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Everything posted by Ben10

  1. Come to expect this from that self-obsessed wank. Must kill him to see a player like Charlie Adam getting a multi-million pound move to Liverpool while he's grovelling for a team in the championship.
  2. Wonder what charge he faces.. 'threatning tim manager with foreign object' (winners medal) or possibly breach of fenian peace.
  3. Hopefully we don't resort to the this laughable Mcfadden. A deflected goal against Holland and a farmers strike against France should not be the bar you have to pass to become a Scotland starter and hero. Fed up with that bastard. I'd put Goodwillie up with Miller, a partnership we should have tried (amongst others) againt the teams in that cola coca tournament. Who knows who is eligible to play for Scotland these days ? As long as you don't play for Rangers and your grandfathers neighbours dog was Scottish come join us. As for centre-backs who knows, previous Scotland managers have managed to throw up the chuckle brothers for big games, the caldwells, mcmanus and caldwell etc, caldwell pressley etc etc. God knows.
  4. Nah pal, pull the other one. You said years.
  5. Brilliant Maybe the Scottish officials should carry pistols whenever they referee a seltic match. Should probably carry a bag load of ammo the amount of times the bastards dispute a throw in. Then claim it cost them the league.
  6. I thought the co-efficient had dropped because of the sheer rottenness of the Scottish national squad. Might be wrong though but I heard that Scotland's descendancy in the Fifa rankings had a bearing on the champions league places.
  7. This thread isn't exactly gathering pace is it..
  8. And you'd describe reaching the UEFA cup final as just 'decent' would you ? Pull your head out of your ass man
  9. For a Scottish team making the Europa Ligue from the Champions league is something to be admired.
  10. Don't see the enthusiasm for supporting this cretinous team and I do hope they collapse in the future. I despise their players and their staff, most of all that cunt Thompson. Rangers have carried the co-efficient for 3 years, and should continue to do so.
  11. So if Goodwillie plays that pretty much ends all interest from Rangers ?
  12. His passing is a disgrace, as is his hair, his facial hair, his tattoos and his whole fucking family.
  13. Love how the commentator tries to describe how beckham 'meant it' .. "You can see how beckham just added that little bit extra power to it" Fact is it was one of the shittiest corners I've ever seen. Nacho Novo could swing in a better ball than that. And did the commentator refer to the corner as a serve ?
  14. Whitt !? Has that word lost all meaning on here !?
  15. Liked the Alex Ferguson bit. Feel sorry for the Fozzer.
  16. I know, thank goodness he didn't walk throw the ibrox door. The number of boo boys would be throw the roof lol
  17. Rooney is on par with messi at the moment. Even the amount of times he chases down the full-backs in a game is something to be admired, when Rooney gets the ball in the box the usual outcome is a goal.
  18. Think some of its hilarious like dee dee the jakie. Well apart from that it is quite gash.
  19. I don't even understand why people are so quick to defend him, the fact of the matter is its because he was linked with us. He has no affiliations to Rangers whatsoever and if it was an Aberdeen player I don't think there would be any benefit of the doubt given.
  20. But it was almost identical to Mcgregor yet he was never charged.
  21. If you've been charged with a crime then the police must have substantial evidence against you to have the right to charge you
  22. Disgrace he's not goin back. Traynor said the day Fletcher would give him the captains armband without a doubt, doesn't deserve it.
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