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Everything posted by Skyson1872

  1. Cheapest flights I can find now are £115
  2. I hope not, me and 3 others are wanting to go and if we don't get tickets for our end we are just getting tickets in their end.
  3. Skyson1872

    PC Build

    I have a 512gb hard drive if the SSD isn't enough and I could just use cloud as well
  4. Flight to Berlin then get the train, takes about an hour.
  5. You still go to playgrounds? You're a big beasty bastard
  6. Skyson1872

    PC Build

    Trying to stay away from AMD processors, especially since I have a separate GPU
  7. Skyson1872

    PC Build

    I'm new to this, sort of done one before but was wondering if any of you experts on here could help me. Trying to build quite a powerful PC on a small budget (Roughly £300-400) I already have a reasonable graphics card which I will update in the future (current one is a Radeon R7 200) and already have a power supply. This is what I have came up with so far. Intel i5 3570k - £100 (Old I know but still easily capable of pulling out over 4Ghz) Gigabyte GA-P61A-D3 Motherboard - £40 2x4GB Vulcan RAM - £38 (I picked this because its cap was 2400 MHz which I assume is better) Crucial MX300 275GB SSD - £68 Case - https://www.overclockers.co.uk/cougar-mg100-micro-atx-gaming-case-black-ca-010-cu.html - £28
  8. I'm not playing it until the editor comes out, its annoying as fuck because of our players are so shite rated. O'Halloran has 11 dribbling yet there are 18 year old Killie players with 15 dribbling.
  9. He isn't like that, aye he might not be the best of managers but he has respect for both himself and the club, he has said all along at this club you don't get too many chances to get it right
  10. I can see Warburton walking if we don't win on Saturday.
  11. He can't be all that bad if he has been a regular in a league far better than the Scottish Prem at the age of 21
  12. Say what you want about the signings, but most people were happy with our transfer business in July and have already wrote them off after they have played 3/4 games
  13. All the leaks about transfers? We never fucking found out about half of them until they were in auchenhowie fs and all this shit about bust ups, no one even fucking knows what happened
  14. The back 4 have been solid for most of the season, it's been the piss poor attack that has lost us most games
  15. The only signings anyone should really be arguing with is Hill, Senderos and Kranjcar. Hill and Kranjcar are both playing well but due to their age and injury past I can understand why people wouldn't want them. Dodoo was a good signing, if he was shite Ranieri wouldn't have wanted to keep him. Rossiter was a class signing. Crooks and Windass were being chased by Championship clubs like Brighton. Hodson and Gilks weren't exactly bad signings. Garner, we maybe overspent but we can't really judge him yet. We can't really judge any of them, they won't play their best football for a good few months yet.
  16. Stop talking shite, I know cunts don't like the board but they aren't fucking brain dead.
  17. If we played the way we are supposed to with fast attacking play we would create chances for him to finish.
  18. Lets judge a goal poacher without seeing him get any service The cunt has made his career out of scoring tap ins and headers, how many crosses has he had whipped into him? How many decent chances has he actually been given?
  19. 1. He done what everyone has been complaining about on here and changed the team about a bit, which actually worked to an extent. 2. How on earth has he failed the board? Did he say to them, "Gees £2m and I will build a team of 22 players and win the treble with them in the first season" 3. The players fucking failed him, they showed no fight, no determination and no desire. Warburton told them what to do, go out and be brave on the ball and take the game to them and only 2 or 3 of them done that. 4. Our defending is nowhere near as fucking bad as made out, if it wasn't for our piss poor creativity and attacking play we would have scored at least once today.
  20. Lets be honest, their squad should be better than ours. What has pissed me off the most again is the lack of fight and determination, that comes with any level of quality.
  21. Wallace again for fuck sake, absolutely woeful defending there.
  22. Sums up the full season for me, absolutely gutless up front and we concede a poor goal then all of a sudden it becomes the defences fault for losing and noone elses
  23. Almost every single one of their chances have been from one of our shitey misplaced passes.
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