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Everything posted by Ben10

  1. Alex has bastardised that team. Chris Smalling Gerrit fucking up ye ya cunt
  2. It's like watching the taigs vs the taigs supporters pub team. Shocking. Call me paranoid
  3. 3 nil United, with Kayal stretchered off with a broken leg, which will later rquire amputation. UNLUCKY
  4. How is this statement going to affect the persistant chanting of the songs ? This seems to me like disguised encouragement..
  5. Good shout, a micah richards and adam johnson in there.
  6. Good protestant fellow. A brother of the faith.
  7. Good protestant fellow. A brother of the faith.
  8. Fear not, we'll be back where we were in no time.
  9. The final nail should have been hammered into his coffin long ago. We've given him the slightest bit of breathing space. Must win on sunday.
  10. Everyone in scottyland is against us , have been for at least 6 years. The media and government. We are the oppressed
  11. Aye after that shites been put over it while a was out.
  12. If I had the chance to pick a country other than Scotland I'd take it, but not for the same motive as that filth. We all know why he chose Paddyland-and it had nothing to do with football.
  13. If Celtic get off scot-free by UEFA (probably won't but wouldn't surprise me) then I would expect tbb to make a long-awaited return and to be chanted loud and proud until we achieve a level playing field. If that doesn't work hang michel platini by his balls. Two wrongs don't make a right and all that but in this case yes they fuckin do.
  14. No, the sooner they are kicked out of the competition they have been illegitimately playing in the better. Kill their momentum dead, give them no hope of any fucking future
  15. Maybe but, just maybe he has a thesaurus in his pocket it all times.
  16. What was he before he became a 'pundit?' Does he have any right to call himself a Sports journalist ? Or Graham Speirs ? Why are these two bastards opinions higher than any other punter you meet in a pub ? Because they are thesaurus ready ? Frankly you shouldn't label yourself as sports 'journalist' if you have never been involved with a sport in your lifetime.
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