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real boydie9

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Everything posted by real boydie9

  1. Steven Davis to score ANYTIME 9/2 not a bad bet or Weiss 10/3 to score anytime worth a couple of quid I've took Rangers minus 1 goal 13/5
  2. 3-0 Davis, Weiss and Lafferty (an unlikely trio of scorers)
  3. That ugly looking fenian bastard PETER GRANT also cant stand SUTTON in fact I hate every cunt in a green and white jersey that plays or has played for THE ENEMY
  4. My first year on the Bears den what can I say ups and downs agreements, disagreements, all in all its been great fun all the best to all my fellow blue noses.
  5. I was one year out on the style of the top Jungle fighter 68 instead of 69 not bad for my memory loved that top.
  6. That top was the first one that was bought for me think it first came out 1969 and the style of the shirt lasted right up to 1978 i'm sure, someone will correct me if i'm wrong, its going to be so EMOTIONAL on Sunday.
  7. Kenny Miller 9/2 to score the first goal and 13/10 to score anytime worth a punt.
  8. The one with a fat fenian bastard in green and white with a certain number on his back i dont think you need me to tell you what number, i dont think the picture should have been in the bears den in the first place the thread has been removed i think.
  9. Where there's a will there's a way I'm pretty sure we wouldn't rise to any of their sick crap however the picture of the fat scum with the jersey on which was posted on the bears den had everyone including myself going mad and rightly so, thats my worry, as I've said I hope I'm wrong and everything goes fine and we'll be celebrating a 2-0 victory.
  10. I really hope I'm WRONG but I've a bad feeling about sunday with all the talk about THE SCUMS fans showing respect or not showing respect now there's talk about them unfurling banners during the game.
  11. I see a few folk have mentioned who THE ENEMY might play in their team I dont give a fuck who they play Rangers team selection is the only one I'm interested in it will be a 2-0 win for the Queens Eleven, Kenny Miller with the first and Kyle Lafferty with the second.
  12. Nae need for a tin hat were I'm concerned mate were all entitled to our opinion I personally CANT see them showing any respect at all.
  13. I saw it when me and my son did the tour of the brox del it'll be nice to see Walter repeating the feat on sunday after a comfortable win over the enemy.
  14. NOT A FUCKING CHANCE they're all scum dont let them fool you into saying how terrible that day was because they'll be saying the complete opposite to their fenian friensds FACT.
  15. Cheers del love the bit at the end with Walter toasting the Queen.
  16. Just checked out the game I was talking about, 1987 new year 2-0 win against the enemy on you tube 6min clip of Rangers doninating the scum led by Souness wish I knew how to upload it on to the bears den definitely worth a watch.
  17. That was fucking BRILLIANT more of the same on sunday any footage of Souness taking the cunt out of the enemy at the brox think it was the new year game in 87 might be wrong right enough.
  18. More chance of this Boyd playing for Rangers until the end of the season than KB I've said it before if Coisty was in charge it might happen but with Walter still manager it will NEVER happen he doesn't rate him and wont bring him back end of story.
  19. Couldn't watch it I was 10 that day lived in kinning park at the time wasn't allowed to go to the game but remember the sound and amount of sirens the thought still haunts me and ALWAYS will. So very, very sad and upsetting its going to be really emotional on sunday.
  20. The squad is good enough to beat the manky mob but i'm sure my fellow bears would agree it would be nice to get a few new additions to the squad whether that will happen who knows.
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