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Everything posted by eastendblue

  1. I was there mate Sandy Jardine goal wins it for the Gers. I was living in London at the time.
  2. Just finishing off the top deck now in time for the new season. I'm sure Mbappe will be well impressed when he runs out in his first game for us
  3. Similar to a game against Dundee at Ibrox years ago Thick fog and crowds streaming back down PRW,our bus got to the toll and got the thumbs down from fans walking into town. My and mates went into town and messed about for a couple of hours before going home. Got home and my mum asked what happened to Rangers today,I told her about the fog and she said " well I've just seen the scores on TV and Rangers were beaten 5-2 Game obviously went ahead
  4. What is it with this Danny Milano prick? Nothing but false info from his page.
  5. Only 700 capacity at NEH. Overspill will be in Club 1872 watching on screens.
  6. They said there will be a cap on the points earned from merchandise purchases
  7. You don't get jailed for drinking on a supporters bus and I've never heard of a pub being raided and customers breathalysed. The bus conveyor and the bus driver/company will get a fine
  8. They stop buses regularly but never heard anyone being breathalysed and certainly never in pubs or clubs
  9. Coatbridge has the honour of having a few Loyalist singers in residence and another,who,sadly,is no longer with us,was one of the best.
  10. Would the failed payment not end in you being taken off the CCCS scheme for the remains of the season?
  11. What about those on the CCCS system,how would they boycott?
  12. A good coach doesn't necessarily become a good manager
  13. I loved it when I took my two boys as youngsters but was equally as happy when they both got their own seats away from me as they grew older... Both of them now have sons of their own to contend with.
  14. " Dunfermline cheated to allow Rangers to win the league" A bitter cvnt who shouldn't be anywhere near our games.
  15. Surely that cash has already been ringfenced...
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