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Everything posted by Gash07

  1. Dear Uefa, We write to you in response to the recent disciplinary action taken against our player, Steven Whittaker. We have evaluated all evidence and testimonies available and are deeply dissapointed at the number of games said player will miss. Please allow us to suggest the far more appropriate term of one entire season. Yours in sport The Rangers Fans
  2. Inactivity is a big problem with this guy, one of the most talented I've seen in years. Continually makes poor out of ring decisions which haunt him. He's one of those daft dudes that let the wife get involved.
  3. Will reserve judgement until he gets a run on the right.
  4. A recently approved £20 000/week contract says different. Unfortunately.
  5. I think it's time they closed the heavyweight division down.
  6. If someone could show Wylde how to throw the occasional step-over down the line and cut inside, then instead of relying exclusively on his pace he'd be a nightmare for a full-back.
  7. That was something else, Agbeko should have been going berserk long before the Knockdown/low blow, even the first knockdown was dubious. Donaire destroys Mares inside 5.
  8. Floyd fights in a months time, look out for Morales v Matthysse on the undercard will be a cracker. There is boxing live on premier sports which you will have if you bought Rangers v Malmo. 3am start, see previous post.
  9. Mares/Agbeko in the final of the bantamweight tourney final live on premier sports tonight. Should be good, I'm thinking Mares in 8.
  10. I'm not disagreeing that there was a tactical change, just saying I think big Goian complimented that.
  11. Looked the part, good distribution and looks to keep the ball on the deck.
  12. Big Goian helped a lot today. Was always looking to keep the ball on the deck and distribution overall was excellent. There were plenty of occasions today where the big man started to build from the back where if big Davie had been in his shoes he'd have touched it to the side and put his boot through it.
  13. Lol! Fleck looks like Diaby? Bwahahha!
  14. I reckon Rangers should attemp to make match day more of an "event". Maybe entertainment outside the ground, I'm imagining men walking around outside on stilts with megaphones singing and dancing, barbecue sites set up and beer inside would help. Maybe only for selected games but something to enhance the experience, something, as relying soley on the football to provide the value for money and entertainment will slowly kill this league stone dead.
  15. So we nurture this chump through his formative years, giving him excellent and expensive facilities, invaluable experience and guidance. Then, he jumps ship at the first opportunity so that someone else reaps what we sewed. To rub salt in the wounds they are so kind as to offer us back our own product to further his development yet further? No I don't thinks so, he chose to leave when he did and that decision comes with pros and cons.
  16. Give the man a chance. I think he has to take a huge slice of the blame for the Malmo fuck-up after the first leg disaster, but fuck me we are in the first fortnight of August. Time will tell but I think Ally is an intelligent, hungry and devoted man with plenty of football savvy and Rangers in his heart. Take a deep breath and relax it'll come good. Allys legacy is in the bank, he can only enhance it and I think given the correct support that's exactly what he'll do. Edit: I have to acknowledge his involvement the the most baffling undertaking involved with Rangers in many years, Steven Whittaker and £20 000 to £25 000/week, that is monumental.
  17. To me lafferty is on a par with Whittaker, not good enough.
  18. I'd have sacked the cunt after the Malmo debacle, gross misconduct, instant dismissal.
  19. I hope big Sam is currently nursing a badly bitten hand, that's all I'll say.
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