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So Spiers has used the attendance of Balloch Bear et al as an excuse to have a go at some of their fellow Rangers supporters.

I hope you're very proud, guys.

You can't say you weren't warned.

And if no-one had attended he wouldn't have mentioned it I suppose.


You tell me. You're his mate.

It seems that you are already being used for the purpose of him having a go at our support and it hasn't yet been aired.

If nobody had attended then there wouldn't have been a programme and Spiers wouldn't have got his money.

I am beginning to wonder if you have a persecution complex here

I mean, the fact is, he had a pop at "some" organisations within our support, who mouth off yet do nothing. It should have been expected, and, pretty deservedly so imho.

Not sure that I get your meaning. Are you trying to say that I'm imaging all of Spiers' criticism of the the club and its support?

If you want to separate the RST from other fans then fair enough, but they are more than able to stand up for themselves, as can be seen elsewhere on this thread. You obviously have an issue with them, but I will leave that to you as I'm not getting into a debate on them at this point.

I see that both the Chairman and vice-Chairman of the RST have issued challenges (on another website) to Spiers for a public debate under more neutral conditions. It will be interesting to see if Spiers takes up their offer. Again I believe that they should have nothing to do with him, and they should just let him sink into obscurity.

Of course the real reason for Spiers doing this is to make up for the drop in income that he suffered from moving to the Times after getting booted by the Herald.

Honestly mate he doesn't read the fan websites so he will not pick up their challenge but he has told me he is more than happy to face them under their conditions in an open Q&A so perhaps if they are up for that then he would be as well, and he will do it for charity.

If they want to contact me I will relay the message to him.


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So Spiers has used the attendance of Balloch Bear et al as an excuse to have a go at some of their fellow Rangers supporters.

I hope you're very proud, guys.

You can't say you weren't warned.

And if no-one had attended he wouldn't have mentioned it I suppose.


You tell me. You're his mate.

It seems that you are already being used for the purpose of him having a go at our support and it hasn't yet been aired.

If nobody had attended then there wouldn't have been a programme and Spiers wouldn't have got his money.

I am beginning to wonder if you have a persecution complex here

I mean, the fact is, he had a pop at "some" organisations within our support, who mouth off yet do nothing. It should have been expected, and, pretty deservedly so imho.

Not sure that I get your meaning. Are you trying to say that I'm imaging all of Spiers' criticism of the the club and its support?

If you want to separate the RST from other fans then fair enough, but they are more than able to stand up for themselves, as can be seen elsewhere on this thread. You obviously have an issue with them, but I will leave that to you as I'm not getting into a debate on them at this point.

I see that both the Chairman and vice-Chairman of the RST have issued challenges (on another website) to Spiers for a public debate under more neutral conditions. It will be interesting to see if Spiers takes up their offer. Again I believe that they should have nothing to do with him, and they should just let him sink into obscurity.

Of course the real reason for Spiers doing this is to make up for the drop in income that he suffered from moving to the Times after getting booted by the Herald.

Honestly mate he doesn't read the fan websites so he will not pick up their challenge but he has told me he is more than happy to face them under their conditions in an open Q&A so perhaps if they are up for that then he would be as well, and he will do it for charity.

If they want to contact me I will relay the message to him.


Ballochbear, STOP! This guy has already stitched you (and the wider support) up like a kipper for his own ends, and set us back ten years. Why would you (we) give this clown house room?

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So Spiers has used the attendance of Balloch Bear et al as an excuse to have a go at some of their fellow Rangers supporters.

I hope you're very proud, guys.

You can't say you weren't warned.

And if no-one had attended he wouldn't have mentioned it I suppose.


You tell me. You're his mate.

It seems that you are already being used for the purpose of him having a go at our support and it hasn't yet been aired.

If nobody had attended then there wouldn't have been a programme and Spiers wouldn't have got his money.

I am beginning to wonder if you have a persecution complex here

I mean, the fact is, he had a pop at "some" organisations within our support, who mouth off yet do nothing. It should have been expected, and, pretty deservedly so imho.

Not sure that I get your meaning. Are you trying to say that I'm imaging all of Spiers' criticism of the the club and its support?

If you want to separate the RST from other fans then fair enough, but they are more than able to stand up for themselves, as can be seen elsewhere on this thread. You obviously have an issue with them, but I will leave that to you as I'm not getting into a debate on them at this point.

I see that both the Chairman and vice-Chairman of the RST have issued challenges (on another website) to Spiers for a public debate under more neutral conditions. It will be interesting to see if Spiers takes up their offer. Again I believe that they should have nothing to do with him, and they should just let him sink into obscurity.

Of course the real reason for Spiers doing this is to make up for the drop in income that he suffered from moving to the Times after getting booted by the Herald.

Honestly mate he doesn't read the fan websites so he will not pick up their challenge but he has told me he is more than happy to face them under their conditions in an open Q&A so perhaps if they are up for that then he would be as well, and he will do it for charity.

If they want to contact me I will relay the message to him.


I don't believe that either of them read RM.

Both sides have the other's email addresses, so if either of them were that serious I guess that they could arrange it privately, but it's possibly posturing. If Spiers was that serious about getting the RST in, then he could contact them directly and vice versa.

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So Spiers has used the attendance of Balloch Bear et al as an excuse to have a go at some of their fellow Rangers supporters.

I hope you're very proud, guys.

You can't say you weren't warned.

And if no-one had attended he wouldn't have mentioned it I suppose.


You tell me. You're his mate.

It seems that you are already being used for the purpose of him having a go at our support and it hasn't yet been aired.

If nobody had attended then there wouldn't have been a programme and Spiers wouldn't have got his money.

I am beginning to wonder if you have a persecution complex here

I mean, the fact is, he had a pop at "some" organisations within our support, who mouth off yet do nothing. It should have been expected, and, pretty deservedly so imho.

Not sure that I get your meaning. Are you trying to say that I'm imaging all of Spiers' criticism of the the club and its support?

If you want to separate the RST from other fans then fair enough, but they are more than able to stand up for themselves, as can be seen elsewhere on this thread. You obviously have an issue with them, but I will leave that to you as I'm not getting into a debate on them at this point.

I see that both the Chairman and vice-Chairman of the RST have issued challenges (on another website) to Spiers for a public debate under more neutral conditions. It will be interesting to see if Spiers takes up their offer. Again I believe that they should have nothing to do with him, and they should just let him sink into obscurity.

Of course the real reason for Spiers doing this is to make up for the drop in income that he suffered from moving to the Times after getting booted by the Herald.

Honestly mate he doesn't read the fan websites so he will not pick up their challenge but he has told me he is more than happy to face them under their conditions in an open Q&A so perhaps if they are up for that then he would be as well, and he will do it for charity.

If they want to contact me I will relay the message to him.


Given that he has referred on countless occasions to the views presented on fans' websites and quoted verbatim from them, I find it very difficult to accept that he is oblivious to their content.

But this is now irrelevant, since you have been told of the offer by the RST to appear in an open debate chaired by a neutral.

As you are clearly on very close terms with Graham Spiers I am sure you will pass this on.

It would certainly make for interesting listening on radio. I wonder if BBC Scotland would be interested.

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I have to say Brittany has a point!! All credit to Balloch Bear and his posse for meeting him - Balloch Bear tried to get people to turn up but the backtracking and excuses were pitiful (and yes I include myself in that as I didn't attend either).

doh FFS!

Eh, no he doesn't. People, including myself, didn't attend due to him "chairing" the debate and he was told this, along with the fact that we are more than comfortable in destroying his flimsy arguments, by means of his own words.

This article merely confirms our predictions beforehand, when we stated he would claim "cowardice" despite the facts stated above.

rather flimsy excuse

How can it be a flimsy excuse when Spiers has already stated in the past that we have the bigger sectarianism problem, that our heritage is flawed, and singing pro IRA chants is political ?

Can this guy be trusted to chair the debate in an even handed manner ? Don't forget that over a three year period he called the Rangers support vile, rancid, knuckledraggers, bigots to a man without printing one letter of reply from the Rangers support.

I can't believe how gullible some of our support are.

If the RST had bothered their arse to go along and attend as balloch bear did then how can spiers claim cowardice!!!!

as i said flismsy as fuck, you all like to open your mouths on a fucking internet forum but dont have the balls to go face to face with the man.

Internet hardmen .

The only thing flimsy is you, both in terms of your argument and your cowardice.

please alaborate Oleg or you going to come out with your usual pish?

All we hear is its not a balanced debate, when its been mentioned countless times that BBC LONDON are editing the programme not the scottish bead rattlers.

Big mouths and no balls the lot of you.

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All we hear is its not a balanced debate, when its been mentioned countless times that BBC LONDON are editing the programme not the scottish bead rattlers.

Big mouths and no balls the lot of you.

A lot of things are 'mentioned' countless times on the Internet yet do not actually happen to be true. Or, at least, they are distorted versions of the truth.

Only a fool would take the reassurances of an anonymous poster at face value.

See post #104 for the position of one supporters group.

Graham Spiers has been guilty of dissembling on many occasions in the past.

Why should he be trusted now?

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Honestly mate he doesn't read the fan websites so he will not pick up their challenge but he has told me he is more than happy to face them under their conditions in an open Q&A so perhaps if they are up for that then he would be as well, and he will do it for charity.

If they want to contact me I will relay the message to him.


Ballochbear, STOP! This guy has already stitched you (and the wider support) up like a kipper for his own ends, and set us back ten years. Why would you (we) give this clown house room?

Oh good god! haha

This onw totally threw my reply, I have no words to say now!

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All we hear is its not a balanced debate, when its been mentioned countless times that BBC LONDON are editing the programme not the scottish bead rattlers.

Big mouths and no balls the lot of you.

A lot of things are 'mentioned' countless times on the Internet yet do not actually happen to be true. Or, at least, they are distorted versions of the truth.

Only a fool would take the reassurances of an anonymous poster at face value.

See post #104 for the position of one supporters group.

Graham Spiers has been guilty of dissembling on many occasions in the past.

Why should he be trusted now?

Because, as has been explained several times already in this thread, you and many others appear to be blind to the fact that HE isnt in control of this, nor is he editing it. Essentially to the point where, he, like BB and the others who went, are simply taking part in it. Really shouldnt be too hard to comprehend.

These days, we are becoming far worse culprits than gs at giving ourselves a bad name, and, dividing our own support. Some people really should wise up. I am not implying any names here, but, we will just say, if the cap fits!

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All we hear is its not a balanced debate, when its been mentioned countless times that BBC LONDON are editing the programme not the scottish bead rattlers.

Big mouths and no balls the lot of you.

A lot of things are 'mentioned' countless times on the Internet yet do not actually happen to be true. Or, at least, they are distorted versions of the truth.

Only a fool would take the reassurances of an anonymous poster at face value.

See post #104 for the position of one supporters group.

Graham Spiers has been guilty of dissembling on many occasions in the past.

Why should he be trusted now?

Because, as has been explained several times already in this thread, you and many others appear to be blind to the fact that HE isnt in control of this, nor is he editing it. Essentially to the point where, he, like BB and the others who went, are simply taking part in it. Really shouldnt be too hard to comprehend.

These days, we are becoming far worse culprits than gs at giving ourselves a bad name, and, dividing our own support. Some people really should wise up. I am not implying any names here, but, we will just say, if the cap fits!

i have started talking to the wall, at least it listens and gives a sensible reply.

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All we hear is its not a balanced debate, when its been mentioned countless times that BBC LONDON are editing the programme not the scottish bead rattlers.

Big mouths and no balls the lot of you.

A lot of things are 'mentioned' countless times on the Internet yet do not actually happen to be true. Or, at least, they are distorted versions of the truth.

Only a fool would take the reassurances of an anonymous poster at face value.

See post #104 for the position of one supporters group.

Graham Spiers has been guilty of dissembling on many occasions in the past.

Why should he be trusted now?

Because, as has been explained several times already in this thread, you and many others appear to be blind to the fact that HE isnt in control of this, nor is he editing it. Essentially to the point where, he, like BB and the others who went, are simply taking part in it. Really shouldnt be too hard to comprehend.

These days, we are becoming far worse culprits than gs at giving ourselves a bad name, and, dividing our own support. Some people really should wise up. I am not implying any names here, but, we will just say, if the cap fits!

i have started talking to the wall, at least it listens and gives a sensible reply.

:mutley: I might try that

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Because, as has been explained several times already in this thread, you and many others appear to be blind to the fact that HE isnt in control of this, nor is he editing it. Essentially to the point where, he, like BB and the others who went, are simply taking part in it. Really shouldnt be too hard to comprehend.

These days, we are becoming far worse culprits than gs at giving ourselves a bad name, and, dividing our own support. Some people really should wise up. I am not implying any names here, but, we will just say, if the cap fits!

And you honestly believe that ? I doubt Spiers would agree to a discussion on sectarianism that wasn't under his terms and conditions, simple as that. Spiers gave his word that he simply misheard the sheep shaggers when they sang 'nice one Simmy' in reference to him ruining Durrant's career. Of course he didn't do so in the Herald where he wrote his column at the time, no it was three years later on radio Snyde under criticism from a Rangers supporter. He's a fucking snake and if he told me it was Christmas eve today I'd have to double check my calander to confirm. You can take balloch bears word for it if you want, but I for one have remained suspicious about this from the outset. A Rangers supporter openly admits to being on friendly terms with this cretin and does his bidding for him on the sites he claims not to use.

Balloch Bear, no doubt you'll claim I'm talking bollocks but the fact of the matter is you came out of nowhere trying to set up a meeting with the one man who has done more to ruin Rangers reputation more than anyone else. The Rangers support have quite rightly shunned him as his career has spiraled on a downwards path in to oblivion, even the club claimed him to be a persona non grata and his fellow sports writers mock him to his face. He needs the Rangers fans more than we could ever need him and by offering him a platform to engage us it seems there are some happy to allow him to continue his lies, but then good mates tend to help one another in times of trouble so you are nothing if anything but a decent pal. I just hope you are looking forward to more articles claiming Struth is an idiot, that Ian Ferguson has all the charm of a child molester, that Wallace was a bully and a bigot, that Cooper's legacy is somewhat tainted.

What Rangers fan wouldn't ?

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i have started talking to the wall, at least it listens and gives a sensible reply.

Aye hilarious stuff, anyone who believes they can justify a meeting with this cancerous bastard is mentally ill in my opinion anyway.

Perhaps the wall will start talking back.

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Honestly mate he doesn't read the fan websites so he will not pick up their challenge but he has told me he is more than happy to face them under their conditions in an open Q&A so perhaps if they are up for that then he would be as well, and he will do it for charity.

If they want to contact me I will relay the message to him.


Ballochbear, STOP! This guy has already stitched you (and the wider support) up like a kipper for his own ends, and set us back ten years. Why would you (we) give this clown house room?

Oh good god! haha

This onw totally threw my reply, I have no words to say now!

Look, I have no problem entering into a debate with anybody about the so called sectarian nature of the Rangers support, but only if whomever I’m debating with is prepared to do it objectively.

Do you honestly think he had anything in mind other than self-vindication? If you do, then I have serious worries about your ability to judge a situation - worse than Ballochbear’s… at least he just sounds naive!

Spiers has obviously been quizzed by the BBC about his lack of impartiality, and had we known that, a shared statement to the BBC was the way to go.

We should have made it clear to the BBC in London that the support in Scotland would not enter into a debate with him on account of the mistrust that exists, as a direct result of his legacy of blatant impartiality and deliberately targeted campaign to discredit the Rangers support . Then sit back and see how Mr. Precious winlkled his way out of that one.

Not surprisingly, we didn’t have the strategic nonce for something as simple and damning, but instead ended up bolstering his credence with the pay masters at the BBC and spoon-fed is already over inflated ego.

You despair? I gave up long ago, mate?

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Because, as has been explained several times already in this thread, you and many others appear to be blind to the fact that HE isnt in control of this, nor is he editing it. Essentially to the point where, he, like BB and the others who went, are simply taking part in it. Really shouldnt be too hard to comprehend.

These days, we are becoming far worse culprits than gs at giving ourselves a bad name, and, dividing our own support. Some people really should wise up. I am not implying any names here, but, we will just say, if the cap fits!

And you honestly believe that ? I doubt Spiers would agree to a discussion on sectarianism that wasn't under his terms and conditions, simple as that. Spiers gave his word that he simply misheard the sheep shaggers when they sang 'nice one Simmy' in reference to him ruining Durrant's career. Of course he didn't do so in the Herald where he wrote his column at the time, no it was three years later on radio Snyde under criticism from a Rangers supporter. He's a fucking snake and if he told me it was Christmas eve today I'd have to double check my calander to confirm. You can take balloch bears word for it if you want, but I for one have remained suspicious about this from the outset. A Rangers supporter openly admits to being on friendly terms with this cretin and does his bidding for him on the sites he claims not to use.

Balloch Bear, no doubt you'll claim I'm talking bollocks but the fact of the matter is you came out of nowhere trying to set up a meeting with the one man who has done more to ruin Rangers reputation more than anyone else. The Rangers support have quite rightly shunned him as his career has spiraled on a downwards path in to oblivion, even the club claimed him to be a persona non grata and his fellow sports writers mock him to his face. He needs the Rangers fans more than we could ever need him and by offering him a platform to engage us it seems there are some happy to allow him to continue his lies, but then good mates tend to help one another in times of trouble so you are nothing if anything but a decent pal. I just hope you are looking forward to more articles claiming Struth is an idiot, that Ian Ferguson has all the charm of a child molester, that Wallace was a bully and a bigot, that Cooper's legacy is somewhat tainted.

What Rangers fan wouldn't ?

Here fcuking here, mate! Spiers isn't our worst enemy, we are!

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Because, as has been explained several times already in this thread, you and many others appear to be blind to the fact that HE isnt in control of this, nor is he editing it. Essentially to the point where, he, like BB and the others who went, are simply taking part in it. Really shouldnt be too hard to comprehend.

These days, we are becoming far worse culprits than gs at giving ourselves a bad name, and, dividing our own support. Some people really should wise up. I am not implying any names here, but, we will just say, if the cap fits!

And you honestly believe that ? I doubt Spiers would agree to a discussion on sectarianism that wasn't under his terms and conditions, simple as that. Spiers gave his word that he simply misheard the sheep shaggers when they sang 'nice one Simmy' in reference to him ruining Durrant's career. Of course he didn't do so in the Herald where he wrote his column at the time, no it was three years later on radio Snyde under criticism from a Rangers supporter. He's a fucking snake and if he told me it was Christmas eve today I'd have to double check my calander to confirm. You can take balloch bears word for it if you want, but I for one have remained suspicious about this from the outset. A Rangers supporter openly admits to being on friendly terms with this cretin and does his bidding for him on the sites he claims not to use.

Balloch Bear, no doubt you'll claim I'm talking bollocks but the fact of the matter is you came out of nowhere trying to set up a meeting with the one man who has done more to ruin Rangers reputation more than anyone else. The Rangers support have quite rightly shunned him as his career has spiraled on a downwards path in to oblivion, even the club claimed him to be a persona non grata and his fellow sports writers mock him to his face. He needs the Rangers fans more than we could ever need him and by offering him a platform to engage us it seems there are some happy to allow him to continue his lies, but then good mates tend to help one another in times of trouble so you are nothing if anything but a decent pal. I just hope you are looking forward to more articles claiming Struth is an idiot, that Ian Ferguson has all the charm of a child molester, that Wallace was a bully and a bigot, that Cooper's legacy is somewhat tainted.

What Rangers fan wouldn't ?

I have no reason not to believe it, yet. Mate, maybe after we hear it, I will be right, or you will, or, more is likely, somewhere in between. I dont think he is going out of his way to "support" or "champion" us, I have viewed this thing as a debate, with us on one side, him and the tims on the other, but the difference between this and his columns, is that there is a 3rd party, the BBC in London, sat in the middle. That is the ONLY reason I am giving anyone the benefit of the doubt on this until I hear it.

You dont really have to tell me about his history Jim, am well aware of it, and view his actions, and persona in the same way as you. I just have a feeling (false hope?) that this item is different.

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Because, as has been explained several times already in this thread, you and many others appear to be blind to the fact that HE isnt in control of this, nor is he editing it. Essentially to the point where, he, like BB and the others who went, are simply taking part in it. Really shouldnt be too hard to comprehend.

These days, we are becoming far worse culprits than gs at giving ourselves a bad name, and, dividing our own support. Some people really should wise up. I am not implying any names here, but, we will just say, if the cap fits!

And you honestly believe that ? I doubt Spiers would agree to a discussion on sectarianism that wasn't under his terms and conditions, simple as that. Spiers gave his word that he simply misheard the sheep shaggers when they sang 'nice one Simmy' in reference to him ruining Durrant's career. Of course he didn't do so in the Herald where he wrote his column at the time, no it was three years later on radio Snyde under criticism from a Rangers supporter. He's a fucking snake and if he told me it was Christmas eve today I'd have to double check my calander to confirm. You can take balloch bears word for it if you want, but I for one have remained suspicious about this from the outset. A Rangers supporter openly admits to being on friendly terms with this cretin and does his bidding for him on the sites he claims not to use.

Balloch Bear, no doubt you'll claim I'm talking bollocks but the fact of the matter is you came out of nowhere trying to set up a meeting with the one man who has done more to ruin Rangers reputation more than anyone else. The Rangers support have quite rightly shunned him as his career has spiraled on a downwards path in to oblivion, even the club claimed him to be a persona non grata and his fellow sports writers mock him to his face. He needs the Rangers fans more than we could ever need him and by offering him a platform to engage us it seems there are some happy to allow him to continue his lies, but then good mates tend to help one another in times of trouble so you are nothing if anything but a decent pal. I just hope you are looking forward to more articles claiming Struth is an idiot, that Ian Ferguson has all the charm of a child molester, that Wallace was a bully and a bigot, that Cooper's legacy is somewhat tainted.

What Rangers fan wouldn't ?

Here fcuking here, mate! Spiers isn't our worst enemy, we are!

That part, these days, sadly I agree with

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I have no reason not to believe it, yet. Mate, maybe after we hear it, I will be right, or you will, or, more is likely, somewhere in between. I dont think he is going out of his way to "support" or "champion" us, I have viewed this thing as a debate, with us on one side, him and the tims on the other, but the difference between this and his columns, is that there is a 3rd party, the BBC in London, sat in the middle. That is the ONLY reason I am giving anyone the benefit of the doubt on this until I hear it.

You dont really have to tell me about his history Jim, am well aware of it, and view his actions, and persona in the same way as you. I just have a feeling (false hope?) that this item is different.

Nor do I, other than the fact that anything Spiers has done in the past where Rangers are involved usually means our support or our legends come out dehumanized one way or the other. Perhaps once I've heard it I'll have changed my tune but even then that wont excuse his past catalogue of hate, spin and lies he's directed at our club.

No amount of effort on his part or a few Rangers supporting buddies will alter that, ever!

The previous venom that cancerous bastard has directed at our club should see him given no respect, no room for maneuver, no forgiveness, no understanding and certainly not our time of day.

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I have no reason not to believe it, yet. Mate, maybe after we hear it, I will be right, or you will, or, more is likely, somewhere in between. I dont think he is going out of his way to "support" or "champion" us, I have viewed this thing as a debate, with us on one side, him and the tims on the other, but the difference between this and his columns, is that there is a 3rd party, the BBC in London, sat in the middle. That is the ONLY reason I am giving anyone the benefit of the doubt on this until I hear it.

You dont really have to tell me about his history Jim, am well aware of it, and view his actions, and persona in the same way as you. I just have a feeling (false hope?) that this item is different.

Nor do I, other than the fact that anything Spiers has done in the past where Rangers are involved usually means our support or our legends come out dehumanized one way or the other. Perhaps once I've heard it I'll have changed my tune but even then that wont excuse his past catalogue of hate, spin and lies he's directed at our club.

No amount of effort on his part or a few Rangers supporting buddies will alter that, ever!

The previous venom that cancerous bastard has directed at our club should see him given no respect, no room for maneuver, no forgiveness, no understanding and certainly not our time of day.

I agree with that totally, I think my original thought was, regardless of him being involved, we could have used this to our advantage. Hopefully the guys involved will come out of it well, and, we as a supprt will look good

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I agree with that totally, I think my original thought was, regardless of him being involved, we could have used this to our advantage. Hopefully the guys involved will come out of it well, and, we as a supprt will look good

As do I, I've already wished BB luck before the meeting and credited him on the points he said he raised but I wont budge from my stance that we should never have given him the time of day.

Christ, before this show was even aired he has taken an opportunity to have a pop at the Rangers support, the guys mentally ill and he simply can't help attacking our club.

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All we hear is its not a balanced debate, when its been mentioned countless times that BBC LONDON are editing the programme not the scottish bead rattlers.

Big mouths and no balls the lot of you.

A lot of things are 'mentioned' countless times on the Internet yet do not actually happen to be true. Or, at least, they are distorted versions of the truth.

Only a fool would take the reassurances of an anonymous poster at face value.

See post #104 for the position of one supporters group.

Graham Spiers has been guilty of dissembling on many occasions in the past.

Why should he be trusted now?

Because, as has been explained several times already in this thread, you and many others appear to be blind to the fact that HE isnt in control of this, nor is he editing it. Essentially to the point where, he, like BB and the others who went, are simply taking part in it. Really shouldnt be too hard to comprehend.

These days, we are becoming far worse culprits than gs at giving ourselves a bad name, and, dividing our own support. Some people really should wise up. I am not implying any names here, but, we will just say, if the cap fits!

It has indeed been explained several times - by an anonymous poster who appears to be acting on behalf of a journalist with a track record of lying, distorting information and generally doing all he can to trash the Rangers support.

No responsible supporters group could possibly accept this modus operandi as a reasonable way of conducting business.

I don't think any assurances are worth the paper they're not written on.

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FFS guys this is supposed to be the season of goodwill to all me.

Just let me once again clear up some issues.

I was a member of this site before Spiers offered his open Q&A or involvement in the radio programme.

Frankie has all my details so he knows who I am, therefore while I may appear anonymus I am not.

Spiers is a link in the programme not the presenter or producer.

BBC LONDON are the editors and broadcasters, more or less the basis is "GS you have a stance on Rangers and their support, get us a debate on this"

Why didn't anyone from either the RST or RSA want to defend us?

I have no idea how we will come across and like you I have to wait for the broadcast.

I still believe someone had to take part or how would he then have painted us?

Again I ask why not face him instead of mouthing off on here and hiding behind a screen name.

Yes he has used verbatim accounts from websites but surely you can understand someone else reads and filters them and sends them to him.

FFS he will probably get a copy of our discussion as well.

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FFS guys this is supposed to be the season of goodwill to all me.

Just let me once again clear up some issues.

I was a member of this site before Spiers offered his open Q&A or involvement in the radio programme.

Frankie has all my details so he knows who I am, therefore while I may appear anonymus I am not.

Spiers is a link in the programme not the presenter or producer.

BBC LONDON are the editors and broadcasters, more or less the basis is "GS you have a stance on Rangers and their support, get us a debate on this"

Why didn't anyone from either the RST or RSA want to defend us?

I have no idea how we will come across and like you I have to wait for the broadcast.

I still believe someone had to take part or how would he then have painted us?

Again I ask why not face him instead of mouthing off on here and hiding behind a screen name.

Yes he has used verbatim accounts from websites but surely you can understand someone else reads and filters them and sends them to him.

FFS he will probably get a copy of our discussion as well.

If a real debate with these supporters groups was wanted, why not invite them through the proper channels rather than rely on an anonymous poster on some Rangers related websites? BallochBear, this is not a dig at you and I am looking forward to listening to the show.

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FFS guys this is supposed to be the season of goodwill to all me.

Just let me once again clear up some issues.

I was a member of this site before Spiers offered his open Q&A or involvement in the radio programme.

Frankie has all my details so he knows who I am, therefore while I may appear anonymus I am not.

Spiers is a link in the programme not the presenter or producer.

BBC LONDON are the editors and broadcasters, more or less the basis is "GS you have a stance on Rangers and their support, get us a debate on this"

Why didn't anyone from either the RST or RSA want to defend us?

I have no idea how we will come across and like you I have to wait for the broadcast.

I still believe someone had to take part or how would he then have painted us?

Again I ask why not face him instead of mouthing off on here and hiding behind a screen name.

Yes he has used verbatim accounts from websites but surely you can understand someone else reads and filters them and sends them to him.

FFS he will probably get a copy of our discussion as well.

He should never hear another word from Rangers fan's, unless it is one of us calling him the fenian clown that he is. Never should a Rangers fan talk to this muppet.

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So Spiers has used the attendance of Balloch Bear et al as an excuse to have a go at some of their fellow Rangers supporters.

I hope you're very proud, guys.

You can't say you weren't warned.

And if no-one had attended he wouldn't have mentioned it I suppose.


You tell me. You're his mate.

It seems that you are already being used for the purpose of him having a go at our support and it hasn't yet been aired.

If nobody had attended then there wouldn't have been a programme and Spiers wouldn't have got his money.

I am beginning to wonder if you have a persecution complex here

I mean, the fact is, he had a pop at "some" organisations within our support, who mouth off yet do nothing. It should have been expected, and, pretty deservedly so imho.

Not sure that I get your meaning. Are you trying to say that I'm imaging all of Spiers' criticism of the the club and its support?

If you want to separate the RST from other fans then fair enough, but they are more than able to stand up for themselves, as can be seen elsewhere on this thread. You obviously have an issue with them, but I will leave that to you as I'm not getting into a debate on them at this point.

I see that both the Chairman and vice-Chairman of the RST have issued challenges (on another website) to Spiers for a public debate under more neutral conditions. It will be interesting to see if Spiers takes up their offer. Again I believe that they should have nothing to do with him, and they should just let him sink into obscurity.

Of course the real reason for Spiers doing this is to make up for the drop in income that he suffered from moving to the Times after getting booted by the Herald.

Honestly mate he doesn't read the fan websites so he will not pick up their challenge but he has told me he is more than happy to face them under their conditions in an open Q&A so perhaps if they are up for that then he would be as well, and he will do it for charity.

If they want to contact me I will relay the message to him.



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FFS guys this is supposed to be the season of goodwill to all me.

Just let me once again clear up some issues.

I was a member of this site before Spiers offered his open Q&A or involvement in the radio programme.

Frankie has all my details so he knows who I am, therefore while I may appear anonymus I am not.

Spiers is a link in the programme not the presenter or producer.

BBC LONDON are the editors and broadcasters, more or less the basis is "GS you have a stance on Rangers and their support, get us a debate on this"

Why didn't anyone from either the RST or RSA want to defend us?

I have no idea how we will come across and like you I have to wait for the broadcast.

I still believe someone had to take part or how would he then have painted us?

Again I ask why not face him instead of mouthing off on here and hiding behind a screen name.

Yes he has used verbatim accounts from websites but surely you can understand someone else reads and filters them and sends them to him.

FFS he will probably get a copy of our discussion as well.

He should never hear another word from Rangers fan's, unless it is one of us calling him the fenian clown that he is. Never should a Rangers fan talk to this muppet.

I don't agree with you, so perhaps you can explain then how we will get a better press from the media, not just GS, or are you another handwringer who doesn't do anything but moan?

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