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Everything posted by grahamteuchter

  1. Govan front...great banter and singing
  2. A rubbish deal and retarded chairmen...ffs thats not good enough atll. Its us that brings the money to the table for them but they get us over a barrel every time... Atlantic League anyone?
  3. He would be getting hatricks every week. No question. Even now if Hutton was still here i reckon he would be getting more in.Not that he appears to have much of a problem with doing it
  4. Did you ask him if he had some spare cash to buy Rangers Legend!!!!!!
  5. ive pmd Rennie with it. not going to disclose on an open forum buddy, but the clue at the top of the page should be a give away. Fair enough, I believe you so im sure i will find out soon! Im hoping too, or im going to look a right c@nt no change there then nea bother watp52 ha rennie was right you are WATP52 you = sad you = strange, hostile and very difficult to understand Can we end this, If your WATP52, Your a total fuckin wank. Whats the story? what did watp 52 do?
  6. Exactly..lets take a breath and see what happens. Im staying hopefull
  7. I fuckin hope not but....until its confirmed then its no deal. They wouldnt (surely) just sell straight away. Surely there would be a bidding war for waht must be one of the best defenders in the UK.
  8. We as fans should make it crystal clear that we do not condone this kind of behaviour. These people tainted what was an amazing day for the club. The world was watching and these few fannys soiled it. Wether they were English, Scots, Irish or an eskimo does not really matter. There is no excusing them and it must always be pointed out than 200,000 fans were there and a 100th(at the most) caused trouble.
  9. Right who is the one that voted big Lee up front?/?? Admission time....? Boyd and Miller. Definately. Why change something that is not broke. If Boyd goes (which i hope he does in a purely financial financial aspect as we need a winger) then Lafferty in his place. Im not worried about the strikeforce at all. Not a lot of goals come from the midfield.
  10. We have a championship winning squad...its all good...thy are having to do the catching up now..As long as we arent hearing about Majid or Mendes going then im happy
  11. He lives and breathes Rangers. He is what a Rangers should be like
  12. They will play fancy attractive football but we will pump them. We will stodge them out of a game and nick results. We have a team that has the experience of winning a title. That goes a long way. We will win the league again...
  13. He will bring us back that bit of bite in midfield that we have ben missing. Let Mendes do the fancy stuff. Thommo back will bring mendes back into form
  14. I think we will make a real go of it. I dont think we will be horsed at all. Would love to get Real Madrid though. That would be amazing. I reckon we can qualify. Why not eh!! We are the Rangers after all
  15. Manager......Bill Struth Defender.....Terry Butcher (equiped with bloody headband) Midfielder.....Barry Ferguson (pre Blackburn) Striker..........Ally McCoist Supersub.......Nacho Novo Kit Man.........The wee bald man thats name escapes me, Jimmy Souter perhaps?
  16. Naples trash is there because the mafia run the refuse sights and its all messed up with corrupt pollaticians. I was there last year too as a part of a European tour and it was minging
  17. Glasgow is about a million times better than Edinburgh FACT! Paris is often touted as one of the greatest cities in the world - but in fact if you stray outside the clean zone, it is a complete shit hole. Glasgow is the best city in the UK. teuchters are nowt to do with Edinburgh...and where did i say that i hate ouigies???????? It was the idea that Glasgow was nicer than Paris....Glasgow is alright...its not the best city in the world by any stretch of the imagination Holy shit that made me pee with laughter why? Because maybe you are a teuchter and hate us weegie bassa's with a passion, except when it come to our teams of course. the only good thing about edinburgh is the M8 westbound
  18. im with you on this one..he is a cracking player...
  19. who cares...wether this is true or not. i dont really think it needs a reaction...even if he liked the boaby as well as the misses, i dont really think it has any importance whatsoever
  20. Glasgow is about a million times better than Edinburgh FACT! Paris is often touted as one of the greatest cities in the world - but in fact if you stray outside the clean zone, it is a complete shit hole. Glasgow is the best city in the UK. Holy shit that made me pee with laughter
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