flood the pitch when we win the premiership in 2 years :)

Difference is, they will use rubber bullets on us.

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CA slangevar to you too.. Must say, it's nice to see the new you :7325:

Its the same me mate,

I just allow myself to get dragged into things that I really shouldn't.

I suppose that is as much my fault as anyone else's.

We are Rangers fans, The division was not causes by you or anyone who posts on Rangers forums, It was caused by others.

There is more to unite us than divide us.

I am delighted with what I am watching on the park and that is what Rangers fans should focus on.

We have little or no control over what happens in the boardroom. Let them get on with it.

I still have my reservations but I just want to watch my team play football and win games. Its what we should all be focusing on.

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