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Best of luck PLG!


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OK, I believed the hype -- who didn't? I imagined UEFA CUP glory at Hampden. Going almost unbeaten in the SPL (a dodgy draw again ra Shellick the only blemish.)

Sadly (and I mean that) it didn't happen. Some things just aren't meant to be -- and PLG as RFC manager is one of them.

PLG undoubtedly will land a plum job in France (PSG?) so don't cry over him. But... I do wish him the best of luck. From all accounts, he was a gentleman, and a decent guy who simply got this one so very wrong. Hopefully he has learned -- and Barry too, and SDM and everyone involved in this affair.

But, I had hope in PLG and I do hope he finds success again back in France.

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I will say good luck but to be perfectly honest i think the way he handled himself in recent days have not been at all respectful to our club. If indeed, he removed Barry blatantly so that Murray would have to make a choice then i believe that is not the way to act at this club. He talks of undermining, well i think he has undermined this club with the way he strolled in thinking it would be a breeze, the way he researched the club before coming and then the way he dropped Barry for what seems like only petty arguments.

Good bye Paul Le Guen and good riddence in my books. Now lets just look to the future and put this bad period behind us.

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PLG for PSG (tu)

I dont care, hes not at Rangers anymore ;)

Weren't you one of his supporters yesterday? Or pre 3pm?


You must have misread my posts :pipe:

I was firmly in the middle between both, i just wanted to know the facts.

Doesnt matter anymore, hes gone and i trust SDM's decision. Move on and get on with it.


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Brilliant original post!

Le Guen conducted himself well on the whole. Used to love the way he took no shit with the media. And unlike some, I didn't think he was making excuses when he mentioned factors contributing to a defeat, he was just being honest.

Good luck Paul. Hopefully you still have some friends at Ibrox and could even do the half time draw one day LOL!

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PLG for PSG (tu)

I dont care, hes not at Rangers anymore ;)

Weren't you one of his supporters yesterday? Or pre 3pm?


Yes he was and not only for yesterday. He should change his name to Alex Rae, caught in the crossfire of it all and not smart enough to make his own mind up. Sorry big chap. <yes>

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good luck Mr Le Guen, no doubt you will be trusted with a manager's position at a club where there are actually no players bigger than the club itself, you will have complete time and control, and will not be used as a scapegoat because you couldn't perform a miracle with a mess (tu). we'll see more of him in time I think.

good luck to the next manager however, hope he fits in better.



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Best of luck PLG, hope it works out fine for him & Im sure there will be no shortage of clubs wanting him on the continent, whether an EPL club will ever come in for him tho, I dont think so.His future Arsenal jobs up in the air methinks.

The dream is over & time to look forward to ??????????????????????????????????????

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PLG for PSG (tu)

I dont care, hes not at Rangers anymore ;)

Weren't you one of his supporters yesterday? Or pre 3pm?


Yes he was and not only for yesterday. He should change his name to Alex Rae, caught in the crossfire of it all and not smart enough to make his own mind up. Sorry big chap. <yes>


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Good luck to him, wasn't good enough for Rangers for a number of reasons. That's all I will say.

Wish him and his staff all the best for the future.

Any Rangers employee should leave with all of our best wishes imo - what's done is done and I have no personal problem with him.

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Yes he was and not only for yesterday. He should change his name to Alex Rae, caught in the crossfire of it all and not smart enough to make his own mind up. Sorry big chap.


Rationality prevails

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good luck Mr Le Guen, no doubt you will be trusted with a manager's position at a club where there are actually no players bigger than the club itself, you will have complete time and control, and will not be used as a scapegoat because you couldn't perform a miracle with a mess (tu). we'll see more of him in time I think.

good luck to the next manager however, hope he fits in better.



In a nutshell mate. Well put.

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Yes he was and not only for yesterday. He should change his name to Alex Rae, caught in the crossfire of it all and not smart enough to make his own mind up. Sorry big chap. 

alex rae has been 100% innocent here, same with gavin

pedantic, me?

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(wve) Would (genuinely) like to wish PLG all the very best for the future. The arrangement didn't work out for any of us at the end of the day.

Am a tad peeved though that we as a club are looking amateur in the media with the way this has all been handled (or rather reported). My own personal viewpoint is that PLG may have engineered his own departure (as he was not coming to terms as easily as first thought he could with Scottish football / the sheer size of the club / the fans (both the supportive and the fickle) & the sheer importance of RFC in our culture. The guy doesn't want to be seen as a failure and SDM would (as always and should be expected to) stand by his man in the hope that he could turn things round by the end of the season. Stirring up a hornets nest by perhaps misinterprating BF's manner has left the club with no option but to force SDM to agree to split 'amicably'. <scared>

BF I believe, would quite happily share his opinion (whether asked to or not) because of the passion he has for the club and perhaps he had gone too far this time (which PLG construed as undermining him as Manager).

However, for the media and certain other quarters of opposing clubs fans to wallow in the hype that BF is bigger than 'the club' is typical, unjust and in my opinion , way off the mark.

Finally, I am a bit worried about the names being bandied about for the position:

Walter - backward step for himself and could undo all the previous relationship with the fans if it all went 'Pete Tong' ;

Ally - Same as Walter;

Souness - never liked him in the first place, why have hime back?;

Billy Davies - perhaps untested in a goldfish bowl environment - but at least he knows the club and its history;

Eriksson - would rather have Jim Leishman! :D

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PLG for PSG (tu)

I dont care, hes not at Rangers anymore ;)

Weren't you one of his supporters yesterday? Or pre 3pm?


You must have misread my posts :pipe:

I was firmly in the middle between both, i just wanted to know the facts.

Doesnt matter anymore, hes gone and i trust SDM's decision. Move on and get on with it.


Perhaps I msunderstood your posts regarding your stance with PLG however, you appeared to be very clear on the fact that you believed BF was an extremely disruptive influence and that you would have preferred him to leave over PLG (despite the stats/signings etc of PLG). As I seem to remember all your posts supported PLG over Bf. That is of course is your opinion of which you are entitled to.

May I ask if this is still your stance and whether you believe it was only BF who didn't get on/agree with him given Boyd and Prso's celebrations at our last match?

You claim to have been in the middle but I would argue that you were definately PLG wing.

And may I ask one final "if" question. "If" Le Guen had stayed a bit longer and decided to axe Boyd, who was far more blatant with his support for BF than any other player, would you still have said PLG was the right man for the job? Let's face it, he could only put on Sebo in replace.

I personally have been questioning his ability for a while. Even if this situation had not arisen, I would be asking the question "Can he cut it in the SPL??".

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