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Everything posted by Devlin

  1. Op's a hivs fan. Fuck off back to p&b.
  2. To be fair the Liverpool fan that watches him live could be a full time online rager.
  3. I found Big V on Facebook hahahahhahahahahaah.
  4. If you want to exaggerate then yes it's just like that.
  5. If you poked my on the arm and i fell down then you shouldn't have poked me in the arm without knowing how much my arms can take, cruel bastard. Who are you to say what Torres should be doing with his life? Would you rather he was depressed on the dole?
  6. Posting to see what star pish i have next to my avatar. I have no clue how many posts i've made either EDIT - 4? Wtf is this shit, how do i get 5?
  7. I have a girlfriend mate i'm used to it In the grand scheme of things i don't care. I'm debating or at least trying to and i thought there was more to the stat you posted, i wanted to see if you had the stat i requested, you didn't. I don't care about Man Ures team or support believe it or not. You don't have to care to post.
  8. I'm saying he could have. How do you know what force would have taken him down in that situation?
  9. I'm not caring about any of this i was just simply wondering if you knew the answer to my question which you don't and i'm not following Casey's advice as i don't actually care about Man U's fanbase.
  10. No, i have a headache but my head won't explode. Can still be sore though.
  11. No Casey, not when i'm busy at work and Derek has already posted figures.
  12. How do you know Torres doesn't have weak shins?
  13. You had a figure for how many people worldwide were fans and i want to know if there is a figure of how many British fans make up that number.
  14. On RM? I'll disagree, everyone buzzing in the OT about what they're wearing out...
  15. Casey already gave me that shitey response. I know this, they will without doubt have the biggest fanbase in the UK however was that my question? No. Smart arses are only funny when they're being smart.
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