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Everything posted by tgblue

  1. definate, just rewinded and listened again, no doubts he does call him that
  2. Anyone have radio links they could send my way? thanks
  3. The links on the 1st page for non uk based bears do not work, does anyone have the updated links. In addition does anyone know the link to bbc scotland (mw810??) so I can listen to the match build up and after the game. Unfortunately over here in OZ you just get the match and no analysis. Thanks
  4. Half hearted performance so far, need a rollocking at HT and to start moving thh ball quicker, as naismith is playing so central, he should be playing left and let Wiess play on his prefered right
  5. Watching on Setanta? hopefully more of our 3pm games get shown here
  6. ham should be 3 up already, foster pulled of two amazing saves scumdome is silent
  7. watching it the now, oh please hang on!! blow your whistle ref
  8. What missiles? never saw that on footage
  9. Any bears got these so oversea bears can view? thanks in advance
  10. Thats my understanding too, the rule used to be when the ball stopped moving forward (the ball clearly spins backwards towards the taker) the pen is technically over. 1986 world cup France vs Brazil pen shootout, there was a pen which hit the keeper and bounced of his head/back and ended up in the net, im sure that was deemed a miss. Unless the rule has changed however
  11. Anyone got the links to the stations for non uk based gers?
  12. Nah he's bought his ticket tae Glasgae, he's nae ineligible for the CL now!!!!
  13. we can offer support to Villa now that specky dickhead, wanker, cock head, springy/overactive shit for brains has left!!!! mind you tbh I would love rapid to go though coz we have JELEVIC!!!!!
  14. Fuck me he must me top drawer, not in squad but those odds!!!!
  15. With Weiss and now Jelavic expected soon, what a couple of days this has been, as they say absence (two years without transfers) sure does make the heart grow fonder!!!! COME ON THE GERS!!!!
  16. Performance mode, your nothin more than a boy racer Canadaready!!!
  17. Thanks for the heads up OZblue, Setanta booking today after all
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