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Everything posted by JackAlex93

  1. Hypocrisy FC. The games should be played on the scheduled dates on the grounds of sporting integrity
  2. Looking forward to ruining more of @HuistraHairDodarts bets tonight
  3. 😂😂😂😂😂😂
  4. Quoted myself for some reason. @HuistraHairDoGet it up ye
  5. Nonsense, Kamara is streets ahead
  6. Spilling on to other threads talking about alcohol now. Help is only a phone call away bud
  7. Thats the Sherrock sideshow done for another year
  8. Folk booing Beaton are clueless about darts
  9. Just home and saw the Borland 9 darter. Fucking unbelievable. I've played in local competitions that he was in a few years ago and you could always see the boy has incredible talent. Silky smooth throw
  10. Paintings of last minute winners away to county 😂
  11. Looking forward to Ando v Lewis tonight. Hopefully it's a cracker. Two of the best in the world to watch when they are on it
  12. Coming in to some really good form right now. He will be vital away to Aberdeen and Celtic
  13. They are scraping by teams at the moment while we are confidently going about our business. We are the better team with the better players and its up to us to keep that going. Could be 7 points ahead this weekend with them playing in the cup final.
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