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The media are starting to report Walter negativity


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Give us piece man who the feck cares about what the mhedia are saying about smiths team, as long as we keep winning week in week out and bring the leauge home what is there to moan about ?

No One Likes Us We Dont Care

Exactly !! :lol:

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I'm on about them and our performances and what we think. We have every right to let the players and management know what we think at times. Yes there is a small minority who are not happy but that is the same within every club.

When the mhedia talks and makes up sh*t about our club, that's when guy's like Bain and Murray should come out and back us.

I couldn't give a f*ck what they have to say about our performances or what some of the fans think.

We're all different, but personally I do care. Outsiders looking in must think we have a sh*te bunch of supporters if that's how we act towards a man that has taken us 4 points clear in the table, when we've been pumped rotten in the last two title races. And I find that sad.

I'm not saying we should act like those across the city that have an embarrassing need to be loved. But I would like to think that our fans would always look to act in a manner that would earn us the respect our club/support deserves. And respect has been sadly lacking in recent weeks from sections of our support.

Act in a manner?



I don't get it at all, we pay these people's (manager/coaching staff and the players) wages and so we have a right to criticise. If you don't vote then you can't complain and likewise I've paid quite a bit of money and will complain if need be about the service I'm getting, just like in a restaurant if it was bad.

spot on boab. (tu)

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How long, Boab ? A year ?

Break it down. First 6 months, we secure second spot and win two Old Firm fixtures.

Second 6 months we sit 4 points clear in the league.

What is wrong with that ? After the PLG saga, who cares how Walter got us to this point........the fact is, we are here, sitting pretty at the top of the table.

If we win the league, Walter will get nothing but plaudits, but it will be very hollow praise from some when you look back on comments over the course of the season.

Perhaps next season, if we go in as champions, fans can start to raise their expectations with regards to our style of play. But for now, as long as we're winning and on course for the title, our first in 3 years.........I see no scope for complaint. I also see a lack of respect, appreciation, understanding and patience.

Thats all very well but lets look at it at this way:

We buggered it up in transfer window, didn't sign another winger or a striker

We had to wait months before we seen Chris Burke - ie: someone with skill - and even he was dropped for the big Euro game recently!

Of course there's scope for complaint, we don't create chances well enough and don't have enough players to open up defences. We didn't score from open play on Sunday!

I believe we'd still be in the Champions League if we hadn't set out the way we did!

I failed to make myself clear on that point. When I say no scope for complaint, I mean with regards to vocal complaint, as we witnessed with the boos against Pana. And also things like fans phoning radio stations with OTT criticism of Walter. There is no balance from some, they concentrate on all the negatives and can't see the bigger picture.

With regards to the Champions League, the expectations beforehand were that 3rd spot would be great. And 4th spot, with a good fight put up, would be grudgingly understood. We achieved our goal, and Walter deserves praise for our campaign as a whole. Only the final game left me bitterly disappointed (and if Darcheville had put away that chance........well that's the fine line at that level).

Constructive criticisism is always healthy and should be encouraged. I hate when Walter shows faith with Adam and McCulloch. It really annoys me, particularly when I've seen us play so much better in their absence. But I won't allow individual issues to cloud the full picture, and my belief is that too many fans have allowed themselves to go down this route with their views on Boyd and/or 4-5-1.

I am certainly not saying Walter is flawless. But is he doing a good job overall ? Yes. Are we on course to meet our pre-season target (ie. the SPL) ? Yes.

So is it therefore not possible for some fans to look on the bright side of life now and then, acknowledge the positives more often and just generally.........give Walter a break !

On the CL, we'd done well but that Lyon game was shocking. We could well have made better subs and timing of them and had a better first XI then I think we'd have won.

Overall, one can't argue but there are too many buts!

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Act in a manner?



I don't get it at all, we pay these people's (manager/coaching staff and the players) wages and so we have a right to criticise. If you don't vote then you can't complain and likewise I've paid quite a bit of money and will complain if need be about the service I'm getting, just like in a restaurant if it was bad.

Sweet jesus imagine comparing supporting a football team to the service you get in a restuarant :rolleyes:

Anyway forgetting that lets say that a restuarant was constantly as bad as people make watching RFC out to be. You wouldn't keep going on a near weekly basis would you?

So why do these people who go on about their right to moan still go every week? There really is a simple solution: if watching RFC is so bad then just don't go.

If you want to be enteratined watch a soap opera from the comfort of an armchair, or watch a different more entertaing team on Sentanta or Sky.

I believe that how entertained you are should be secondary to the sense of happiness you get if the club that you support come away with three points on a far more regular basis than they have in recent years.

After a near three year wait for a trophy I think more people would be content with that, however the fickleness of the avergae football fan shines through yet again!

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I don't get it at all, we pay these people's (manager/coaching staff and the players) wages and so we have a right to criticise. If you don't vote then you can't complain and likewise I've paid quite a bit of money and will complain if need be about the service I'm getting, just like in a restaurant if it was bad.

Sweet jesus imagine comparing supporting a football team to the service you get in a restuarant :rolleyes:

Anyway forgetting that lets say that a restuarant was constantly as bad as people make watching RFC out to be. You wouldn't keep going on a near weekly basis would you?

So why do these people who go on about their right to moan still go every week? There really is a simple solution: if watching RFC is so bad then just don't go.

If you want to be enteratined watch a soap opera from the comfort of an armchair, or watch a different more entertaing team on Sentanta or Sky.

I believe that how entertained you are should be secondary to the sense of happiness you get if the club that you support come away with three points on a far more regular basis than they have in recent years.

After a near three year wait for a trophy I think more people would be content with that, however the fickleness of the avergae football fan shines through yet again!

well your wrong, some people want to be entertained for the money and because they love the club, not just to sit and watch this 'anti-football' that smith plays all the time, i agreed with it against barca to an extent, but goin one upfront against the greeks at home just wasnt on! and the rest of the games where we have scraped a 1-0 result and little or NO entertainment value!

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well your wrong, some people want to be entertained for the money and because they love the club, not just to sit and watch this 'anti-football' that smith plays all the time, i agreed with it against barca to an extent, but goin one upfront against the greeks at home just wasnt on! and the rest of the games where we have scraped a 1-0 result and little or NO entertainment value!

I'm not worng, you just disagree with me!

Like I said if it's that bad don't go!

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i know ive had a few mixed words with fellow gers over the past few weeks.....in my opinion im very happy with what walter has done since his return now who on this forum would want to be where we were last season

people keep going on about the past and how boring our team is the now but whos 4 points clear and still in both domestic cups this time last year we would have died to be in this position

so lets get behind walter ally kenny and the team

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I don't get it at all, we pay these people's (manager/coaching staff and the players) wages and so we have a right to criticise. If you don't vote then you can't complain and likewise I've paid quite a bit of money and will complain if need be about the service I'm getting, just like in a restaurant if it was bad.

Sweet jesus imagine comparing supporting a football team to the service you get in a restuarant :rolleyes:

Anyway forgetting that lets say that a restuarant was constantly as bad as people make watching RFC out to be. You wouldn't keep going on a near weekly basis would you?

So why do these people who go on about their right to moan still go every week? There really is a simple solution: if watching RFC is so bad then just don't go.

If you want to be enteratined watch a soap opera from the comfort of an armchair, or watch a different more entertaing team on Sentanta or Sky.

I believe that how entertained you are should be secondary to the sense of happiness you get if the club that you support come away with three points on a far more regular basis than they have in recent years.

After a near three year wait for a trophy I think more people would be content with that, however the fickleness of the avergae football fan shines through yet again!

I'll start by saying that I don't give a four X's about the media views on Rangers or Walter Smith. I form my views as a Rangers supporter, and I for one dispute that criticism of Walter's tactics and line-ups and are somehow interpretered as 'disloyalty' to Rangers or overall 'fickleness'. IMO, this viewpoint that Walter can do no wrong is a dangerously complacent one.

Yes, Walter deserves praise for the progress we have made, and for ticking many of the right boxes, but four points is not a chasm and most my concern is that sooner or later the wheels are going to come off on this. Its been said too often that we are too slow, too static, indifferent in midfield and against better outfits we could easily have lost. We struggle if we lose an early goal and Walter's reluctance to make changes doesn't help matters. This was demonstrated by defeats v Osasuna, Lyon and Hearts.

As for trophies? We'll see how serious we are after this week's UEFA Cup tie. Once more, one man up front at home handed the initiative to the Greeks and I wonder how many of us are swallow the line about the SPL taking precedence if we witness another toothless surrender?

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good point dillinger but i said from the start of the season my main aim if walter would be a cup any cup just to win a cup is what our club needs the now to win something

remember at the start of the season we would have just been happy to make the CL for the money so i see anything else in europe a bonus remember we had a 16 point gap to make up this season and on that point i was giving walter two seasons to try and win the league

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I don't get it at all, we pay these people's (manager/coaching staff and the players) wages and so we have a right to criticise. If you don't vote then you can't complain and likewise I've paid quite a bit of money and will complain if need be about the service I'm getting, just like in a restaurant if it was bad.

Sweet jesus imagine comparing supporting a football team to the service you get in a restuarant :rolleyes:

Anyway forgetting that lets say that a restuarant was constantly as bad as people make watching RFC out to be. You wouldn't keep going on a near weekly basis would you?

So why do these people who go on about their right to moan still go every week? There really is a simple solution: if watching RFC is so bad then just don't go.

If you want to be enteratined watch a soap opera from the comfort of an armchair, or watch a different more entertaing team on Sentanta or Sky.

I believe that how entertained you are should be secondary to the sense of happiness you get if the club that you support come away with three points on a far more regular basis than they have in recent years.

After a near three year wait for a trophy I think more people would be content with that, however the fickleness of the avergae football fan shines through yet again!

Ok, I'll refrain from swearing - which is hard - but what a ridiculous post.

I've not said that being entertained is more important than winning the football match but it is important and I believe it is an impotrant Rangers tradition of showcasing skill to the fans. Cooper, Walters, McCann, McMinn, Laudrup, Gazza, Henderson. Its part of Rangers.

And 'if watching RFC is so bad then just don't go'. It really isn't as simple as that (apart from it being downright patronising and nonsense) I remember during the PLG era saying to the head of a Supporters bus I was using at the time 'I'm not looking forward to it but you get on with it' He nodded and agreed. Football is still entertainment, its a spectator sport after all. I'd suggest that most fans can accept a hard fought win but not all the time.

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Act in a manner?



I don't get it at all, we pay these people's (manager/coaching staff and the players) wages and so we have a right to criticise. If you don't vote then you can't complain and likewise I've paid quite a bit of money and will complain if need be about the service I'm getting, just like in a restaurant if it was bad.

Sweet jesus imagine comparing supporting a football team to the service you get in a restuarant :rolleyes:

Anyway forgetting that lets say that a restuarant was constantly as bad as people make watching RFC out to be. You wouldn't keep going on a near weekly basis would you?

So why do these people who go on about their right to moan still go every week? There really is a simple solution: if watching RFC is so bad then just don't go.

If you want to be enteratined watch a soap opera from the comfort of an armchair, or watch a different more entertaing team on Sentanta or Sky.

I believe that how entertained you are should be secondary to the sense of happiness you get if the club that you support come away with three points on a far more regular basis than they have in recent years.

After a near three year wait for a trophy I think more people would be content with that, however the fickleness of the avergae football fan shines through yet again!

i wonder why you have put my name to this post and not the original poster :rolleyes:

Get off your high horse :rolleyes:

I hate quoting three or four posts at a time and it was simply a case of my deleting the wrong quote names.

as long as its a white horse i dont mind. <_<

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Ok, I'll refrain from swearing - which is hard - but what a ridiculous post.

I've not said that being entertained is more important than winning the football match but it is important and I believe it is an impotrant Rangers tradition of showcasing skill to the fans. Cooper, Walters, McCann, McMinn, Laudrup, Gazza, Henderson. Its part of Rangers.

And 'if watching RFC is so bad then just don't go'. It really isn't as simple as that (apart from it being downright patronising and nonsense) I remember during the PLG era saying to the head of a Supporters bus I was using at the time 'I'm not looking forward to it but you get on with it' He nodded and agreed. Football is still entertainment, its a spectator sport after all. I'd suggest that most fans can accept a hard fought win but not all the time.

Winning matches is just as much of a tardition as being enteratined is. And considering the seasons we have had recently and the rebuilding job that Walter Smith had to undertake then logic would surely tell you that installing a winning mentality regardless of how we play should be the first priority?

Rebuilding us to our real level cannot happen overnight it has to happen in stages and what we are seeing now is still early in the process. Perhpas next season I will demand to see better football as we will hopefully have won the league and will have something to build upon. But right now getting a foothold back in our domestic game is the most important to do.

How is "if watching RFC is so bad then just don't go" not simple? You have done nothing to support that point there except tell us a story about you and your supporters bus!

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Act in a manner?



I don't get it at all, we pay these people's (manager/coaching staff and the players) wages and so we have a right to criticise. If you don't vote then you can't complain and likewise I've paid quite a bit of money and will complain if need be about the service I'm getting, just like in a restaurant if it was bad.

So if I pay my money, and there is a Rangers player that I don't rate, I have the right to boo and shout negatively towards him for 90 minutes ?

If Walter brings on Novo in a game, whereas I felt he should have brought on Naismith, do I have the right, as a paying customer, to boo that decision ?

I said I don't boo earlier. I never have, I want hear if others are doing it anyway :harhar:

Seriously though, I meant that by paying our money or indeed by caring about the team we have a right to vioce our opinions on the forums even if its not positive.

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Ok, I'll refrain from swearing - which is hard - but what a ridiculous post.

I've not said that being entertained is more important than winning the football match but it is important and I believe it is an impotrant Rangers tradition of showcasing skill to the fans. Cooper, Walters, McCann, McMinn, Laudrup, Gazza, Henderson. Its part of Rangers.

And 'if watching RFC is so bad then just don't go'. It really isn't as simple as that (apart from it being downright patronising and nonsense) I remember during the PLG era saying to the head of a Supporters bus I was using at the time 'I'm not looking forward to it but you get on with it' He nodded and agreed. Football is still entertainment, its a spectator sport after all. I'd suggest that most fans can accept a hard fought win but not all the time.

Winning matches is just as much of a tardition as being enteratined is. And considering the seasons we have had recently and the rebuilding job that Walter Smith had to undertake then logic would surely tell you that installing a winning mentality regardless of how we play should be the first priority?

Rebuilding us to our real level cannot happen overnight it has to happen in stages and what we are seeing now is still early in the process. Perhpas next season I will demand to see better football as we will hopefully have won the league and will have something to build upon. But right now getting a foothold back in our domestic game is the most important to do.

How is "if watching RFC is so bad then just don't go" not simple? You have done nothing to support that point there except tell us a story about you and your supporters bus!

You say next season but you said we'd get a better style of play before Christmas I remember, as a gradual process? What is it to be?

And why is it not simple? Well because its just a habit that you do, you just go anyway. Maybe you don't realise as you don't get to go to games regularly.

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You say next season but you said we'd get a better style of play before Christmas I remember, as a gradual process?

And why is it not simple? Well because its just a habit that you do, you just go anyway. Maybe you don't realise as you don't get to go to games regularly.

Yes so what if I did? I thought we would, but the process is obviously happening slower than I expected it to.

But saying that your right I can't get every week, however like you said it's almost a habit for you, and without wanting to sound disrespectful, perhaps some people take the fact that they can go to Ibrox every week for granted.

I'll admit that if I was paying however much it is every week I would be moaning about the quality of football, as thats the focal point for you, however the whole experience for me is so much more than the game that perhaps it takes a backseat because I am almost in awe of everyting around me.

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You say next season but you said we'd get a better style of play before Christmas I remember, as a gradual process?

And why is it not simple? Well because its just a habit that you do, you just go anyway. Maybe you don't realise as you don't get to go to games regularly.

Yes so what if I did? I thought we would, but the process is obviously happening slower than I expected it to.

But saying that your right I can't get every week, however like you said it's almost a habit for you, and without wanting to sound disrespectful, perhaps some people take the fact that they can go to Ibrox every week for granted.

I'll admit that if I was paying however much it is every week I would be moaning about the quality of football, as thats the focal point for you, however the whole experience for me is so much more than the game that perhaps it takes a backseat because I am almost in awe of everyting around me.

Think we've reached a stalemate (tu)

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You say next season but you said we'd get a better style of play before Christmas I remember, as a gradual process?

And why is it not simple? Well because its just a habit that you do, you just go anyway. Maybe you don't realise as you don't get to go to games regularly.

Yes so what if I did? I thought we would, but the process is obviously happening slower than I expected it to.

But saying that your right I can't get every week, however like you said it's almost a habit for you, and without wanting to sound disrespectful, perhaps some people take the fact that they can go to Ibrox every week for granted.

I'll admit that if I was paying however much it is every week I would be moaning about the quality of football, as thats the focal point for you, however the whole experience for me is so much more than the game that perhaps it takes a backseat because I am almost in awe of everyting around me.

Think we've reached a stalemate (tu)


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You say next season but you said we'd get a better style of play before Christmas I remember, as a gradual process?

And why is it not simple? Well because its just a habit that you do, you just go anyway. Maybe you don't realise as you don't get to go to games regularly.

Yes so what if I did? I thought we would, but the process is obviously happening slower than I expected it to.

But saying that your right I can't get every week, however like you said it's almost a habit for you, and without wanting to sound disrespectful, perhaps some people take the fact that they can go to Ibrox every week for granted.

I'll admit that if I was paying however much it is every week I would be moaning about the quality of football, as thats the focal point for you, however the whole experience for me is so much more than the game that perhaps it takes a backseat because I am almost in awe of everyting around me.

Think we've reached a stalemate (tu)



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You say next season but you said we'd get a better style of play before Christmas I remember, as a gradual process?

And why is it not simple? Well because its just a habit that you do, you just go anyway. Maybe you don't realise as you don't get to go to games regularly.

Yes so what if I did? I thought we would, but the process is obviously happening slower than I expected it to.

But saying that your right I can't get every week, however like you said it's almost a habit for you, and without wanting to sound disrespectful, perhaps some people take the fact that they can go to Ibrox every week for granted.

I'll admit that if I was paying however much it is every week I would be moaning about the quality of football, as thats the focal point for you, however the whole experience for me is so much more than the game that perhaps it takes a backseat because I am almost in awe of everyting around me.

Think we've reached a stalemate (tu)




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