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I feel sad he's gone

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The one big piece missing for PLG was a big stopper cetntre back and Webster will sign tomorrow :blink:

I think Murray bottled this one because some fans backed Barry.

I also think PLG would have made it easy for him (Murray)because he hated the media attention but we CANNOT have a player bossing managers. Barry must be sold.

I think PLG put himself under pressure by making a lot of bad buys. He had plenty of time to prepare for this job and yet still didn't bring in the right players.

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I can see where people are coming from.

PLG was a very likable guy, chic, sophisticated, etc. Unlike some Scottish managers. He projected a very professional image, which was also nice.


He was his own worst enemy in that he

Wasted the many months he had to watch and learn Scottish football.

Wasted the time he had to scout needed talent.

Bought in a load of DUDS.

Had an arrogant manner that did not really bring respect, but was annoying.

Bad man - management.

Did not field a settled team at any time until near the end.

Had numerous centre backs and they were ALL rubbish.

Must have had shares in A Vienna

Was most uninspiring as a manager

Tactically seemed lost vs lower 6 teams.

I cannot really understand the END. he said he had DM's backing yet was gone the next day?

I would have LOVED for PLG to succeed here. Loved it. But it became obvious very quickly that he `was simply NOT the man.

Sorry guys.


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I can see where people are coming from.

PLG was a very likable guy, chic, sophisticated, etc. Unlike some Scottish managers. He projected a very professional image, which was also nice.


He was his own worst enemy in that he

Wasted the many months he had to watch and learn Scottish football.

Wasted the time he had to scout needed talent.

Bought in a load of DUDS.

Had an arrogant manner that did not really bring respect, but was annoying.

Bad man - management.

Did not field a settled team at any time until near the end.

Had numerous centre backs and they were ALL rubbish.

Must have had shares in A Vienna

Was most uninspiring as a manager

Tactically seemed lost vs lower 6 teams.

I cannot really understand the END. he said he had DM's backing yet was gone the next day?

I would have LOVED for PLG to succeed here. Loved it. But it became obvious very quickly that he `was simply NOT the man.

Sorry guys.


Great points. Agree 100%

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I'm cautious. I was full of optimism when PLG took over, thinking that a new brain, a new way of thinking, a new way of playing and a new regime would reveloutionise our club. I was wrong - for whatever reasons be it cultural, stubborn mindedness or unjustified arrogance, PLG got it wrong in Scotland. I believe he will go elsewhere and again prove he is a top coach.

For Rangers though, he was not the man to lead us forward and I'm not sure if that is a damning indictment of PLG or the way Scottish football is. We are not great thinkers on the European or world stage, we are fighters who revel in games and situations that are stacked against us. PLG did not seem to embrace that heritage and even if he did understand the need for the fight, he did not seem to have the nous to cultivate it in the players. Knowing what is needed and having the savvy to go about it in the right way seems to have been beyond him - in a Scottish and Rangers sense at least.

For us now, we need stable, firm and people led management and in that sense I share a little bit of excitement at the possibility of Walter and our prodigal son returning. Failing that, Billy Davies or George Burley would be a safe pair of hands that will see us through these troubled times and perhaps lead us through the other side a renewed and strengthened force.

I hope the more sensible amongst the readers will agree - we did not employ a dud coach 7 months ago, but we did employ one who could not embrace what it means to be a Ranger with all the desire and pride that should go with it.

Good luck PLG, we won't remember you fondly, but that should not take away from what you tried to achieve - despite the folly way you went about it.

evens :)

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I think he should have stayed and fought it out to win his respect back with the fans. I agree the decsions that he made were diabiolical but as everyone is saying he didnt have a clear understanding of scottish football. He was extremely arrogant and stuborn.He had his own thoughts and he didnt want to listen to anyones opinon. I think that is what Barry was given PLG, his opinon but PLG took offence. When PLG started if David Murray got a coach that was british, someone like McCoist to work along side PLG i dont think we would be in this situation right now, but thats all depending on if PLG accepted a scottish coach working along side him for the 1st six months. Its all if and buts and its past. We just need to look forward to the future, WHOEVER is in charge and every single Gers fan has to give them there 100% backing. We all need to be singing from the same song sheet and this has not happened for the past 3 seasons from a minority of fans. I just hope things will change and cant stand coming on here and hearing peoples negative comments about managers and players. 2007 will be simply the best.

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Walter Smith was a cheque book mananger, who made us a laughing stock in european football.? I think a lot of Scottish football fans can be very small minded.? It seems no matter what people achieve abroad (even in top footballing standards) it only matters what they do in Scotland that counts (even though this is a third world country when it comes to football- which most people dont care about).

Chequebook manager in charge of Scotland and beating France?? :P

Scotland were in the mid 80's when Walter took over. We're now 25th or so. (I know the rankings have been revamped a bit...) but he brought RESPECT back to Scotland. That's exactly what we need ater the French plonker has taken us close to oblivion.

Le Guen is now Le Goner.

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True - One of the reasons I turned to other sports. I took my German friend to a Scottish football game and had to apologise for the language and behaviour of some of the "neds" in the ground.

I think that is the most pathetic thing i have ever read in my life. Its people like you who have started to ruin the atmosphere in football over the last few years. its also people like you who are making me think about giving up my season ticket which i am sure you would be happy for me to do. Its a sad day when you go to a game and feel you have to hold yourself back in case you offend someone. Football was a working class game (including football in France) and it was working class people up until a few years back who went and watched it and got their build up of weekly aggression out. you should be ashamed of yourself for feeling like you had to apologise to your German friend. do you honestly think he has not heard that sort of thing before? get a grip of yourself for your own sake at least.

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