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Murray reveals big plans for Ibrox


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Murray reveals big plans for Ibrox 24/08/07

Sir David Murray has told Rangers fans that the club are working on a "masterplan" that will transform Ibrox and the surrounding areas.

The Rangers chairman and the club's commercial director Martin Bain were quizzed over plans to increase the capacity of Ibrox at the club's annual general meeting on Thursday.

Murray said: "We hope that when we meet here in a year's time that we will have a masterplan ready to be signed off."

One shareholder made it clear to the board that although the capacity at Ibrox was just over 51,000 it was not satisfactory to be outdone by Celtic, who can accommodate 60,000 fans.

Bain revealed that a feasibility study had been carried out over what could be done to install more seats by removing the corner televisions or lowering the playing surface.

The joint-bid by Rangers and Las Vegas Sands to win the first supercasino licence in the United Kingdom meant the club had previously been tied into those plans to regenerate the area.

But after losing out to Manchester in the bidding war the club are now looking at ways, along with Glasgow City Council, to improve the area as a commercial destination and in turn draw bigger crowds to the stadium.

Bain explained: "A feasibility study was carried out to find the indicative costs of ways to put more seats in the ground. But we had to decide whether to continue without knowing what is going to happen. After all it is about supply and demand.

"We are now looking at increasing the club's footprint in this area so that we have commercial activities around the ground which improve our potential to attract fans.

"We are waiting to see a bigger masterplan before we decide what we want to do with the stadium."

So the capacity won't be increased until the fans show more support? I take it thats what this alludes to....:rolleyes:

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Guest The Brown Brogue
Murray reveals big plans for Ibrox 24/08/07

Sir David Murray has told Rangers fans that the club are working on a "masterplan" that will transform Ibrox and the surrounding areas.

The Rangers chairman and the club's commercial director Martin Bain were quizzed over plans to increase the capacity of Ibrox at the club's annual general meeting on Thursday.

Murray said: "We hope that when we meet here in a year's time that we will have a masterplan ready to be signed off."

One shareholder made it clear to the board that although the capacity at Ibrox was just over 51,000 it was not satisfactory to be outdone by Celtic, who can accommodate 60,000 fans.

Bain revealed that a feasibility study had been carried out over what could be done to install more seats by removing the corner televisions or lowering the playing surface.

The joint-bid by Rangers and Las Vegas Sands to win the first supercasino licence in the United Kingdom meant the club had previously been tied into those plans to regenerate the area.

But after losing out to Manchester in the bidding war the club are now looking at ways, along with Glasgow City Council, to improve the area as a commercial destination and in turn draw bigger crowds to the stadium.

Bain explained: "A feasibility study was carried out to find the indicative costs of ways to put more seats in the ground. But we had to decide whether to continue without knowing what is going to happen. After all it is about supply and demand.

"We are now looking at increasing the club's footprint in this area so that we have commercial activities around the ground which improve our potential to attract fans.

"We are waiting to see a bigger masterplan before we decide what we want to do with the stadium."

So the capacity won't be increased until the fans show more support? I take it thats what this alludes to....:rolleyes:

Not really no.

My interpretation is that they plan to improve the area around the stadium as a whole, therefore attracting more people to the area and in turn to the game who would not normally have found themselves there.

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Murray reveals big plans for Ibrox 24/08/07

Sir David Murray has told Rangers fans that the club are working on a "masterplan" that will transform Ibrox and the surrounding areas.

The Rangers chairman and the club's commercial director Martin Bain were quizzed over plans to increase the capacity of Ibrox at the club's annual general meeting on Thursday.

Murray said: "We hope that when we meet here in a year's time that we will have a masterplan ready to be signed off."

One shareholder made it clear to the board that although the capacity at Ibrox was just over 51,000 it was not satisfactory to be outdone by Celtic, who can accommodate 60,000 fans.

Bain revealed that a feasibility study had been carried out over what could be done to install more seats by removing the corner televisions or lowering the playing surface.

The joint-bid by Rangers and Las Vegas Sands to win the first supercasino licence in the United Kingdom meant the club had previously been tied into those plans to regenerate the area.

But after losing out to Manchester in the bidding war the club are now looking at ways, along with Glasgow City Council, to improve the area as a commercial destination and in turn draw bigger crowds to the stadium.

Bain explained: "A feasibility study was carried out to find the indicative costs of ways to put more seats in the ground. But we had to decide whether to continue without knowing what is going to happen. After all it is about supply and demand.

"We are now looking at increasing the club's footprint in this area so that we have commercial activities around the ground which improve our potential to attract fans.

"We are waiting to see a bigger masterplan before we decide what we want to do with the stadium."

So the capacity won't be increased until the fans show more support? I take it thats what this alludes to....:rolleyes:

Not really no.

My interpretation is that they plan to improve the area around the stadium as a whole, therefore attracting more people to the area and in turn to the game who would not normally have found themselves there.

I have a dream.


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Murray reveals big plans for Ibrox 24/08/07

Sir David Murray has told Rangers fans that the club are working on a "masterplan" that will transform Ibrox and the surrounding areas.

The Rangers chairman and the club's commercial director Martin Bain were quizzed over plans to increase the capacity of Ibrox at the club's annual general meeting on Thursday.

Murray said: "We hope that when we meet here in a year's time that we will have a masterplan ready to be signed off."

One shareholder made it clear to the board that although the capacity at Ibrox was just over 51,000 it was not satisfactory to be outdone by Celtic, who can accommodate 60,000 fans.

Bain revealed that a feasibility study had been carried out over what could be done to install more seats by removing the corner televisions or lowering the playing surface.

The joint-bid by Rangers and Las Vegas Sands to win the first supercasino licence in the United Kingdom meant the club had previously been tied into those plans to regenerate the area.

But after losing out to Manchester in the bidding war the club are now looking at ways, along with Glasgow City Council, to improve the area as a commercial destination and in turn draw bigger crowds to the stadium.

Bain explained: "A feasibility study was carried out to find the indicative costs of ways to put more seats in the ground. But we had to decide whether to continue without knowing what is going to happen. After all it is about supply and demand.

"We are now looking at increasing the club's footprint in this area so that we have commercial activities around the ground which improve our potential to attract fans.

"We are waiting to see a bigger masterplan before we decide what we want to do with the stadium."

So the capacity won't be increased until the fans show more support? I take it thats what this alludes to....:rolleyes:

Nah, thats not the case at all.

Its down to outside finance and local authorities wanting to do more to the area before Rangers go out of their way to improve the stadium and end up with a conference venue isolated like an island!

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Murray reveals big plans for Ibrox 24/08/07

Sir David Murray has told Rangers fans that the club are working on a "masterplan" that will transform Ibrox and the surrounding areas.

The Rangers chairman and the club's commercial director Martin Bain were quizzed over plans to increase the capacity of Ibrox at the club's annual general meeting on Thursday.

Murray said: "We hope that when we meet here in a year's time that we will have a masterplan ready to be signed off."

One shareholder made it clear to the board that although the capacity at Ibrox was just over 51,000 it was not satisfactory to be outdone by Celtic, who can accommodate 60,000 fans.

Bain revealed that a feasibility study had been carried out over what could be done to install more seats by removing the corner televisions or lowering the playing surface.

The joint-bid by Rangers and Las Vegas Sands to win the first supercasino licence in the United Kingdom meant the club had previously been tied into those plans to regenerate the area.

But after losing out to Manchester in the bidding war the club are now looking at ways, along with Glasgow City Council, to improve the area as a commercial destination and in turn draw bigger crowds to the stadium.

Bain explained: "A feasibility study was carried out to find the indicative costs of ways to put more seats in the ground. But we had to decide whether to continue without knowing what is going to happen. After all it is about supply and demand.

"We are now looking at increasing the club's footprint in this area so that we have commercial activities around the ground which improve our potential to attract fans.

"We are waiting to see a bigger masterplan before we decide what we want to do with the stadium."

So the capacity won't be increased until the fans show more support? I take it thats what this alludes to....:rolleyes:

Nah, thats not the case at all.

Its down to outside finance and local authorities wanting to do more to the area before Rangers go out of their way to improve the stadium and end up with a conference venue isolated like an island!

the heart will be pulled out of the club by then.

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Murray reveals big plans for Ibrox 24/08/07

Sir David Murray has told Rangers fans that the club are working on a "masterplan" that will transform Ibrox and the surrounding areas.

The Rangers chairman and the club's commercial director Martin Bain were quizzed over plans to increase the capacity of Ibrox at the club's annual general meeting on Thursday.

Murray said: "We hope that when we meet here in a year's time that we will have a masterplan ready to be signed off."

One shareholder made it clear to the board that although the capacity at Ibrox was just over 51,000 it was not satisfactory to be outdone by Celtic, who can accommodate 60,000 fans.

Bain revealed that a feasibility study had been carried out over what could be done to install more seats by removing the corner televisions or lowering the playing surface.

The joint-bid by Rangers and Las Vegas Sands to win the first supercasino licence in the United Kingdom meant the club had previously been tied into those plans to regenerate the area.

But after losing out to Manchester in the bidding war the club are now looking at ways, along with Glasgow City Council, to improve the area as a commercial destination and in turn draw bigger crowds to the stadium.

Bain explained: "A feasibility study was carried out to find the indicative costs of ways to put more seats in the ground. But we had to decide whether to continue without knowing what is going to happen. After all it is about supply and demand.

"We are now looking at increasing the club's footprint in this area so that we have commercial activities around the ground which improve our potential to attract fans.

"We are waiting to see a bigger masterplan before we decide what we want to do with the stadium."

So the capacity won't be increased until the fans show more support? I take it thats what this alludes to....:rolleyes:

Nah, thats not the case at all.

Its down to outside finance and local authorities wanting to do more to the area before Rangers go out of their way to improve the stadium and end up with a conference venue isolated like an island!

the heart will be pulled out of the club by then.

If you think the heart can be ripped out of this club so easy then maybe we don't deserve to be the biggest in Scotland afterall.

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Murray reveals big plans for Ibrox 24/08/07

Sir David Murray has told Rangers fans that the club are working on a "masterplan" that will transform Ibrox and the surrounding areas.

The Rangers chairman and the club's commercial director Martin Bain were quizzed over plans to increase the capacity of Ibrox at the club's annual general meeting on Thursday.

Murray said: "We hope that when we meet here in a year's time that we will have a masterplan ready to be signed off."

One shareholder made it clear to the board that although the capacity at Ibrox was just over 51,000 it was not satisfactory to be outdone by Celtic, who can accommodate 60,000 fans.

Bain revealed that a feasibility study had been carried out over what could be done to install more seats by removing the corner televisions or lowering the playing surface.

The joint-bid by Rangers and Las Vegas Sands to win the first supercasino licence in the United Kingdom meant the club had previously been tied into those plans to regenerate the area.

But after losing out to Manchester in the bidding war the club are now looking at ways, along with Glasgow City Council, to improve the area as a commercial destination and in turn draw bigger crowds to the stadium.

Bain explained: "A feasibility study was carried out to find the indicative costs of ways to put more seats in the ground. But we had to decide whether to continue without knowing what is going to happen. After all it is about supply and demand.

"We are now looking at increasing the club's footprint in this area so that we have commercial activities around the ground which improve our potential to attract fans.

"We are waiting to see a bigger masterplan before we decide what we want to do with the stadium."

So the capacity won't be increased until the fans show more support? I take it thats what this alludes to....:rolleyes:

Nah, thats not the case at all.

Its down to outside finance and local authorities wanting to do more to the area before Rangers go out of their way to improve the stadium and end up with a conference venue isolated like an island!

the heart will be pulled out of the club by then.

If you think the heart can be ripped out of this club so easy then maybe we don't deserve to be the biggest in Scotland afterall.

we are half way there already, we have a divided support, a board that will defend our fans, we dont know what to sing anymore,we let the media and mewspapers attack us all the time, fans grassing on one another, also a chairman who you never hear speaking much nowadays he is the invisible man its not the rangers that i was brought up with, as there is to many do-gooders in the world who think they can solve every problem in the world.

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I think Murray is dragging his heels big style over the expansion and re-development plans. It looks to me like he is just trying to delay it as long as possible in the hope that someone will make a bid for the club and he can pass the burden on to them. And it might not be a bad idea either. I would rather something like this be done by a new owner with bright ideas and proposals rather than someone who is doing his best to get away from the club.

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Murray reveals big plans for Ibrox 24/08/07

Sir David Murray has told Rangers fans that the club are working on a "masterplan" that will transform Ibrox and the surrounding areas.

The Rangers chairman and the club's commercial director Martin Bain were quizzed over plans to increase the capacity of Ibrox at the club's annual general meeting on Thursday.

Murray said: "We hope that when we meet here in a year's time that we will have a masterplan ready to be signed off."

One shareholder made it clear to the board that although the capacity at Ibrox was just over 51,000 it was not satisfactory to be outdone by Celtic, who can accommodate 60,000 fans.

Bain revealed that a feasibility study had been carried out over what could be done to install more seats by removing the corner televisions or lowering the playing surface.

The joint-bid by Rangers and Las Vegas Sands to win the first supercasino licence in the United Kingdom meant the club had previously been tied into those plans to regenerate the area.

But after losing out to Manchester in the bidding war the club are now looking at ways, along with Glasgow City Council, to improve the area as a commercial destination and in turn draw bigger crowds to the stadium.

Bain explained: "A feasibility study was carried out to find the indicative costs of ways to put more seats in the ground. But we had to decide whether to continue without knowing what is going to happen. After all it is about supply and demand.

"We are now looking at increasing the club's footprint in this area so that we have commercial activities around the ground which improve our potential to attract fans.

"We are waiting to see a bigger masterplan before we decide what we want to do with the stadium."

So the capacity won't be increased until the fans show more support? I take it thats what this alludes to....:rolleyes:

Nah, thats not the case at all.

Its down to outside finance and local authorities wanting to do more to the area before Rangers go out of their way to improve the stadium and end up with a conference venue isolated like an island!

the heart will be pulled out of the club by then.

If you think the heart can be ripped out of this club so easy then maybe we don't deserve to be the biggest in Scotland afterall.

we are half way there already, we have a divided support, a board that will defend our fans, we dont know what to sing anymore,we let the media and mewspapers attack us all the time, fans grassing on one another, also a chairman who you never hear speaking much nowadays he is the invisible man its not the rangers that i was brought up with, as there is to many do-gooders in the world who think they can solve every problem in the world.

On here you can get the impression the fans are divided but thats just down to conspiracy fae the manky scum mob

The Billy Boys and the Bers are stronger than ever in the Orange clubs and boozers and every other club we have visited


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This seems to Murray's answer to everything when he is challenged about defending the Club, But we're going to make the Stadium bigger ! How many times has he came away with that one ? How about defending the Club and fans before coming away with any of your big ideas SDM ? It won't cost you any money, all you have to do is take a deep breath find some baws from somewhere and open your mouth and Defend The Glasgow Rangers and it's Loyal Fans ? :sherlock:

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This seems to Murray's answer to everything when he is challenged about defending the Club, But we're going to make the Stadium bigger ! How many times has he came away with that one ? How about defending the Club and fans before coming away with any of your big ideas SDM ? It won't cost you any money, all you have to do is take a deep breath find some baws from somewhere and open your mouth and Defend The Glasgow Rangers and it's Loyal Fans ? :sherlock:

spot on that is all we are asking but to be honest he does not care about the fans, and i just wish a a decent buyer will come along before he does more damage to our club.

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This seems to Murray's answer to everything when he is challenged about defending the Club, But we're going to make the Stadium bigger ! How many times has he came away with that one ? How about defending the Club and fans before coming away with any of your big ideas SDM ? It won't cost you any money, all you have to do is take a deep breath find some baws from somewhere and open your mouth and Defend The Glasgow Rangers and it's Loyal Fans ? :sherlock:

spot on that is all we are asking but to be honest he does not care about the fans, and i just wish a a decent buyer will come along before he does more damage to our club.


Surely you mean surly customers?


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This seems to Murray's answer to everything when he is challenged about defending the Club, But we're going to make the Stadium bigger ! How many times has he came away with that one ? How about defending the Club and fans before coming away with any of your big ideas SDM ? It won't cost you any money, all you have to do is take a deep breath find some baws from somewhere and open your mouth and Defend The Glasgow Rangers and it's Loyal Fans ? :sherlock:

spot on that is all we are asking but to be honest he does not care about the fans, and i just wish a a decent buyer will come along before he does more damage to our club.

Another year with this man at the helm carrying on in the same vein and we'll be in the grubber. ! :sherlock:

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With all the money he has put in and the additional funds again this Summer - he MUST care for the club.

He has spent more money on players this Summer than anyone ever thought he would.

Lets be fair.

I would like him to speak out more in support of the fans, but when you get idiots mouthing off like at Inverness that does not help SDM's or RFC's position and just makes things more difficult all round.

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With all the money he has put in and the additional funds again this Summer - he MUST care for the club.

He has spent more money on players this Summer than anyone ever thought he would.

Lets be fair.

I would like him to speak out more in support of the fans, but when you get idiots mouthing off like at Inverness that does not help SDM's or RFC's position and just makes things more difficult all round.

but he did not speak out before inverness and be honest when did he ever defend our fans.

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With all the money he has put in and the additional funds again this Summer - he MUST care for the club.

He has spent more money on players this Summer than anyone ever thought he would.

Lets be fair.

I would like him to speak out more in support of the fans, but when you get idiots mouthing off like at Inverness that does not help SDM's or RFC's position and just makes things more difficult all round.

but he did not speak out before inverness and be honest when did he ever defend our fans.

I just want to know what mediahouse is doing with this 700k per year which is supposed to go on defending the fans. :rolleyes:

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With all the money he has put in and the additional funds again this Summer - he MUST care for the club.

He has spent more money on players this Summer than anyone ever thought he would.

Lets be fair.

I would like him to speak out more in support of the fans, but when you get idiots mouthing off like at Inverness that does not help SDM's or RFC's position and just makes things more difficult all round.

There were sectarian scum mouthing out at Pittodrie but Lawell came on national radio and defended them up to the hilt ? And the phress haven't put the offender's name who was arrested in the papers as quick as they were to put a stewards name in who had the audacity to stand up to WGS :sherlock:

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3 million over spent ya barsteward...let me remind the barsteward and youz who might have forgot...

If ye invest you will get returns...Ive never came across a 3 faced barsteward like him

Whit does he think the fans are doing...just turning up for tae watch any old crap that he thinks is good enough for us and RFC

Murray GTF you are a feckin ersehole

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ok fish, so he invests upwards of 15 mill this season as reports are suggesting is what will happen before the windows close.how can this be an investment when we will maybe get 10 mill tops for group stage qualification ?,3 mill tops for any merchandising stuff,then theres the players/staff wages,day to day running of the club and the operating costs per game.

think you'll find that unless we win the 2 cups,the league and make it to at least the quarter finals in europe then this will be another season where we dont make a profit or just break even.

murray knows this and has done this to appease us fans as he knows hes not making any profit,but hes got to keep us happy and imo hes done that this summer :)

credit where credit is due :)

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How does lowering the pitch get more fans in?

don't know if someone answered you already, BD, but lowering the pitch is a very cost effective way to add rows of seats. Digging down at the front of the stands allows you to add more rows on a steeper incline without having to go into the considerable cost of moving the roof etc of stands. The Nou Camp has used this approach several times to add capacity as their planning authority won't let them build any higher.

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Guest orangpendek

how often has he used 'but we're making the ground bigger' as an excuse?

he was asked why they had a bigger stadium than us!

and perhaps he doesn't identify with working class bears, seeing as he's a millionaire, and so doesn't feel the need to assuage hurt feelings.

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