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Everything posted by JackAlex93

  1. Shite aye but got to see Price v Kim and then Cross smash in that 170 to win it last night. Getting a season ticket for world matchplay in July I think
  2. No was only down 2 nights mate. Got the train up the road today
  3. Dave Chisnall has tested positive now. Becoming a farce this tournament
  4. Hes the referee aye. The guy on his right is a marker and the guy on the left of the board is a marker as well
  5. Haha coming from you ya bus seat sniffing cunt
  6. 4 assists as well from alfie 👏
  7. It's been an incredibly smooth take over from Gio. Another win and we keep the gap at 6 points. We go in to 2022 in great shape! We welcome the chase.
  8. Barkas in goals. Never thought I'd see that again 😂
  9. Huge respect to the lad for speaking out about his struggles. Honesty and speaking out is the hardest step to make. Thankfully more and more males feel like they can open up these days without judgement. All the best CJ Novo.
  10. What a character shagger is 😂
  11. Thats a huge result tonight with all things considered. It's all in our hands
  12. When he's on his game he is top class. It's no wonder Gary Anderson raves about this guy
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