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Everything posted by DiscoDavie

  1. Oh No Duff & Phelps No Admins to sadden my eyes. No Jelly & Ice Cream We'll fuck Sellicks title dream. And we'll be back for the 12th of July
  2. Penny Arcade ........................ kinda miss the old days
  3. Twitter Rumours should be treated as that ....................... pish Don't think he could pass a rigorous medial at this time anyway, so doubt he's signing with anyone next week.
  4. Here is my Sega Murray 9 in a Row print limited print that hangs om my sons wall.
  5. Anyone else feel that the SFA want us to go down the route of CAS as they fear the backlash from all things mhanky if they were to uphold the appeal. If it is the CAS who up hold the appeal then they would throw their mhanky stained hands in the air and say well at least we wanted them punished?
  6. So I think for a protest we should do a mass rolling protest that would cripple the road infrastructure and grind these 2 road networks to a halt making most people attending the final late for the event. Whats your thoughts?
  7. And how do we do that when the mhedia and airwaves pander to these obsessed mhanks and fill their programs and papers with their deluded ramblings.
  8. It is a shitehole but enjoy the camaraderie of all your fellow bears who to a man, woman or child will be magnificent tomorrow for sure!
  9. Durranty was a cracking player with so much potential who was cut down by an nothing of a reptile of a footballer. If he had been allowed to flourish in the way he should have he would have been one of not only Rangers greats but Scotland's as well.
  10. "Get yer MB Bars" & Scoring against anybody at Hampden - the dust was incredible. My memories of 70s
  11. Torn between 2 loves ...........hard one .............. chose Laudrup as he had just that wee bit more class than Davie.
  12. Awesome!! Agree this is a major Fail Fail by the unwashed
  13. I'll tell you something, if he pulls this off there will be a lot of other "perilous" Clubs chapping CW's door for his blueprint.
  14. I am anything but embarrassed !! I am gutted !! I am hurt!! I am tearful!! I am steadfast and sure!! But no way am I embarrassed but if I was CW or SDM then I would be embarrassed. Our heads need to be held high and chests out and remember WATP!! or those dhirty mhanky smhelly feckers have won. (rant over)
  15. I trust that the SPL will always show an * against Celtic's title win for this to show forever more that they won it by default. No Surrender!!
  16. Best I can do is my red, white and blue tie with my suit. Will look good strutting down Coatbridge Main Street with it
  17. Good post Sir I've said all along CW has a plan and keeps his cards close to his chest (thank feck). He may have had to do the difficult things but he has done them for a reason and I do think it is for the best of Rangers. Give the team and Ally and CW all our support and show the mhedia and the tarriers that we are behind our beloved Rangers 1 and ALL! WATP!!
  18. +1 I'll be last hence I stay away from the bookies.
  19. I'm up for this thread - watch junkie that I am.
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