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Everything posted by bornabear

  1. Get another, younger lorraine, this one's tooooo old and probably hasn't got a good fuck left in her
  2. Tut tut gogzy, admins shouldn't use naughty words like AHAHAAHAHAHAHA
  3. Look out, the eejit's are about. Didn't mean it to be poetic, but fuck, happy days are here again. Written by a guy who should be in an institution.
  4. Well, fellow bears, what a season of happy days we've had and still two more to come. The edinburgh taigs to stay down and the cup in the Ibrox trophy room. Bye bye Thomson and take yer shitey team and stick it up yer arse.
  5. Hibs A couple of short weeks ago they were spouting about a treble.
  6. Jumped off the Erskine Bridge after today's game on his way hame.
  7. You're right in your first sentence, but from there on, you're wrong. We gave them a goal start then hammered them, they had the better of the game today (according to stats) and lost. "This result means nothing", wrong, this result means we are 3 points ahead of them already. Simples.
  8. Great weekend, ending with ICT - Incapable C***** Treble. GIRUY ya papish shite.
  9. Best laugh I've had in weeks. petrie's boys "butchered" by lower (now higher) Club.
  10. Now THAT would make for a very good shout about at the game tomorrow.
  11. Seriously, bears den ? Really seriously, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. GIRUY.
  12. The main reason for this is to rip out the red seat and replace them with blue ones, ready for our return, always supposing they still exist then. We're having a good week ha ha ha ha.
  13. Just been reading on BBC website that Mad Vlad is broke, his bank is in admin and he is trying to sell his shares to fans consortium etc etc. The bit that struck me was where he says his bank's administrators are running the Club. If this is right, then surely that makes Hearts in administration !! or am I wrong ?
  14. So here we have the first Club to go into Admin since our demise last year. It would be welcoming to see exactly what the SFA does, by means of sanctions against Dunfermline FC. My guess is that it will show us and the whole Football World, just how vindictive they (SFA) were when it happened to us.
  15. The Office is in the centre of Soho. This tells you why Liewell is always jetting down to London and what he goes to see. He's after the little girls/boys and Rooney's after the Granny element.
  16. If Hearts do go to the wall, it would be a tragedy, but, if that's the case, I would expect nothing other than they receive the same treatment (sanctions etc) as was given to us. I wouldn't like them to go through with what we had to this year, but, their overwhelming sympathy toward us makes for a hard reciprocation. The biggest thing to come out of this, should it happen, is for the SPL to become redundant, Dungcaster to resign immediately along with the other halfwit o'regan. These 2 degenerates are and have all but destroyed Scottish Football. So much for Dungcaster's "everything's rosy" in the SPL and the absolute silence from O'regan. Somehow, I see President Fatboy Salmond riding to Hearts rescue.
  17. If I knew of a story of this magnitude, I'd drop more hints and make lots of dosh out of it. To me it's a worm on a hook.
  18. ffs Ricky, I thought I was having an eye test
  19. Lemon asked the ref at half time if there could be 2 balls in the 2nd half as Barcelona was keeping it all the time.
  20. No.... they were on the same park as Wales.
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