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I see his gesture to the Rangers fans will go . . .


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Nice one.

So because i dont believe we should go about slapping Football players, i'm a TIT.


YNWA : I honestly think you have lost the plot, in addition to the argument. You are also making yourself look embarrassing (Boruc like !!), please don't do this !

Further, where in my words have I accused you - I'll use your words of - being a "tit". I don't like using offensive grammar...unlike yourself and your defence of an individual deemed offensive by most decent fans. Once again, bizarre and questioning.

Please review my sentence and you will see (be impartial when you do so) and not emotional, if possible. In fact, here it is (verbatim).."You appear to be in denial and one only has to look at your posts to evidence your stance, irrespective of your use of the word "tit" which is very apt in the circumstances"

Once again, you appear to be in denial. Can you not see that - your failure to see facts and assess a situation is akin to your foolish defence of Boruc, a stance which was not even taken by the coach of Poland in recent days. That's why I am very curious as to your comments, like my colleagues.

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YNWA : I honestly think you have lost the plot, in addition to the argument. You are also making yourself look embarrassing (Boruc like !!), please don't do this !

Further, where in my words have I accused you - I'll use your words of - being a "tit". I don't like using offensive grammar...unlike yourself and your defence of an individual deemed offensive by most decent fans. Once again, bizarre and questioning.

Please review my sentence and you will see (be impartial when you do so) and not emotional, if possible. In fact, here it is (verbatim).."You appear to be in denial and one only has to look at your posts to evidence your stance, irrespective of your use of the word "tit" which is very apt in the circumstances"

Once again, you appear to be in denial. Can you not see that - your failure to see facts and assess a situation is akin to your foolish defence of Boruc, a stance which was not even taken by the coach of Poland in recent days. That's why I am very curious as to your comments, like my colleagues.

Wienblue - the facts as i see them are that people feel it is ok to dish out abuse to players on the park for 90 minutes, be it through gestures or songs and when a player reacts to that abuse by making a gesture, the same people who have dished it out want criminal justice without realising that the same criminal justice applies to them. I dont come from a world or household where it is deemed okay to go about smacking people or slapping them without good reason and in my book a player flashing the finger is NOT GOOD ENOUGH reason to slap him.

If you care to read your verbatim sentence again, you might want to take note of this part "irrespective of your use of the word "tit" which is very apt in the circumstances" By adding the last few words, one can only come to one conclusion about what you were referring to.

I am NOT defending Boruc. I am defending any player of any club whom similarly in my view dont deserve to be battered including our very own players who have been in that situation as well. I also believe for what it is worth that if it was a St Mirren goalie doing it, nobody would want to slap him (tu)

IF, and of course its a BIG IF, it turns out that Lennons side of the story turns out to be true and 2 Bears admit they gave him a slap for nothing, do you not agree this gives our club a bad name ?

Would it make you proud to be a Rangers fan IF a fellow fan batters a Tim player ?

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YNWA : I honestly think you have lost the plot, in addition to the argument. You are also making yourself look embarrassing (Boruc like !!), please don't do this !

Further, where in my words have I accused you - I'll use your words of - being a "tit". I don't like using offensive grammar...unlike yourself and your defence of an individual deemed offensive by most decent fans. Once again, bizarre and questioning.

Please review my sentence and you will see (be impartial when you do so) and not emotional, if possible. In fact, here it is (verbatim).."You appear to be in denial and one only has to look at your posts to evidence your stance, irrespective of your use of the word "tit" which is very apt in the circumstances"

Once again, you appear to be in denial. Can you not see that - your failure to see facts and assess a situation is akin to your foolish defence of Boruc, a stance which was not even taken by the coach of Poland in recent days. That's why I am very curious as to your comments, like my colleagues.

Wienblue - the facts as i see them are that people feel it is ok to dish out abuse to players on the park for 90 minutes, be it through gestures or songs and when a player reacts to that abuse by making a gesture, the same people who have dished it out want criminal justice without realising that the same criminal justice applies to them. I dont come from a world or household where it is deemed okay to go about smacking people or slapping them without good reason and in my book a player flashing the finger is NOT GOOD ENOUGH reason to slap him.

If you care to read your verbatim sentence again, you might want to take note of this part "irrespective of your use of the word "tit" which is very apt in the circumstances" By adding the last few words, one can only come to one conclusion about what you were referring to.

I am NOT defending Boruc. I am defending any player of any club whom similarly in my view dont deserve to be battered including our very own players who have been in that situation as well. I also believe for what it is worth that if it was a St Mirren goalie doing it, nobody would want to slap him (tu)

IF, and of course its a BIG IF, it turns out that Lennons side of the story turns out to be true and 2 Bears admit they gave him a slap for nothing, do you not agree this gives our club a bad name ?

Would it make you proud to be a Rangers fan IF a fellow fan batters a Tim player ?


To answer your question and in conclusion: Once again, if you review my original reply to your post you will clearly see that (i) I abhor violence and (ii) believe same is wrong as in the proposition we are discussing ! I think that you are failing to fully assess and grasp facts (again) when laid bare in front of you and that is embarrassing. Much like your advocation of Boruc.

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(i) I abhor violence and

(ii) believe same is wrong as in the proposition we are discussing !

On that basis, i agree with you and this is the mainstay of my point and view on the matter (tu)

You mean that you used to be indecisive now your not so sure ? :sherlock:

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(i) I abhor violence and

(ii) believe same is wrong as in the proposition we are discussing !

On that basis, i agree with you and this is the mainstay of my point and view on the matter (tu)

You mean that you used to be indecisive now your not so sure ? :sherlock:

Its called backpedllin by youwillneverwalkalone :rolleyes:

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(i) I abhor violence and

(ii) believe same is wrong as in the proposition we are discussing !

On that basis, i agree with you and this is the mainstay of my point and view on the matter (tu)

You mean that you used to be indecisive now your not so sure ? :sherlock:

Its called backpedllin by youwillneverwalkalone :rolleyes:

You got it in one ! ;):sherlock:

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all that over boruc :doh:

In the end it wasnt about the bigot it was about youwillneverwalkalone antagonizing Rangers fans on here

In my opinion he wasn't antagonising Rangers fans on here. You simply chose to ignore the point he was making for your own reasons. And very suspect reasons they are in my opinion.

Also, insinuating that Bears who don't agree with you are tims is frowned upon here.


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Oh dear. Yet more accusations being thrown about regarding my allegiance.

Not a great advert for new people on the boards trying to integrate themselves.

If you disagree with a fellow Bear, it doesnt make you a Tim.

If i was a Tim, I most certainly wouldnt have put myself in a position when organising 2 tickets for Pittodrie from the Bridgeton Loyal on this very board.

Carry on lads (tu)

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lets all get together and have a nice song waiting for him when he comes to ibrox next time. i just laugh at boruc antics, knowing that wee chesney and the board over at the glitter dome will be holding their heads in their hands as the papers print the pictures of the clown boruc (supposed to be a idol to kids). we know how he reacts to the abuse.. lets just join together and sing for 90 minutes about how much of a wanker he is and sit back and enjoy him making a clown of himself and his club. forget the violence...we're just here for the glesga banter !!

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i never read all this thread so heres my opinion for all its worth..

big fucken deal the guy stuck his finger up to us who cares? we should all be happy we got to him, we should all be happy his wife is shagging some cunt else and we should all be happy the famous sellik goalie curse is still in motion.

Thank you artur, macgregor still shagged yer wife though.

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. . . (boruc) unpunished again by the Police as they are going to let the mhanks handle it. No surprise there then Eh ? And probably no punishment to boot. No wonder players and fans of this monster that poses as a football club has coaches, players and fans running wild and causing all sorts of mayhem. It's a bit like dogs that are allowed to shit and pish on the pavements and walkways, it's the owners fault they have instilled no discipline into their dumb animals. :sherlock:

while I agree entirely with your point above (as opposed to your ridiculous one about the rangers players pulling out from the scotland squad) I cant help notice that you appear to ALWAYS be at the wind up - with your favourite smiley :sherlock: at the end of each quote.

And with a name like BlueDIGNITY - to an old cynic it may appear that in actual fact you are actually a celtic fan masquerading as a Rangers fan.

From all the posts I have viewed from you in the last 18 months, there is very little dignified about your points of view.

Care to come out the closet BD?

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i never read all this thread so heres my opinion for all its worth..

big fucken deal the guy stuck his finger up to us who cares? we should all be happy we got to him, we should all be happy his wife is shagging some cunt else and we should all be happy the famous sellik goalie curse is still in motion.

Thank you artur, macgregor still shagged yer wife though.

Im offended by your material - what should I do?

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Do you think the 7000 or so bears who were there were going to ignore him

What planet are you talking from, I wil choose what I think is appropriate for him

I appreciate your advice but Ive made my mind up on that sh-tebag


Is that the same 7000 bears who were singing that McGregor Shagged his wife ? :lol:

FFS man, not sure if you are married mate, but if you are and a couple of guys in the pub start shouting that their mate shagged your wife, how would you react. If its only a finger then your a better person than me. :craphead:

Roly Poly is a dikhead. A w@nker of the highest order. A tube. A total TIT. HOWEVER, he doesnt deserve a slapping just as Lennon and Novo dont deserve it either.

Stick to fukcing them at Football and be the bigger person for once (tu)

That's a fair enough point.

One thing that's not been raised (so far as I can see) is what would happen f McGregor did the same at the next OF game at ibrox?

and the glaringly obvious answer is.....


RANGERS PLAYERS DON'T DO THESE SORT OF THINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And to a LARGE extent, neither do RANGERS FANS! (dont give me any shit about manchester either - I was there like 150,000+ others - a handful of arrests is feck all)

My point is CELTIC dont know how to behave.

and this illegitimate way of life is prevalent in everything they do.

so dont be offended by the polish cunt.

he is a fat useless polish cunt after all.

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Oh dear. Yet more accusations being thrown about regarding my allegiance.

Not a great advert for new people on the boards trying to integrate themselves.

If you disagree with a fellow Bear, it doesnt make you a Tim.

If i was a Tim, I most certainly wouldnt have put myself in a position when organising 2 tickets for Pittodrie from the Bridgeton Loyal on this very board.

Carry on lads (tu)

nor, i suspect would you have called yourself, youll never win away.

some people!

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i never read all this thread so heres my opinion for all its worth..

big fucken deal the guy stuck his finger up to us who cares? we should all be happy we got to him, we should all be happy his wife is shagging some cunt else and we should all be happy the famous sellik goalie curse is still in motion.

Thank you artur, macgregor still shagged yer wife though.

Im offended by your material - what should I do?

Suck on my teets.

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i never read all this thread so heres my opinion for all its worth..

big fucken deal the guy stuck his finger up to us who cares? we should all be happy we got to him, we should all be happy his wife is shagging some cunt else and we should all be happy the famous sellik goalie curse is still in motion.

Thank you artur, macgregor still shagged yer wife though.

Im offended by your material - what should I do?

Suck on my teets.


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. . . (boruc) unpunished again by the Police as they are going to let the mhanks handle it. No surprise there then Eh ? And probably no punishment to boot. No wonder players and fans of this monster that poses as a football club has coaches, players and fans running wild and causing all sorts of mayhem. It's a bit like dogs that are allowed to shit and pish on the pavements and walkways, it's the owners fault they have instilled no discipline into their dumb animals. :sherlock:

while I agree entirely with your point above (as opposed to your ridiculous one about the rangers players pulling out from the scotland squad) I cant help notice that you appear to ALWAYS be at the wind up - with your favourite smiley :sherlock: at the end of each quote.

And with a name like BlueDIGNITY - to an old cynic it may appear that in actual fact you are actually a celtic fan masquerading as a Rangers fan.

From all the posts I have viewed from you in the last 18 months, there is very little dignified about your points of view.

Care to come out the closet BD?

blue dignity is no tim he is one of the biggest rangers men i know, and you are way off the mark. :)

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. . . (boruc) unpunished again by the Police as they are going to let the mhanks handle it. No surprise there then Eh ? And probably no punishment to boot. No wonder players and fans of this monster that poses as a football club has coaches, players and fans running wild and causing all sorts of mayhem. It's a bit like dogs that are allowed to shit and pish on the pavements and walkways, it's the owners fault they have instilled no discipline into their dumb animals. :sherlock:

while I agree entirely with your point above (as opposed to your ridiculous one about the rangers players pulling out from the scotland squad) I cant help notice that you appear to ALWAYS be at the wind up - with your favourite smiley :sherlock: at the end of each quote.

And with a name like BlueDIGNITY - to an old cynic it may appear that in actual fact you are actually a celtic fan masquerading as a Rangers fan.

From all the posts I have viewed from you in the last 18 months, there is very little dignified about your points of view.

Care to come out the closet BD?

blue dignity is no tim he is one of the biggest rangers men i know, and you are way off the mark. :)

it was a joke mince.

above you obviously.

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