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Everything posted by Wienblue

  1. If we don't that will be the biggest sporting embarrassment of the decade - be warned ! We'll win though, but, no big deal in that.
  2. Paul Lambert has lost the plot a few times with the County manager who has the upper hand - both team wise, psychologically and the way he acts.
  3. We all know the SPL could have done more (FACT) ! But, we have let it slip and we also need to look from within. Some in recent weeks have not performed and we should have been able to dig results out !! If as I expect (I hope I'm wrong) the Irish team win it, then, they will know themselves it has been by default but only winning matters. We threw it away, that is what I find galling !
  4. I have yet to see any conclusive proof of Gers fans rioting. I like you have no idea who the people are and viewing the "no colours" pics from the daily record I am even more inclined to believe the instigators were not Gers fans and came with clear intent to cause trouble. Let's see the facts and evidence first. What I have seen is a poorly prepared police force and several people being assaulted without provocation from members of GMP. The videos are on you tube for viewing and there is no defence to the footage I viewed. There should be many reports from GMP of the use of batons as the individual cop will have to have this all noted down in compliance with procedures ??
  5. Let's see how creative and skillful he is on the bigger stage ? but, yes, he did make a difference !
  6. He needs to be played in his rightful position - centre half ! - then, I will judge him properly.
  7. He is awful, runs about like a headless chicken. Couldn't cut it at us or the republicans nor Derby Or Wolves. Is that how we can compare ourselves Derby or Wolves ? I am embarrassed. If he was any good, why wouldn't one of the lower level EPL teams be in the hunt for him or the one's promoted. When he plays against the bigger boyz, he is nothing another Scot who gets offered a place back in the SPL went he cannot meet the grade in the EPL. We are supposed to have standards...where did they go ?
  8. As looks likely, it is embarrassing that Celtic may win the league. Everyone anywhere is judged on results. I am proud of our progress to the UEFA final, but, at the end of the day, we may leave the scene with both Scottish Cups. Is that enough, well, not a great deal of credibility in that, but, it is two small trophy's. Our run in Europe cost us domestically, otherwise, we would have won the league by now. We tried to do it on the "cheap", it never worked and I had visions of it all going wrong at the last hurdle, I think it has. We never planned ahead properly, not a lot of strategic vision or planning. A glorious failure. Honestly, Celtic have been handed the league, they have (most probably) won it by default and that makes it all the more galling and bloody embarrassing and Strachan is useless (their fans know it), that's the worst part of it !!
  9. Got any pics of that filth ? Have a look at the pics of the one's on the daily record thread ? All this info. needs to be coordinated and sent to GMP / RFC / RST.
  10. We must see if that dwarf is on anyone's photos (including any more from the D/Record) London accent for a start. We were set up by these morons who maliciously latched on to the party. The Casuals/Headhunters do have their acquaintances in Glasgow and it's up to our one's to post up and speak up. They can tell us the truth about waht really did happen !
  11. I have seen no definitive or conclusive evidence which indicates that the people involved in the alleged riot were Rangers fans. Given the pictures from the Daily Record of the casuals, I have my doubts and I will pass judgement when they have been identified properly - and evidentially. No need to apologise on behalf of Rangers at the moment !!! You never get a conviction until you prove the evidence - beyond all reasonable doubt - that is the standard !!!!
  12. It's all starting to unravel...pre planned by others, poor oganization, lack of preparation, the pics of the casuals from the record (no bears there) and the "stewards view", the "lies over the screen". Oh and the Russian lad who was stabbed by something (munchausen syndrome, to get NHS care ?) and everyone has been released. The Gers Army medic coming to the aid of Pc Regan. It's alarming ! Still the best travelling support in Europe. We were had ! What has been annoying that many jumped to conclusions as usual without knowing the facts ? You will know who you are, if you read this !
  13. Nobody has appeared in court and my understanding is all persons have been released. Another police slip - up and INFACTUAL media reporting (again) ! Minstral, you know as well as I do, the media only exist for sensationalism and a distortion of facts - it sells newspapers. No point in telling the truth (it's generally not interesting ) !
  14. Well I feel there has been an improvement, there is still organised thuggery in English football that I won't deny, but I feel there has been an improvement, but for someone to indicate that all those with English accents are thugs is incorrect, especially as we The Quintessential British Club, do have genuine fans who have English accents. For me, its not so much the thuggery, as, in general, loutishness, for want of a better word. It is a generalisation, but, it is also celebrated in the media, programs like Benidorm, Skins, Shameless etc in which its pretty much glorifying loutish anti social behaviour and making it humourous. Near where I live, is chav central, and, hoodies everywhere, and, how many asbos do you have now? So, am a little bias. I agree about our fans tho Fully agree. Anti Social Behaviour is the British way of life and I am disgusted that those programmes are put on TV. It encourages everything which is wrong, but, it's also a reflection of our country, glorifying alcoholism and we tolerate that ?
  15. All the copper had to do was step two feet and keep on walking. He clobbers him repeatedly and makes no attemptp to check on his welfare ??? The man could have been killed had a heart attack or anything ! That is an unjustified assualt. Britain 2008 - "state thuggery"
  16. Everyone who behaves properly is welcome as a fan, irrespective of accents. Your Man City friends might know these dudes or our Chelsea Gers supporters.
  17. I don't think he is a fan though, I think he is one of the group causing trouble, and either filming for his and friends own enjoyment or to place on youtube to make things look worse than us. Mate, no, they always have their official camera man and always v/well organized. Look how coolly he's doing it. If this mob thought he was an imposter, he wouldn't be there. We have been set up big style. They will all be known down south and if I'm right, the football banning orders won't apply to UEFA games.
  18. They came looking for a fight. Looks like elements of the Chelsea Headhunters and/or C18 (London boyz) If you do some research on the net, you'll probably get their photos from other occasions. No way they are bears ! In the second pic, one of them is standing filming with his camcorder, looks like well orchestrated. and they will travel with their official photographer. They are all about the same age as well.
  19. I hope the Manhester neds stay at home on this one and don't ruin any more for other people.
  20. No surprises there. The drip, drip of what actually happened is coming out...but, the police have the control of the media for initial spin. get the message out qick and it's what people believe. I could tell you lots about them...and their lies. But, the public get the police they deserve unfortunately. Remember, their CC. Mike Todd who topped himself two months ago, was shagging everything that moved, leading a double life and the police range rover for other uses. And, their senior officers knew and did nothing..., cause they were thinking about their next promotion. You cannot trust some of them, so you cannot trust them on this ! IPC for me too !
  21. I have dealt extensively with Russians. Ain't no human rights there, even if you do wrong. They set the rules and as one says - "Always beware of the Russians. They are a remarkable race of people and back on the world stage BIG TIME !! and with the money.
  22. The offences they report on are all minor and not significant as far as the law goes. When you bail someone in England and Wales, it generally means you don't have any evidence and it's so they can say they haven't made an unlawful arrest. When you get a caution, it means that they again don't have any evidence and they come to a deal with you to get you out of the nick, if you admit some minor offence (legal terms, it's called quid pro quo - a trade off). It serves as a safeguard for them if you decide to sue for unalwful arrest. The Russians, all released because they cannot be bothered investigating anything, too costly - court time / interpreters etc' and they won't be coming back. It's called selective justice. Nobody sent to jail them ??? What a surprise, blown out of proportions. Not like one of the Rome or Turin derbies ? Wonder if they tell us, how many complaints have been made against the police ??? Amnesty International or human rights groups would have a field day with that lot...
  23. This is what you should do (legally) : Hand it in to the local cops in your home town. Ensure you get a recipt from the local cops (in case, they steal it) They should (?) send it to GMP. Email GMP with the police ref no. from the local cops (in case, it goes missing ?) and tell them when you found, what it is etc and they should place your entry on their databases (in case it goes missing from the cop shop ??), in case, someone informs them they've lost something. As you know and from recent events, much faith in the police has been lost, but, there are good one's.
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