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Everything posted by stuart1994

  1. Tbh had no problem getting the tickets sorted, hopefully as simple as that in future
  2. Probably fucked if your anything but gold.
  3. Email out gold sale 12-4 silver sale 4-7 bronze 7-midnight
  4. Fuck knows got something in my order history marked for today, so hopefully it’s a good sign.
  5. Anyone any idea how long it’ll be before we find out who’s getting one ? Need to try and get work sorted if I get one.
  6. Registered for a ticket, don’t know anyone else who has. So will quite happily drive down and back up if it means getting to a game.
  7. Jesus, amazing what a load of home games and a decent draw can do for you.
  8. Happy England got beat for me it’s the same as the tims, don’t want them to win anything, as much as some English fans say they like to see us do well If we were in the final I’m sure a large majority would want us to be beat. On a footballing note I’m not really surprised they got so far, had an excellent rub of the green. One thing I will say is if I was an England supporter I’d want Southgate so far to fuck, literally went a goal up and never looked forward a total shitebag of a manager.
  9. Think that’s too much of a generalisation of a ‘CDM’ it’s just a position on the park the role they play is up to the system. For example Makalele sat the deepest of the midfield and was totally defensive where as someone like Pirlo was the deepest midfielder but was far more focused on the attacking phases of the game.
  10. On paper looks decent but like every other signing will wait till he kicks a ball before judging him.
  11. I know it’s only a friendly but what a game
  12. Good signing on paper, hopefully works out well for him, all the best.
  13. No surprised they raised there game against England, said on Friday after the game meant fuck all If we didn’t get a result against Croatia, and we didn’t. Buck has to fall on Clarke. Finished 15 points behind Belgium, 9 behind Russia in qualifying, scraped by Israel and Serbia on penalties into the Euros, then in the most winnable game he switched back to the old pals act. Worrying thing is there’s a decent enough squad there with a few really bright prospects. Really don’t think he should be trusted with that.
  14. Italians look good, always liked Mancini.
  15. Living off that penalty save in Belgrade.
  16. Wasn’t too confident especially after seeing the team, but I think England will hammer us on Friday.
  17. Also McGinn’s fucking hopeless, gets the ball takes a touch and falls.
  18. Clarke’s fucked it there man, shocking selection and a couple of shite subs, game was crying out for Adams, Patterson and Gilmour.
  19. Can’t name three was more of a dig at Josh Taylor’s not being on more than anything mr Billy bear meat.
  20. Honestly can understand how folk get out of boxing with all the shit what comes along, big fights not on TV, big fights not happening, scoring in fights being horrendous and Chuck in all these novelty fights. Can be scunnering
  21. With the amount of fences they cunts will need and an Aussie at the helm the piggery should be renamed the Great Barrier Reef.
  22. Renewed both ours on the Sunday night and had no problems and got a confirmation email straight away.
  23. Game and trophy presentation in the house with the old man, then out for a few at a mates house after. Where ever your celebrating have a fucking cracker bears !
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