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Everything posted by SwallowsHisOwnSpunk

  1. Genuinely couldn't pick a man of the match today there are far to many to choose from.
  2. For our 60th minute double sub id let Burt and Thomson have a go at them.
  3. Couldn't fault a single Rangers player today everyone of them has been outstanding.
  4. Nah MOH was pulling his shirt aswell would have been very soft.
  5. Shut up you goon Mullholland is only here because Mr. Warburton has take a look at his work and is more than happy for him to keep redeveloping our youth system if Warburton thought he wasn't upto it then he would have been fucked off somewhere else. There is a reason than Southampton offered him a position as head of their youth academy!
  6. No MOH isn't capable he isn't a goal scorer at all! he's more of a winger than a striker, he might be able to do a decent enough job and get about 10 goals but he will never replace Waghorns goals. If Waghorns injured long term we need the rest of the squad to step it up again and start contributing goals from all over like they did at the start of the season! Starting front three should be... MOH Miller McKay
  7. There's more people watching on that shitty stream than there are at the game ffs, fuck you UEFA and fuck you SFA
  8. Fucking joke that this isn't even on RTV UEFA are a bunch of cunts if the SFA had any balls they would have ignored these bullshit rules that are only there to make the rich richer and the poor poorer.
  9. So your idea is to do nothing and just let Scottish Football and including us die? Because that's what will happen its passive lazy attitudes like yours which have gotten us to the stage we are at now.
  10. Anyone who doesn't want us to go for this idea (or any similar idea) is a thick small minded cunt! Scottish football is dying and it's only going to continue to get worse. The only people who are against it are the fans who love to go upto Dundee, Brechin or some other teuchter shitehole to get pissed but the fact is the fans will need to sacrifice away days and maybe go and watch us away once every other month or so! I know I would rather watch us in Brussells or Amsterdam than I would every other week in Dunfermline!
  11. Anyone know what the Match Stats are so far? i.e Corners, Total Shots, Shots on Target?
  12. Papac without a doubt. Half the people voting for Wallace are the ones that were calling him shite and saying we should let him go for nothing this time last season. Papac has performed at the highest level consistently and while not as good going forward as Wallace he was still pretty decent.
  13. It's definetley more than that! £2k for Clark is probably accurate but Shiels, Law & Templeton are on between £6k and £9k a week it was widely reported what sort of contracts were being handed out when McCoist first started signing SPL players and as someone else said there wages were due to rise after each year of their contract. http://m.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/30524862 So Kevin Kyle was on £2kpw + bonuses ffs and in the 3rd Division we had players on £8.5kpw and like he said their wages increase after each year.
  14. Are certain posters on this forum going to apologise for putting the delay down to McKay having a shocking attitude/ego and trying to engineer a move to Derby.?
  15. Foderingham--7 Tavernier--5.5 Kiernan--7 Wilson--7 Wallace--7 Zelalem--5 Ball--6 Halliday--4 Miller--6 Waghorn--4 McKay--6.5
  16. Fuckin hell it just isn't our day is it, we don't look like conceeding but we don't look like scoring either.
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