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Everything posted by JackAlex93

  1. Tarrier on my Facebook trying to tell me Patterson wasn't the difference when he came on. He set up the goal ffs. So bitter its unreal 😂
  2. First caller comparing Steve Clarke to Jose Mourinho 😂😂😂
  3. Can't wait to see the back of the internationals and watch us beat Hearts. Huge game this weekend!
  4. The most Scotland thing ever 😂😂
  5. Eilidh Barbours gutties 😂😂😂😂
  6. Somehow I don't think FIFA is for you mate 😂😂😂
  7. Can't help but feel the magic CFC broom will come out to play here aided by many in high places..... Nothing would surprise me in this cesspit country.
  8. No unvaccinated scum in our great stadium IMO
  9. Somehow I don't think Scotland as a country are going to take too well to us winning 56 this season....
  10. I've just always been a Rob Cross fan mate
  11. As a support many of us never learn when it comes to judging new signings. Can't expect everyone to hit the ground running after a handful of games. Glad to see he's starting to come on to a game now.
  12. Big Ange over at the away fans after the whistle 😂😂😂
  13. Hopefully Boydy is grinning today at Pittodrie
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