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Everything posted by Jardy

  1. we'r not arrogant.....jus realistic boab!
  2. got to say every1 this cud be a very interestin game, spoke to boys that i work wi that r goin up to the game an there in high hopes of gettin a result today. I agree there is a geed chance that wer in 4 a shock, heres hoping. Rangers queens final. giruy dirty sheep fiddlers!!!!!!im goin with 1-0 queens, Dobbie to score.im goin 1-0 queens, Dobbie to score
  3. coment below the sportin fan is a bit rich, he havin a go at sportin sayin how poor they av been this season!!!!
  4. lets jus hope the italian police dont live up to there bad reputation aswel.
  5. havin to go thru season 07-08, an the worse is still to cum timmys!!!!!!!!!
  6. il not be stayin anywhere as il be partyin all nyt an day, bt yes. il be there.
  7. MATCH SCORE: partick 0 rangers 1 RANGERS SCORERS:cousin
  8. any way people im off out 2 enjoy the match, heres hopin we do this, bt if we dont its not the end of the world. Still gonna av 3 more in the cabenet than them!!!
  9. lets git rite in2 these moanin portuguese pussys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy:
  10. haha got u there brian!!!!!
  11. is that definate ricksen???!!!!
  12. bargain at that price!! wud do a job here.
  13. im sure i heard sumthing bout that this time last year, i thought they were goin 2 start that this year, bt to the matter, they think this will prevent under age drinkin. Its not buckfast writen on our shirts so wont make a blind bit o difference.
  14. he can have arthur boruc suckin off wgs 4 all i care, as long as he keeps playin the way he has done.
  15. well dun liverpool *he says grudgingly* :angry2:
  16. don't you remember helicopter sunday mcdonald score twice for the mighty well dont think there a ger alive that doesnt remember everything aboot that day stacy, bt the fact is he left motherwell 4 them and how can u gi player of the year 2 a grumpy wee shite that takes the huff wen subd, why he givin wgs a hard time? he a legend.
  17. like everton in this order hate aberdeen liverpool gretna barcelona queen of the south carlisle utd every la liga side (apart from espanyol giruy barca)
  18. well we'r onli 90 mins away from a first european semi in 36 years, so lets go 4 it!!! i honestly think we will sneak this one.
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