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BJK - does it matter?


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It is without doubt a most unedifying chant.

The question is...is it any more unedifying than trying to have a man knighted posthumously, who failed to do his duty regarding child abuse ?



Bump for people who haven't been following this - the most appropriate way to express your concern.

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The old saying "two wrong's don't make a right" springs to mind when reading this thread.

These facts are not in dispute. Abuse DID happen.

Personally i cringe when i see BJK wrote on walls and shouted at grounds because it makes absolutely no sence

some celtic fans chant on about them winning the quad in 67 or being the first brit team to win the european cup,

In reply to that some rangers fans say give it a rest, that was 40 years ago then proceed to call Jock Stein a peadophile...

Why not take their own advice and give it a rest, it was 40 years ago? Secondly in the old firm religion was and to a degree still is with alot of "hardcore" supporters (usually the same people that shout BJK or on their side shout about the ibrox disaster) at what point in the point scoring game does religion no longer matter? Jock Stein was a prodisant so is point scoring to them more important than their religious belifes? or is that ignored purely to get one over on them? Thirdly, Jock Stein was Scottish, again that seem's to be less important than point scoring.

We are disgusted when we hear those vile Aberdeen chants about the Ibrox Disaster. How is BJK any different?

it is in no way diffrent and anyone who can take a step back and criticise there own can see that, but some people see slagging their footballing rivals more important than their own morals. which is to be frank, discusting. personally i don't see why BKJ chants are accepted more than "FTP" and other crap that the suits have done a great job or ridding from the club.

if this is so wrong then why do the band at Ibrox near me beat the tune to it?

firstly i was not aware this happend, I am not a season ticket holder i go to the games I can manage to get to but sadly with work thats not every week so please excuse my ignorance

Secondly - do you believe its right for them to be playing it ? I don't and like I said before, i fail to see why its any more aceptable than shouting FTP or them shouting FTQ I actually feel a little bit let down that it was ever played. the tune its self might not be against jock stein and on its own, harmless but it leads to people shouting crap. just like in spain against osasuna were they played simply the best over the PA system to provoke the traveling suport into shouting FTQ and the IRA.

If the shoe was on the other foot do you think they would keep schtum?

No danger.

Again, two wrong's don't make a right do they? not only that but its unproven, you can't actually back that up.

The fact is in my eye is that big jock knew! singing this chant doesnt disgrace us at all, no chance. But what this chant does do is let us remind celtic of there "stained" football club and in my believe i feel that singing this cant will get people asking questions about if he did really know, and when they find out for fact , he will no longer be recognised at the scum dome for winning the european cup , but for actaully commiting one of the most horrific and disgusting crime known to man. So to me lets chant BJK loud! and lets these bastards what kind of animals have represented theyre club.

it'll let people in glasgow know? i doubt many that give a monkies don't already know. or in europe? do you think many people will come up to you after a rangers win in europe and say, hey fair play but btw what does BJK mean?

IF shouting BJK is to remind celtic of there stained football club and to get people asking about it do you not believe that this is NOTHING but point scoring? why not hand out leaflets on the matter giving the whole story if you feel so strongly about it? because that would cost you money and time? if you care so much for it, surely its a small price to pay? but then again, if its point scoring then its not really worth the time and money is it?

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The old saying "two wrong's don't make a right" springs to mind when reading this thread.

1st of all, there is only one massive wrong in this debate & that is the cover up, people within Celtic took part in to keep this hush hush. Highlighting it certainly isn't wrong when MP's are campaigning to have one of the individuals responsible for the cover up knighted.

Personally i cringe when i see BJK wrote on walls and shouted at grounds because it makes absolutely no sence

some celtic fans chant on about them winning the quad in 67 or being the first brit team to win the european cup,

In reply to that some rangers fans say give it a rest, that was 40 years ago then proceed to call Jock Stein a peadophile...

Why not take their own advice and give it a rest, it was 40 years ago? Secondly in the old firm religion was and to a degree still is with alot of "hardcore" supporters (usually the same people that shout BJK or on their side shout about the ibrox disaster) at what point in the point scoring game does religion no longer matter? Jock Stein was a prodisant so is point scoring to them more important than their religious belifes? or is that ignored purely to get one over on them? Thirdly, Jock Stein was Scottish, again that seem's to be less important than point scoring.

It makes perfect sense. He was part of something shameful at our greatest rivals and as part and parcel of a war of tribalism and hate between two sets of supporters it really isn't that surprising that Rangers fans highlight it.

FYI......No one is calling Jock Stein a pedophile. Have you even looked in to what the chants relate to?

it is in no way diffrent and anyone who can take a step back and criticise there own can see that, but some people see slagging their footballing rivals more important than their own morals. which is to be frank, discusting. personally i don't see why BKJ chants are accepted more than "FTP" and other crap that the suits have done a great job or ridding from the club.

So you fing the BJK chants comparable to that of Ibrox disaster chants?. That is a seriously twisted argument to hold, and usually one only a tim could hit out with. Pathetic.

firstly i was not aware this happend, I am not a season ticket holder i go to the games I can manage to get to but sadly with work thats not every week so please excuse my ignorance

Secondly - do you believe its right for them to be playing it ? I don't and like I said before, i fail to see why its any more aceptable than shouting FTP or them shouting FTQ I actually feel a little bit let down that it was ever played. the tune its self might not be against jock stein and on its own, harmless but it leads to people shouting crap. just like in spain against osasuna were they played simply the best over the PA system to provoke the traveling suport into shouting FTQ and the IRA.

I find it almost impossible to believe you have a season ticket, not only didn't you know the band used to play it, but you are unaware that they no longer do so. Bringing sectarianism in to the BJK argument is confusing. What has bigotry got to do with it?

Again, two wrong's don't make a right do they? not only that but its unproven, you can't actually back that up.

It has been proven in a court of law. Or did Billy McNeil & ex board room member Birt just make it up?

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not 100% sure why i'm even debating the issue with you to be honest, as you do nothing but try and devalue opinions by slagging bad spelling, calling me a tim or write of my opinion as pathetic, clearly your not too good at actually debating your point and have to insult people. ashame really.

I find it almost impossible to believe you have a season ticket

really? was the give away this:

I am not a season ticket holder

that'd have been the first clue right there.

What is this campain to throw dirt on rangers rivals, because it seem's like nothing more than that.

So you fing the BJK chants comparable to that of Ibrox disaster chants?

yes i find them both as pathetic and childish as each other.

people think by chanting BJK they are actaully helping anything? pfft. come on. you basically said yourself that its to get one over on the tims by saying:

our greatest rivals and as part and parcel of a war of tribalism and hate between two sets of supporters it really isn't that surprising that Rangers fans highlight it.

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not 100% sure why i'm even debating the issue with you to be honest, as you do nothing but try and devalue opinions by slagging bad spelling, calling me a tim or write of my opinion as pathetic, clearly your not too good at actually debating your point and have to insult people. ashame really.

You stated that the Rangers supporters were insinuating that Jock Stein himself was a peadophile, you clearly don't have a clue what you are getting so worked up about. I suggest you visit www.largejohnwasaware.com. Read through the evidence then come back with some moral and righteousness thoughts.

really? was the give away this:

In my defense, you posted an astronomical amount of garbage, I was bound to miss one or two truths in that web of a nonsensical post.

What is this campain to throw dirt on rangers rivals, because it seem's like nothing more than that.

Jeezo, wanting to demonize and belittle your fiercest rivals. Whatever is the world coming too?

yes i find them both as pathetic and childish as each other.

people think by chanting BJK they are actaully helping anything? pfft. come on. you basically said yourself that its to get one over on the tims by saying:

our greatest rivals and as part and parcel of a war of tribalism and hate between two sets of supporters it really isn't that surprising that Rangers fans highlight it.

The BJK chants may be in bad taste, callous even according to some people, but to compare it to chants about the Ibrox disaster can only me to believe that you are not a Rangers fan. No Rangers supporter could ever actually come to that twisted conclusion.

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The BJK chants may be in bad taste, callous even according to some people, but to compare it to chants about the Ibrox disaster can only me to believe that you are not a Rangers fan. No Rangers supporter could ever actually come to that twisted conclusion.

My opening post alluded to this Jim. Am I not a Rangers fan?

Or do I misread what you're saying?

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Again though Danny, the Rangers support aren't singing about peodophilia, they are singing about one mans inexcusable inaction to put a stop to it.

The MOPE made the comparison to the Ibrox disaster. That was something I felt had to be dealt with.

I've previously said that the BJK issue isn't something I fully support & no longer sing, it has achieved its objectives and is something we should now drop.

But I will defend it whenever any Celtc fan trys to question us over the chants.

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Ive never heard Celtic sing about the ibrox disaster? And as some one said if yous have the evidence take it to yer local police station. Pretty sick if you ask me, the mans dead fs.

Who said anything about Celtic? Its the sheepshaggers who sing it.

I dont condone the singing of BJK, It doesnt mean its in the same league as chanting about the deaths of 66 supporters.

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Ive never heard Celtic sing about the ibrox disaster? And as some one said if yous have the evidence take it to yer local police station. Pretty sick if you ask me, the mans dead fs.

you must have been hidden away for years if you have not heard the scum sing about the ibrox disaster. :rolleyes:

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