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Everything posted by PedrosHeroes

  1. When he gets the ball It's gonna be a goal He brought Celtic's treble dream to an end When the ball wen't round the bend x2 Super Jela x3 Oh Nikica Jelavic
  2. Oh Nikica Jelavic Your made Mulgrew and Forester both your bitch Oh Nikica Jelavic When get you ball Oh Nikica give us a goal
  3. Hey Britney Oops we did it again We beat your precious Celtic and we'll do it again
  4. What's diffence Celtic 2010/11 team and Whisky ? You can get trebles in whisky and not with Celtic
  5. Sometimes I just wan't to murder Thomson if I saw walking down the street
  6. Overated player when he left Arsenal and he's now George Michael's man slave servant just like Mr Garrison
  7. Simple solution is Have the Ibrox match on a Sunday while the Mhankies are drinking the Tesco Value Blackcurrant juice and thier eating prawn crackers at the chapel
  8. Don't get me wrong PSV are a really good side but we must not show fear
  9. What do you expect BBC Scotland is full of Mhankies and Mutton molesters
  10. Alex Salmond supports one of the biggest unionst working class protestant clubs - Heart Of Midlothian Football club and yet he allows these corrupt , evil and sectarian cult schools and welcomed one of Hitlers bumchums with open arms , that's being a hypocrite in my books and and come on Eck don't be one of them also don't get me started on Scottish Labour or the SSP because they make my blood boil even though I will never vote for anyone because they all titter for tatter
  11. Which Teams from the SPL makes you blood boil ? So I'll start off Cuntic - Obvious Aberdeen - bunch of scumbag mutton molesters Hibs - Neddy scumbags St Mirren - Taigs without bus fare Dundee Utd - Who ? exactly they think thier better than what they are ICT - Bunch of smug , arrogant wankpots
  12. Celtic , Aberdeen , Hibs , St Mirren , Sunderland , Real Madrid , St Pauli , Glentoran
  13. This proves that it's in that Aberdonians are fucking mean
  14. Yes Geordies can be pains in the arse but I would rather be one of them than be some arrogant Mancunian tosser
  15. Who was the asian player for Celtic , I think it was Yoko Ono I maybe wrong
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