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Everything posted by Ben10

  1. Disgusting tactics from the taigs. Horrible diving bastards. Equally disgusting refereeing from that filth ridden bastard Euan Norris. And also, what the fuck is that ginger cretins ensemble all about ? Lycra jogging trousers and mucky white loveboats ? I honestly don't know whether to laugh or laugh harder
  2. I reckon he's had hair transplant surgery.
  3. What an unfortunate set of people Now it's UEFA that are the oppressors. 'I can't sing my terrorist songs, it's just like back in athenry'
  4. Doubt Levein would give it to that leggoeating bastard. How could you really ? The very look of him screams scum.
  5. Shagger and Miller are the only leaders in that team.
  6. Pointing it out to others that seem to be oblivious to that fact. No tims at Ibrox please
  7. Didn't it happen in the BF1 earlier in the season ? Big Rammy in the TBO/UB cos the poliss tried to lift a banner about the SNP ?
  8. Sorry tae disappoint ye but I'm not fat. I'm very slim. Godlike. I bet you're younger than 17 but. Either that or you're a thick cunt. On that note I think I'll retire.
  9. We all have a player we'd love to kick half to death. He's mine. The cunt would run from his own goalline just to get involved in an argument. Probably over play-acting, trying to get the player sent off. We all remember that incident with Mourinho when Inter knocked them out, a sore loser to top it off.
  10. Why would I be hurting ? I have no leanings to towards either Madrid or Barca. Just general observation, the guys a dickhead and I'd love to spit on his face.
  11. Aye he done himself wonders last night.. A fuckin wanker and scumbag of a guy. Absolute faggottron
  12. Has that mad Hamish cunt came out and publicly slated James Forrest for mirroring steven naismiths thoughts on the team GB matter ? I have my doubts
  13. I love all this fake pessimism. I'll go along with it. Aye man taigs are gubbing hearts by 5 goals (:pray:)
  14. Who in their right mind would admit they support one of the old firm when they're a pro in a neutral sport, in their prime ? He wants the whole of Scotland backing him not just one percentage.
  15. He certainly doesn't look like a brother of the faith.
  16. In all honesty I think he would make a brilliant manager someday. He must have a successful theory of the game, but sadly lacking in leadership skills. Thats my opinion anyway, who knows he might disprove my thoughts by becoming a worthy leader at a lowly premiership club. Blackburn for example. Who wouldn't have him as a coach at Rangers for instance ?
  17. A true testament to an overly friendly and disrespected coach. The footballers he refers to with nicknames would probably not know he he was or give a second care about him, which is sad. I like the guy a lot, but come on, be proffessional in commentary.
  18. It wasn't hard to predict his current situation when he left. He's a good SPL goalscorer nothing more.
  19. We had a realistic chance of qualifying out of the Unirea group, but we played as if we didn't deserve to be there at all and this year, with pisstakers like whittaker sealing our fate for us didn't help. Who knows, we may get there in the end.
  20. Surely basel going through gives us a bit of belief
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