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Key players tonight?


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Obviously we don't know the lineup yet, but who do we think will be our most important men?

The obvious answer is the Cuellars and McGregors etc, but personally I feel Dailly must have a great game tonight and fill in effectively for Weir.

The full backs are also critical - with a possibly unsettled defence, we have to stop as many of the crosses as we can, so the Papacs, Broadfoots and Whittakerss must be on their toes.

It will be backs to the walls tonight, and we have to put in another shift like we did in Germany V Bremen.

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I think we'll need to perform a lot better than we did in Germany.

That was a suicidal performance, saved by McGregor and his 'once every decade' style save.

Our midfield will be our most important area tonight, I'm really hoping Davis isn't wasted out wide.

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I agree Dailly will have to be on top form the night also think if Cousin plays

much will be expected of him.

Lets hope Broadfoot can manage to pass the ball to one of his own teamates this week.

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I agree Dailly will have to be on top form the night also think if Cousin plays

much will be expected of him.

Lets hope Broadfoot can manage to pass the ball to one of his own teamates this week.

I wouldn't get my hopes up :P

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I'm not going to even try and guess what the line up will be.

Definites to start like McGregor, Cuellar & Ferguson need to be at their very best, but if we are to go through tonight the entire team will need to be.

No room for passangers this evening.

If Cousin starts I have a feeling he could be the most crucial player.

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I agree Dailly will have to be on top form the night also think if Cousin plays

much will be expected of him.

Lets hope Broadfoot can manage to pass the ball to one of his own teamates this week.

I wouldn't get my hopes up :P

I know thats a worry :unsure:

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Darcheville must make the ball stick whenever we manage to play it into his feet. His touch has looked off for ages now, and we can't have that tonight. Personally I'd go with Cousin, but the general consensus seems to be that he'll be on the bench due to a lack of match fitness.

Lots of key players tonight though. Dailly as has been said, Broadfoot looks a weak spot, Hemdani and Ferguson will hopefully show their usual composure in possession at this level..........but in this system, at this level, the performance of our front man is key for me.

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We need good performances all over the park! We'll need great performances in the heart of midfield so Barry and Kevin need to be on top of things, Greegs needs to be safe and the back four need to be sure - an overall team performance will get us through - and a wee bit of luck. C'mon the Gers!

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I honestly think our most important players tonight will be the 5 penalty takers :unsure:

During 90 mins, of course Cuellar and Dailly (assuming he's CB), the full backs will have to put a shift in, and if ferguson has a good game it could make a lot of difference.

Hope McGregor has nothing to do all night (can't see it though!)

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Darcheville must make the ball stick whenever we manage to play it into his feet. His touch has looked off for ages now, and we can't have that tonight. Personally I'd go with Cousin, but the general consensus seems to be that he'll be on the bench due to a lack of match fitness.

Lots of key players tonight though. Dailly as has been said, Broadfoot looks a weak spot, Hemdani and Ferguson will hopefully show their usual composure in possession at this level..........but in this system, at this level, the performance of our front man is key for me.

While I'd go with Cousin, the amount of times Darche's nearest supporting midfielder was over 40 yards away in the first leg at Ibrox astonished me. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

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Darcheville must make the ball stick whenever we manage to play it into his feet. His touch has looked off for ages now, and we can't have that tonight. Personally I'd go with Cousin, but the general consensus seems to be that he'll be on the bench due to a lack of match fitness.

Lots of key players tonight though. Dailly as has been said, Broadfoot looks a weak spot, Hemdani and Ferguson will hopefully show their usual composure in possession at this level..........but in this system, at this level, the performance of our front man is key for me.

While I'd go with Cousin, the amount of times Darche's nearest supporting midfielder was over 40 yards away in the first leg at Ibrox astonished me. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

The support did look poor at times, although it's difficult for me to comment accurately on certain aspects of that match. I changed seats for the european game to sit beside other people, so was very low down in the Broomloan.......and personally, I just can't read the game well from that view ! Tough trying to get a perception of 'depth', for want of a better word, when you're down that low behind the goals.

But yeah, support does need to be better tonight. Caught a bit of the Liverpool game the other night, and they play a lot of direct or high balls up, but the midfield support is excellent. But still, even in domestic games recently with Darcheville, I don't think he's looked as sharp as earlier in the season (surprising in a way because he's having a better run now in terms of keeping fit). The reality is, at times our midfield probably will be sitting far off him unfortunately, particularly when you consider how deep our back 4 tend to sit in these games. So, as tough as it may be, he really needs to just hold the ball that bit better tonight.

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That's why Ferguson will never be an attacking midfielder!

Never, ever, ever.

He should be sitting in front of the back four, coming forward occasionally but dictating play.

I've been saying that, along with you, for months. Even when he was young and pacey, he wasn't a bloody attacking midfielder!

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Darcheville must make the ball stick whenever we manage to play it into his feet. His touch has looked off for ages now, and we can't have that tonight. Personally I'd go with Cousin, but the general consensus seems to be that he'll be on the bench due to a lack of match fitness.

Lots of key players tonight though. Dailly as has been said, Broadfoot looks a weak spot, Hemdani and Ferguson will hopefully show their usual composure in possession at this level..........but in this system, at this level, the performance of our front man is key for me.

While I'd go with Cousin, the amount of times Darche's nearest supporting midfielder was over 40 yards away in the first leg at Ibrox astonished me. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

Thats exactly why people like myself, Danny and JR among others have been crying out for Buffel to play for the better part of a year now.

His main strength is his intelligence, particularly his ability to float about and create space for himself and others in that little space between midfield and attack.

If you also consider his decent amount of experience then I simply cannot understand why he has been excluded from these games for so long.

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