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Everything posted by DaddySpook

  1. What is wrong with just using it like that,I mean it is only for a day. I'm using this..
  2. Nice work man(tu) I would throw a gradient map over it though just to make it all blend a wee bit better.
  3. Cheers man,aye it was official man,officially shit
  4. It is around £400 man or just check Warezbb,I'm sure they have a deal on Fog,I'll get on that tomorrow man,I'm photoshopped oot ma nut the night like
  5. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU Lucky I saved the PSD eh EDIT: Fixed man,thanks for pointing that out.
  6. Since the official one sucks...
  7. I can't really put players and that on them so just a couple of simple ones...
  8. A simple one man,not much I can do if you only want a name on it...
  9. Recorded this last night.... There was one more chip-in for Eagle but I couldn't find it.
  10. Aye man,love it. You sorted the colour out brilliant.
  11. The first Metal Gear solid for PS1 sticks in my head along with Quake and Resident Evil (both PS1 too)
  12. I think it is because white rabbit cracked it,I have the same one.
  13. You have left some red man,when you selct your red with the magic wand go to Select>Modify>Expand(set it to 1 or 2) then fill it man. Apart from that man....
  14. DaddySpook


    Searching Google for space,nebula and stuff like that brings up some useful stuff.
  15. Nice man and glad someone found a use for my lion
  16. I got asked a while back from member on here do design some stickers,they weren't that good but he never got back to me,last time I try and help him Here they are: Obviously he asked for some Hamburg ones too,if they are any good to yous then feel free to use them.
  17. Aye it is pretty heavy now,not a problem on a new computer though.
  18. I have used the free AVG for years.
  19. Blah man,just killing time before dinner
  20. I updated it with another simple design.
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