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Monkey Butler

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Everything posted by Monkey Butler

  1. They need to properly learn the second verse for the group stages.
  2. I can't understand why anyone would be against disco lights. It's like saying you're against fun.
  3. Sorry mate, @Graham 's thread was better because it had music.
  4. Whilst I agree with him, it still feels a wee bit rich hearing Boyd criticising anyone at the club for a lack of professionalism and being out of shape.
  5. There's various theories but the cause of cramp is not fully understood. True story.
  6. You are my love, my friend, my soul. You make me as hard as a well fired roll.
  7. You are my love, my friend, my soul. I want to destroy your arsehole.
  8. Gazza was shite in Europe for us, I probably wouldn't pick him.
  9. Water breaks are for benders. Ran for an hour earlier and didn't need any water. I'm obviously fitter than everyone on the park.
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