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Chelsea investigating individual - child abuse scandal


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6 hours ago, JamieD said:

Nevertheless, the hush payment was made only 3 years ago.

I really don't think the timeframe matters. If Chelsea or any other organisation allowed a fucking animal like torbett free reign to abuse children unhindered because all they had to do was go to the police, then that organisation should be disbanded. If they went to the police the creature might of been set free but it would of been known to the authorities and it would of found it a lot more difficult to commit it's vile acts. 


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Gary Johnson speaks out after they waived his gagging order, says Chelsea paid him off. They also appear to have admitted making him sign one in his settlement. The quotation from Geoff Hurst about why he sacked the nonce is interesting. How much did Sir Geoff know?


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Chelsea, Celtic and any other pedo loving football club can fuck off out of society. the clubs that allowed a ponce to abuse children needs rooted out of existence. Get them to fuck and make sure that they are liable for compensation to children that they allowed the animals free reign to abuse. 

On the Chelsea case it might of been an appropriate manner to resolve the issue if the animal was dead when the allegations came to light, the ponce can do no more harm and the proprietor can not answer for its crimes. But if it was hush money and the animal was allowed to continue abusing children then get them to fuck. 

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I'm not particularly a fan of Chelsea, but if this turns out to be true... Only thing I'd say is that the club's reputation is in the hands of their fans. The club is the fans, and the only reason sellic are beyond the pale over their abuse is that the club covered it up and the fans continue to deny and whitewash it. 

Chelsea as a club can avoid much of the shame that sellic bear if their fans demand that the wrongs that happened within their club are fully exposed, that those responsible for them are dealt with and that the club as a whole takes responsibility for, and help with it, as much as they can. The Chelsea fans are NOT complicit in this situation until they fail to do that. The core of the club (as opposed to the individuals responsible for the abuse and cover up) is not tarnished until they fail to do that.

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42 minutes ago, Inigo said:

I'm not particular fan of Chelsea, but if this turns out to be true... Only thing I'd say is that the club's reputation is in the hands of their fans. The club is the fans, and the only reason sellic are beyond the pale over their abuse is that the club covered it up and the fans continue to deny and whitewash it. 

Chelsea as a club can avoid much of the shame that sellic bear if their fans demand that the wrongs that happened within their club are fully exposed, that those responsible for them are dealt with and that the club as a whole takes responsibility for, and help with, as much as they can. The Chelsea fans are NOT complicit in this situation until they fail to do that. The core of the club (as opposed to the individuals responsible for the abuse and cover up) is not tarnished until they fail to do that.

Good point :541:

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15 minutes ago, .Williamson. said:

For me it has ended any fondness I had of Chelsea and their fans aren't to blame but everything changes for them now in terms of songs and chants they will have coming their way. Just the way it is

Same here,always had a fondness of Chelsea because they had Zola back in the day.

No more though.

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1 hour ago, .Williamson. said:

For me it has ended any fondness I had of Chelsea and their fans aren't to blame but everything changes for them now in terms of songs and chants they will have coming their way. Just the way it is


49 minutes ago, BridgeIsBlue said:

Same here,always had a fondness of Chelsea because they had Zola back in the day.

No more though.

Question, gents.

Imagine the worst possible hypothetical scenario. It comes out two weeks from now that in 1991 X Rangers employee was found to have been abusing kids in a Rangers youth team and Y Rangers employee further up the chain had contrived to bury it by dealing with it in house. The Rangers fanbase was completely unaware until now.

What would your reaction be? Would you still support the club?

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6 minutes ago, Inigo said:


Question, gents.

Imagine the worst possible hypothetical scenario. It comes out two weeks from now that in 1991 X Rangers employee was found to have been abusing kids in a Rangers youth team and Y Rangers employee further up the chain had contrived to bury it by dealing with it in house. The Rangers fanbase was completely unaware until now.

What would your reaction be? Would you still support the club?

If it was the same scenario as the beasts from the east then I'd have no problem in chucking it.

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3 minutes ago, BridgeIsBlue said:

If it was the same scenario as the beasts from the east then I'd have no problem in chucking it.

It isn't the same though. The sellic fans continue to deny it. In this scenario when the fans find out we, as I hope we would, demand that justice is done and recognise the issue entirely.

Why would anyone have any issue with that, given that nobody that actually supports the club (the people that are the essence of the club) knew about it or could have done anything about it?

You'd seriously stop supporting us if an obscure coach and some employed director committed crimes? It wouldn't constitute 'the club' doing it, it would constitute a rogue few behaving criminally as employees of the club. The club is the fans, and their reaction when it's discovered is what really counts when judging the club.

So I take it the actions of a few rogue and criminal employees would be enough for you to stop supporting us even if when we as a fanbase acted properly when it was discovered?

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7 minutes ago, Inigo said:

It isn't the same though. The sellic fans continue to deny it. In this scenario when the fans find out we, as I hope we would, demand that justice is done and recognise the issue entirely.

Why would anyone have any issue with that, given that nobody that actually supports the club (the people that are the essence of the club) knew about it or could have done anything about it?

You'd seriously stop supporting us if an obscure coach and some employed director committed crimes? It wouldn't constitute 'the club' doing it, it would constitute a rogue few behaving criminally as employees of the club. The club is the fans, and their reaction when it's discovered is what really counts when judging the club.

So I take it the actions of a few rogue and criminal employees would be enough for you to stop supporting us even if when we as a fanbase acted properly when it was discovered?

I said if it was the same scenario for a reason.

C*lt*c as a club knew about it and covered it up.

That's why I said if it was like for like.

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Just now, BridgeIsBlue said:

I said if it was the same scenario for a reason.

C*lt*c as a club knew about it and covered it up.

That's why I said if it was like for like.

Yeah, but I'm not asking you about the sellic scenario, I'm asking about a different one.

In the scenario I've outlined...

It comes out two weeks from now that in 1991 X Rangers employee was found to have been abusing kids in a Rangers youth team and Y Rangers employee further up the chain had contrived to bury it by dealing with it in house. The Rangers fanbase was completely unaware until that point. An obscure coach and some employed director committed the crimes. When the fans find out we demand that justice is done and recognise the issue entirely.

...would you would still support us?

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Just now, Inigo said:

Yeah, but I'm not asking you about the sellic scenario, I'm asking about a different one.

In the scenario I've outlined...

It comes out two weeks from now that in 1991 X Rangers employee was found to have been abusing kids in a Rangers youth team and Y Rangers employee further up the chain had contrived to bury it by dealing with it in house. The Rangers fanbase was completely unaware until that point. An obscure coach and some employed director committed the crimes. When the fans find out we demand that justice is done and recognise the issue entirely.

...would you would still support us?

In your scenario,yes.

In mine,no.

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Just now, BridgeIsBlue said:

In your scenario,yes.

In mine,no.

Wow. So you'd blame an entire club for the actions of a few dodgy people? That kind of suggests that you equate the club with the employees.

I wonder if you adopt the same attitude when it comes to things our club has actually been the victim of recently. Under that logic, we haven't been a victim of Craig Whyte, because Craig Whyte's behaviour and Rangers' behaviour are one and the same.

The club is the fans. You absolutely cannot tarnish an entire club based on the actions of a few employees that the fanbase were not in a position to do anything about, and who have not tried to whitewash their actions. If Rangers ever suffers the same filth taking advantage of their situation within the club or others trying to cover it up, then the club is NOT to blame unless the cover up is perpetuated by the fans or the fans do not demand that it's dealt with properly.

Your attitude is grossly unfair on innocent and decent Chelsea fans.

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3 minutes ago, BridgeIsBlue said:

In C*lt*c's case yes as it was more than a fringe minority that knew about it.

We're not talking about sellic though. We all know they're rancid. Point is, the same can't yet be said about Chelsea, so all this 'fuck Chelsea' stuff is misplaced anger.

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What I find the most shocking thing in all of this, bar the actual abuse, is the lengths people are going to deny it. There was quite clearly something going on in that Celtic boardroom and there more than likely still is.

What was it Stein told the Boys club whistleblower? "Protect the good name of this club at all times"? Then they built a fucking statue of him with no shame or guilt.

Utterly abhorrent.

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Just now, BridgeIsBlue said:

Well it's not looking good for them is it especially with the hush money.

Fuck sake, mate. We've only just been over all of that in the preceding posts... the difference between employees and club, how could the fans have known etc, etc, etc.

Chelsea fans' reaction is what matters now. If they react properly, the club is not tarnished. The hush money matters not in those terms, it's how the fans react to the abuse and the hush money. I've a feeling they won't hide anything or downplay it the way the mhanks have, in which case they bear no responsibility and anyone that likes Chelsea can continue to do so knowing their fans reacted well to disgusting people committing disgusting acts within their club.

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