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Everything posted by Spectre

  1. I know for the national team and at St. Etienne at least he used to often play up front as a second striker, it's only with that in mind i could see him signing, there's no room for him in the midfield and if we have any money to spend on his wages they'd be going on a forward for me.
  2. Good scoring record given he's only played 140 minutes or so for us.
  3. I can understand many people in this country thinking like this, and also undertand that many people wont know about the racist use of this word but I'd expect most asians in Britain to know it is used as a derogatory term amongst asians (with a secondary effect that it suggests being white or "acting white" is a negative) and more so i'd expect a guy who is the self appointed moral guardian against racism to be well aware that the word coconut is in use as a derogatory racist term.
  4. There's almost no way an asian in Britain cannot be aware of the racist connotations of this word, it's very well known and when you're job is as some sort of self appointed guardian against racism then you're almost duty bound to research and know what racist terms are commonly in use. It's interesting the guy accuses him of having an anti Liverpool agenda, perhaps Man United are his other team along with Celtic. We've seen the underhand tactics first hand on here, Rangers fans misbehave and a report goes to the SPL and UEFA, Celtic fans misbehave and Piara passes the details of anyone who reports them onto Celtic.
  5. Article says they're trying to confirm he was free on Jan 1st, a totally insignificant date.
  6. Have you seen the transfermarkt free strikers list? Any free players at this stage are likely going to be pish or injured but even then they may be an improvement on what we have (although one of the two suggested isn't a free agent)
  7. Couple of sites saying Mbuta has signed for Dinamo Bucharest.
  8. de Oliveira could be getting his big move...
  9. That is strange, a warrant will not be issued without the applicant showing reasonable grounds for the request and the only thing that comes to mind is your pal having his TV in full view of a window so that the licensing staff ahve been able to view him "in the act" although that's the situation where a knock on the door usually results in an admission. If you're not going to have a licence but are still going to watch TV then you need to think smart.
  10. Hopefully he turns out to be a good signing and his first appearances were just down to not having settled in but so far he 's frustrated and looks to me like the type of player I hate. Does daft stepover dances when there's 2 metres between the ball and the defender before passing backwards, hopefully what we've seen is not what he normally plays like and he is actually capable if using some of that trickery to get by players not jsut to provide them with a few seconds of laughter.
  11. A license hasn't been required for radio since the 70's and the items you talk about receive signals, they don't broadcast them. If you genuinely think that simply owning a computer or a phone means you need a TV licence then the propaganda has worked, you're wrong and as I say, even owning a television does not necesarilly mean you need a licence, it's about the purpose for which it is installed. If someone does choose to go down the route of watching live broadcasts and not having a license then they'd actually have to be genuinely stupid to get caught though. Every single person caught last year was an idiot that allowed a person with no powers into their house or who admitted to them at the doorstep that they were using a TV to watch live broadcasts without a license. As I say, I have a license but if I didn't there'd be zero chance i'd get caught.
  12. Allows you to broadcast a signal? you're not even talking sense anymore. Try reading what you've quoted, It's saying a tv licence covers you to watch live broadcasts on various devices, not that owning the devices in themselves requires a licence, only if you use said devices to watch live broadcasts. I simply understand the legislation on tv licensing enough to know that you only require a licence if you install a tv for the purpose of receiving live broadcasts, so simply owning a TV does not attract the need for a license and even more so simply owning a computer doe snot iether, and simply owning a mobile phone does not either. I have a license, I watch TV, however if I stopped paying it tomorrow i would bet every penny I have that you would never see me in court over it, an endless stream of "warning" letters sent automatically to all unlicensed houses followed potentially by a man knocking on the door and being ignored will not see anyone end up in court.
  13. What it's saying is that having a licence covers you to watch live tv with any of those devices, not that you need a licence to have any of these devices, you don't even need a licence simply by virtue of owning a TV ffs.
  14. Daniel Cousin is under contract for a team in Gabon, why does everyone keep suggesting a guy that we simply cannot sign?
  15. He's signed for some Indian football franchise, not sure if they're within FIFA so he may be able to walk out on them but I doubt he would as they are paying silly money to a few old guys to play in these games. Another thing is that he was released by Parma after the transfer window shut so i don't think we could sign him anyway.
  16. I'd have thought the opposite tbh, if a club needs a player they've far less options now so these guys might think they can demand higher wages now. Supply and demand.
  17. I think his status at Rangers will stop him from walking but I also think in that video of him leaving the meeting he looked raging and probably wanted to tell Whyte to get fucked.
  18. Indeed, there was always talk that he transferred our debt to his company so that his company would be a preferred creditor if we enterred administration, beginning to think he transferred it to his company to hide that he's basically done nothing for Rangers since taking over. There's still a debt to Lloyds, it's just that it's his company that owe it but Rangers are in debt to and making repayments to that company so what has Whyte actually done? He'd say cleared Rangers debt but has he fuck. It's a sad thought to think things would probably be better under Murray with a bank guy on the board, I suspect we'd ahve a better front line going in to this weekends match.
  19. Should be aimed at them both, McCoist has been an idiot with some of his signings, in the summer it seemed he thought central midfielders were the answer to everything, "Need a left mid, i'll sign a centre mid that might be able to play there" but at the same time when McCoist goes to Whyte and says can i have money for some new players surely there's someone there, Whyte maybe, or someone else at the club party to the meeting who can say, aye but it better be for a striker since we have none. This Celik guy might turn out to be a good player but why on earth McCoist went after him and not a striker, although in fairness there's been quotes from him this month that made it look like he thought there's be some money for a striker coming, priorities though. Whyte must know that not signing a striker to replace Jelavic makes winning the league harder, not spending £400k to increase your chances of getting the CL money is a dick move.
  20. Because we didn't have enough strikers as it was and now we've lost our only talented one and brought in money but Whyte wont sanction spending less than 10% of it on bringing in Salihi.
  21. 5m + add ons could easily be equal to or greater than £6m or £7.5m. I think what probably matters to Rangers is how much is paid up front, a few million up front rising to 6m is probably far more appealing right now than £8m spread over 4 year installments.
  22. Aye, thought so, genuinely happened as above but I emailed them and the reply was basically "There was no site maintenance at the time so nothing could have went wrong" I could see the point if it went through at the lower odds, i'd jsut assume and accept that my bet went through just before the odds changed but that it went through at different odds from what I put on i'd expect the bet to not go through and for me to be asked to add the new selection to the bet slip.
  23. Aye, I realsied that after I posted, would have been nice to get an early move to Barca or Man City though but there's a few top flight portugese teams there to start a career with.
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