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Everything posted by loyalfollower

  1. Imagine we win all our remaining games- secure the cup and keep garner upfront next season!! whoevers manager and whatever transpires for the rest of this year at least 50% of the players need binned. I won't let any potential old firm win or cup win make me forget the tyncastles and piggery shambles.
  2. I would've expected the ones that walked away already had clubs lined up
  3. Never saw any teams from England interested in Wallace and let's face it if any player had a better more secured offer they would take it. that said I wouldn't rock the boat anymore by putting an out of contract guy as captain for the last 10-12 games
  4. His commentary is an abortion of the highest order. He's that bad he wouldn't get a job at the ones you mention
  5. This board will appoint the cheapest of cheap and that will be the end of it.
  6. Be worth paying for if they get shot if that tom miller. Shocking commentary
  7. Commentators must be blind aswell as me then mate
  8. We've tried everyone in the DM role so for me we have to try Wilson. Simply because he naturally stays back and most of the time has a great range of passing. What do we have to lose?
  9. Can't believe garners miss.. supposed to be a striker aswell and folks think having a partner would make him score ??. we probably deserved the win but we can't keep being sloppy up top and at the back. It's criminal. was impressed with holt McKay and hyndman linking up well but I don't want to be a kill joy we weren't pressed like teams normally do against us. The handful of games that hasn't happened we've won. Our midfield had a lot of space and the full backs had a lot of joy getting forward. As much as we were good stjohnstone never pressed us.
  10. Impressed with the attitude and application. Toral abit careless on the ball and should've scored 1 from a header. Just nearly conceded as I'm writing this aswell. Get the next goal Rangers!!
  11. This season almost mirrors their John Barnes season but with a bigger points gap. Just a shed load of players bought with literally no plan how to integrate them. Hopefully the new manager can motivate them to run that extra few yards and get a foot in the tackle and give them the confidence to go on and be good players.. hopefully
  12. A physically and mentally weak side.. all the attributes of many teams but not a Rangers team. that toral is a complete waster I'd sooner have Nicky law! anyway get into them Rangers and start realising you don't get 3 points for a draw!!
  13. I want it public to see what reaction we get from the players. I'd like to hope they'll think " lets show what we can do and prove everyone wrong". That's what I hope anyway. Whereas keeping everything in house would still be giving the players a free ride.
  14. Any starting line up this year is an abomination really. Just swapping one shite player for another
  15. I would like a manager in just so he can asses this shambles to see who he can get a player out of. The longer that goes on the more it could cost us in budget for summer as we'd be paying folk off before we can add to this squad. I still can't believe this set of bastards never had a plan in place.
  16. 2 cheeks if the same arse that gave us on soft loans the difference being the current loans are swapped for equity (allegedly) whereas the loans from Ashley and easdales were secured as I'd guess at stock market rules. But for some reason fans get up in arms about a dingy building or a car park being used as security for loans. Bearing in mind these have nothing to do with the most important side of the business. its just bollox really and it's a good job a lot of fans don't use forums because they'd be drove away in their thousands by the shitty politics( I know in football). we all want the same end game, to be successful so why can't these puppets stop mud slinging and urge the board to reach out to one if the wealthiest men in Britain and come to an amicable business relationship where everyone's a winner. it wouldn't be hard surely?
  17. The main point of the article is lack of fight.. if we were 3 points behind we wouldn't have lack of fight and it would be a non story.
  18. The 2 goalies though never got a chance to show any balls or fight. They were just planked on the bench and judging by gilks. He couldn't wait to get away from that shower
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