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Everything posted by Skyson1872

  1. Aye if he said something like "Good luck to all the lads today, get us 3 points" that would be completely different. The way he worded that is like someone nothing to do with the team.
  2. O'Halloran is unbelievably shit this year
  3. I crumbled and bought it half an hour ago Just about to start it.
  4. If I paid attention in lectures I wouldn't need to but they are boring as fuck so far
  5. I've only been going to Uni 5 weeks
  6. I leave for uni at half 7 every morning, get home at about 4 and most nights now I have labs which means I won't get home until 6ish those nights. By the time I make dinner, go over notes and then do some studying its like 11.
  7. Same I don't have a minutes spare time because of Uni so I'm just going to get it after my exams in December. I stopped reading there Why the fuck did you buy McGinn? and 2.2m for Souttar???
  8. Exactly, last season with the exact same training methods most likely we had very few injuries, but now that we are starting to get them it's the managers fault like fucking everything else is.
  9. Neymar isn't exactly a powerhouse and he copes at the top level, Xabi Alonso isn't a speed demon but he has comfortably controlled midfields for years. You don't need to be a physically gifted person to get to the top, it helps, but in the end it's all down to ability.
  10. Aye its ridiculous the amount of money Porto make from buying Brazilian, Uruguayan and Colombian players Good business though int it, if we could do it I'd fully expect us to.
  11. In the long run I reckon we could be the big dogs of a league like that just due to sheer fan base and sponsorship revenue etc, but for the first few years Ajax, PSV, Benfica etc would win most games comfortably.
  12. If Benfica and Porto were involved they would wipe the floor with every cunt
  13. All these pointless digs at the manager are starting to do ma fucking nut in. What is the need in it? How does he love him? Cause he plays him over Wilson all the time? He has played 2 or 3 more games than Wilson over the last 15 months. Cause he gave him an extension? Hardly showing he loves him, maybe he was just securing him incase we sold him etc and wanted to recoup some of the fee.
  14. If anyone finds a Matheus Pereira, please buy him and I will give you 30 grand, not seen one on the market in like a week
  15. Anyone up for a game the now?
  16. Name a scout that hasn't signed a few duds. Every single one of them has, and the ones who have signed very few of them are at teams like Dortmund and Juve
  17. The defence has been criticised for months now about crosses into the box, tonight I would bet my left nut that we cleared more than double maybe even triple those we didn't clear. Wes was commanding as well, generally I thought we defended well tonight.
  18. The same pile of pish that held the tarriers to a draw ? Can't be that pish
  19. Senderos should be ahead of Kiernan and I wouldn't have started any of that front 3 unless Waghorn was at striker. MOH and Dodoo ahead of McKay and Miller any day of the week.
  20. Aw I thought that was far too big a sum Ye would need to be a vegetable to not see how this links with the club, so many inviduals on it who either played for them or had high positions.
  21. Four hundred and thirty fucking four million. I knew they cunts done it but for fuck sake that is ridiculous.
  22. I paid around 12k for Leno I'm sure, he is an absolute monster for me. Going to sell Mor, Quaresma and Ozyakup and get a full bundes team cause I could get Chicarito, Bellarabi and Thiago just from Mor alone.
  23. How class is Jonas
  24. You're a tarrier bastard so it doesn't matter what you think ya cunt
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