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Everything posted by leanne73

  1. i know btw they 2 girls in the picture r well sexual :P lol x

  2. As long as Rangers win I don't care. A last minute goal like Lovenkrands in the 2002 Scottish Cup final would be great though
  3. You are a toxic waste of life, why are you posting on here? Run along. He's been sorted.
  4. Radio Scotland 810 MW Thats just a studio discussion with input from all the games. I don't know then.
  5. With a name like Rory McIlroy I don't think he's a sellik fan.
  6. No not at all. I get as upset and angry as anyone when Rangers lose but it's not a matter of life and death. Although Rangers are more than a club
  7. Who cares, if I had a trial for Rangers i'd embellish it too!
  8. is lent not for catholics. I'd say so. Could you imagine the Scottish Protestant International Aid Fund? Incidentally Aileen McGlynn was in my higher english class at school and was a fan of the mhanky mhob as I recall.
  9. With a shit haircut. Was about to slag him for being a fifer, but then Jim Baxter was as well..... Pressley's from Elgin.
  10. What a fucking mess. The tattoo's a riot as well
  11. thanks but that oesnt help me see the killie game I know sorry!
  12. I've got Rangers TV but hardly ever watch it.
  13. There are very few that fall into this category but for me it's Ian McCall - nyaff.
  14. He's very good, funny and entertaining. I'd have thought you wouldn't like him seeing as he's a Tory and a unionist You point both out but you didn't need to say unionist since you'd said tory! Don't be so pedantic! Some people may not neccessarily know that Tory equates unionist!
  15. As if being a fat ex sellik player isn't bad enough he is cursed with ginger facial hair
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