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Everything posted by jbm26896

  1. I agree , just in time for season ticket purchase. It would be hilarious if it didnt happen.
  2. Dirty cheating scum bastards
  3. Nothing would make me happier .
  4. They will have a new manager coming in soon, with Lennon being appointed DOF , that's why he stated he was looking forward to the rebuild.
  5. Kilmarnock players dominate the squad - holy fuck - you couldn’t make it up. Ollie Burke 🤷‍♂️ A totally embarrassing squad .
  6. They have played the victim card enough over the years , but this has been the biggest so far, They turned his funeral into a circus with their antics.
  7. Sorry but this looks more like Naismith attacking Browns elbow with his head!!!!! Definite Red Card
  8. Another load of shite from a celtic cheerleader.
  9. No tying scarves to the goalposts tonight Bunch o fannies
  10. Lennon is a perfect fit for this classless club.
  11. Wait till tomorrow , the excuses will come . We will complete their misery next Saturday
  12. Absolutely brilliant Stubbs will use every excuse possible - but the bottom line is championship football again ?
  13. we cannot let the truth get in the way of bitterness - the comments on here when a player leaves our club are embarrasing Aye, that's why everybody's pissed off with Boyd because he's leaving our magnificent club. Open your eye's, he was dishonest, shite from Christmas and now he's proved he's a money grabbin bastard with no ambition. Rangers man my arse. He is a Rangers man - there is no doubt about that As for the rest of what you say - bitterness at its best I have my doubts. What else in my comment is sheer bitterness ?, was he amazing and a hard worker from Christmas to the end of the season and I just didn't notice it ?. I agree he did not play well when he returned from injury I do not know anybody who would turn down £10k a week + a large signing on fee - to remain in the SPL As for lack of ambition - Boyd has achieved his lifetime abition - by playing for us In my opinion he has made the right move
  14. We did not offer him the terms he wanted or something else happend to change his mind - people are allowed to do that Yes his form was poor to the end of the season - that happens with players - I cannot see anything dishonest - and we would all look after number one - if we had the opportunity
  15. we cannot let the truth get in the way of bitterness - the comments on here when a player leaves our club are embarrasing Aye, that's why everybody's pissed off with Boyd because he's leaving our magnificent club. Open your eye's, he was dishonest, shite from Christmas and now he's proved he's a money grabbin bastard with no ambition. Rangers man my arse. He is a Rangers man - there is no doubt about that As for the rest of what you say - bitterness at its best
  16. I disagree - what did he say that was dishonest? Have you had a hernia operation? - there is no way he should have been playing as quickly after the operation - he was rushed back because of Lafferty's performances There are reasons why he left and maybe sometime we will hear what they were - as always happens a bit down the line
  17. we cannot let the truth get in the way of bitterness - the comments on here when a player leaves our club are embarrasing
  18. I wish him well at Middlesborough - he done well for us over the years - and leaves a better player than he was when he arrived Its a pity that he is now getting stick for having the audacity to leave Rangers
  19. Fergie has benefited from his move Better than any other midfielders Scotland have at present He should be picked for Scotland
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