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Everything posted by Iakona

  1. Head to head season matches are turning into a farce with this controlling the goalkeeper nonsense... Basically its a cheat to get around tactical defending! When you're defending press SELECT, you'll switch to controlling your keeper whilst the computer does all the defending for you. When it wins the balls back you takeover again... Such a moronic feature, why on earth did EA add this? Won't be playing randoms until this is removed, if its not removed soon FIFA12 will be getting punted.
  2. Doesn't really take a genius to work that one out bro... Obviously a top end 2011 gaming PC will out perform a console that uses components from 6 years ago. The only game mode that has far more players is conquest(64 players).. The rest of the game modes are either 24 or 32 players. Bigger doesn't nessacerily mean better either.. Look at MAG, it had support for 256 players but it was still shite!
  3. Mouse + keyboard. Its far more accurate.. If you try and use a controller on-line you'll get destroyed.
  4. You'll be selling yourself short if your basing your impressions solely on the BETA. It's not a demo remember, its DICE's last attempt at testing the mechanics of the game. The textures have been lowered to reduce the file size.. Visually the full game WILL look better. There's also no open maps or vehicles in the BETA.. Only an infantry based map that's very compact. The vast majority of BF maps are nothing like the one in the BETA.. Weapon damage and so on will be tweaked. Destruction will play a bigger part in the full game. Just remember this game is heavily based around physics.. So you have to deal with bullet drop and recoil. I really wish they gave up Caspian Border instead of Operation Metro.
  5. Iakona

    G Force

    No secret handshakes required. They get their delivery at lunch time, so the earliest they'll sell it is around 1pm-ish. Dummy boxes are on the shelf so either take one of those up to the counter or just ask for it. You won't be the only one there, so you'll have to queue for a bit. Far as i know it's the ultimate edition they are selling for the pricely sum of £48.
  6. You should be able to change the button configuration? I can see why you would think its like Medal of Honor, but trust me the full game will be a lot different! I reckon the made a poor choice with using Operation Metro as the BETA map.. Don't get me wrong I like the infantry based maps but they really don't show people what Battlefield is really about. Rush is kinda like search and destroy.. If your attacking you need to blow up the 2 mcomm stations(A and B on your map). If you blow both of them up the defence fall back to another base and another 2 mcomm stations appear. Rinse and repeat until you've taken all of their bases(usually 3) Defence win by getting 100 kills and defending the mcomms.
  7. Aye the one with the beard is a rangers fan. Skip to 41 seconds!
  8. People are moaning about the graphics being dogshit.. Completely forgetting that its been compressed to the max to lower the file size. It looks pretty decent in my opinion.. The wide open area's with foliage and trees are a bit meh, but the subway and area's with buildings are great. Will hopefully look alot better in the final release!
  9. Starting to like the map a wee bit more now that I know where everything is. Finding some nice wee passages that a lot of defenders don't know about yet.. Seemingly the 360 version is suffering from connection issues, PS3 version is fine though!
  10. Those stats are from an older database. Should be tweaked with the day one patch.
  11. Prices aren't confirmed until it goes on sale.. Even if you see it advertised before hand it can literally change at 23:59. I'd expect it will be some sort of bundle deals this year.. I.e. FIFA12+Microsoft points for £39.99 or 2 chart games for £50 etc.
  12. Its 1.3gb and is worthy every megabyte. To sum it up.. The good The gameplay, the sounds and the graphics The bad The fucking idiots who think they are still playing Call of Duty. Seriously stop fucking camping in some wee cranny in the middle of nowhere, you are no use to your team doing this. If your attacking, attack the fucking base or at the very least offer some real support. The ugly Not really a fan of the map.. It's pretty linear, as such there's not many vehicles, if any.
  13. Iakona

    Ps3 Online Pass

    Go to your account management page on the playstation XMB. Go into transaction history and find the FIFA11 online pass.. Re-download it and your good to go.
  14. Creation centre ratings McGregor 76 Whittaker 69 Goian 67 (34 sprint speed!) Weir 64 Papac 67 Davis 78 McCulloch 63 Edu 66 Ortiz 68 Naismith 76 Jelavic 76 ---------------- Alexander 71 Bartley 65 Bocanegra 71 Wallace 72 Lafferty 70 Broadfoot 62 Bedoya 71 Wylde 69 (he's bloody rapid!) Healy 69 Ness 68 Perry 53 McMillan 52 Cole 51
  15. Create an American PSN account and you'll be able to download it. You'll need to Google an american address though! Doesn't go on the euro store until 5pm tomorrow.
  16. Marketplace updates every day... Where as Sony only update the PS store on Wednesdays. Glad to hear we're in it still!
  17. Where did you see this? I can't check as its not on the PS store yet.
  18. Apparently it's on marketplace now.
  19. Do the defending tutorials before you play a game..
  20. Indeed nothing new apart from... tactical defending precision dribbling player impact engine improved career mode EA football club Improved head to head system(now based on divisions/leagues instead of skill level) Seems people really are underestimating the change that tactical defending will have. As for the demo.. 13th for Xbox 360 14th for PS3.
  21. They just said a bid was rejected, nothing about the price or if they were planning another.
  22. Tackling is harder than FIFA but that's not a bad thing.. Once you get the knack and develop abit of skill it becomes easier! Tackling and pressure in general is far too easy in FIFA, it's autopilot at times.. Defending/Tackling is supposed to be an art, some chunt from St Mirren shouldn't be able to consistently tackle like he's Maldini.
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